“But you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.”
Romans 8:15–16
When I was a child, I didn’t see my father express a lot of emotion unless he was angry. He would praise me on the soccer field or if I got good grades, but he didn’t always tell me he loved me or shower me with affection. I still remember the day my dad drove me to college for my freshman year. I was filled with excitement and nervousness as I anticipated moving away from home.
As we were driving, I looked over at my dad and saw tears streaming down his face. I was stunned because I had only seen my dad cry maybe once or twice in my eighteen years of life. Although he was very supportive of my attending college, he was overcome with emotion that day at the thought that I was moving away. I realized at that moment the depth of my dad’s love for me. His tears expressed far more than words ever could and gave me a deeper love and gratitude for my daddy.
Whether or not we have a good relationship with our earthly father, we are invited to connect with God as the Father of mercy.
God shows Himself to be a compassionate Father over and over again. He doesn’t always give us what we want or wish for, but He offers us His very presence, which is a gift of mercy.
Ephesians 2:4-5 says, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace, you have been saved…”
Dear Lord, I am grateful for Your grace, patience, steadfast love, and faithfulness. No matter what my relationship looks like with my earthly father, thank You for being a perfect example to me of a father’s love. Help me to be like You and to show compassion and mercy to others around me. Amen.
Story by Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young as published in Create in Me a Heart of Mercy
Create in Me a Heart of Mercy is now available, and we are SO excited to be kicking off our Summer Online Bible Study! We can’t wait to spend six weeks going through the Create in Me a Heart of Mercy Bible study, written by Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young and featuring stories from several of our (in)courage contributors. Here’s what you need to know:
Join the Heart of Mercy Online Bible Study!
1. You’ll need a copy of the Create in Me a Heart of Mercy Bible study to fully participate in the study. We will provide the reading guidelines, discussion questions, and teaching videos along the way!
2. Officially sign up for the study (it’s free to join!). Click here and register. When you do, we’ll send you the first week from Create in Me a Heart of Mercy AND a printable page of Scripture Memory Bookmarks for FREE!
3. The study runs from June 19th to July 24th. Every Monday you can start that week’s lessons and tune in for “Moments of Mercy with Dorina” — an inspiring teaching video that will encourage you along the way! On Mondays, we’ll send you an email with the memory verse, a link to the video on YouTube, lock screens, reflection questions, and more. You’re invited to join the conversations on our social posts each Monday and Thursday as well.
This really couldn’t be easier!
Invite a few friends to join you! Send them to this page so they can sign up! If you’re looking to connect with other women in real life, this is a great way to do so. Just work through each week of the Bible study, gather (in person or online) to watch that week’s video, enjoy your own discussion, and close in prayer. We even have a Leaders Guide ready for you!
That’s it! Super fun and low-stress, right? That’s how we like to do things in the sweet summertime.
Don’t have your copy of the study yet or want to give a copy to a friend? Cue a GIVEAWAY*!
Tell us in the comments if you’ve got your book already or to whom you’d like to gift a copy, and we’ll pick FIVE of you to WIN a free copy of the Bible study! Then mark your calendars for June 19th when we kick off the Create in Me a Heart of Mercy Online Bible Study!
Join the online study and let’s seek hearts of mercy — together.
Listen to today’s article at the player below, or wherever you stream podcasts!
Since I don’t have a copy of the study, I would probably selfishly keep it for myself.
I would like to gift my friend Andrea.
I have my copy and I would like to give a book to a Granddaughter.
I don’t have a copy yet.
Good morning. I will like a copy. Thank you
Don’t have my copy yet
I’d love to give a copy to my Sister in law. Her and my brother are going through a tough time and may be headed to a divorce. She needs some love and encouragement.
Don’t have my copy yet!
One for my friend Amy and one for me so we could this study together – which would be the first of many Bible studies we could share together ❤
I do not have a copy yet, but I’m looking forward to this study.
Dornia thank you for this post it has spoke to me. I have my Dad. I love him lots. But he not the earthly Father I like him to be to me. I see and here my Friends saying that have not got their Fathers as they are glory now. How good their earthly Father was to them. I longed for my earthly Father to be like that to me. He my earthly Father is 82. I do his Home help. I do on to love of the Lord and the Love of my Dad. I get once in blue moon as the saying goes. A thank you for doing it for him. My earthly Father is not saved hasn’t a notion of getting saved. He doesn’t even go to Church expect if someone he new passed away. He fell he had to go. I along with my Husband are the only ones in my family saved. The best present my Dad could give me before he leaves earth is to know he is saved. My Dad has a mind of his own. You can’t tell him he needs to get saved. As he tell you to keep all that to yourself. Say your good to believe all that stuff. Start asking you questions you can’t answer. Ask why do believe what you saying to the question I asked you. It goes on and on like that. SoI just pray and live my life for Jesus in front of him. He can be very stubborn and headstrong. Set in his own ways. But God has told me nothing will change until my Dad gets saved. He will only think of himself and no one else. As long his world ok. But when he does appreciate what I do for him in doing his house says it once in a blue moon thank you for doing my house. I smile as he does appreciate it. Even though at time he can ask did you do that you done it. You say yes and you can get annoyed as at times he doesn’t believe you. That is where the Old Devil Satan can use my Dad to make me cross. That can causes rows. Which I have to be careful not to have. Love today’s reading. Where is says create in me a heart of mercy. Thank you for it. Keeping you all in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
I do not have a copy yet. I would like to have a copy for myself and my mom. Thanks for another opportunity to win.
This summertime study sounds truly wonderful! I’d so love a copy, & one for my Beautiful Friend/ Daughter in law 🙂
Thank You, always, for the continuous encouragement!
I would love to win a copy of the book for my sister. Thank you for the giveaway.
I would love to win a copy of this study! I’m so looking forward to it. My husband and I are going to do this together b/c of how hard it is to live in this harsh world today, and we want help to respond like Jesus would. Thanks for the change to win.
Don’t have my copy yet, but will be getting one! And if I got a giveaway copy, I’d share it with a friend or my daughter. 🙂
I don’t have my copy yet, and would love one. Or I might buy my copy and give this one to my friend, Jan.Thanks!
There could not be a better time in my life to pray and study with you about having a heart of mercy! Grandchildren are graduating and even some are leaving the nest to marry their Christian Sweetheart they have met along life’s journey. My beloved 77 year old Viet Name Veteran and husband of 54 years continues to live, love, and worship along with me thanking Our Lord Above for all the blessings we have been given! Our Pastor reminds us on Sundays that it is by God’s Grace we have been forgiven and should continue to bow our heads in prayer thanking Him for All His Mercies. Dear God, please always remind me to check my heart that it continues to stay on the “FULL – OVERFLOWING” measurement guiding my steps as I try to follow Jesus daily! Thank you Lord, Most Holy!
There could not be a better time in my life to pray and study with you about having a heart of mercy! Grandchildren are graduating and even some are leaving the nest to marry their Christian Sweetheart they have met along life’s journey. My beloved 77 year old Viet Nam Veteran and husband of 54 years continues to live, love, and worship along with me thanking Our Lord Above for all the blessings we have been given! Our Pastor reminds us on Sundays that it is by God’s Grace we have been forgiven and should continue to bow our heads in prayer thanking Him for All His Mercies. Dear God, please always remind me to check my heart that it continues to stay on the “FULL – OVERFLOWING” measurement guiding my steps as I try to follow Jesus daily! Thank you Lord, Most Holy!
I don’t have the book, so I would keep it for myself.
I’m looking forward to this study Dorian and all those contributors.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in your giveaway of “Create In Me A Heart Of Mercy”! I would love to add this study book to my Summer reading and devotional time! Dorina caught my attention when I read about her relationship with her earthly father. My relationship with my own earthly father was not nearly a healthy one. I am looking forward to learning from Dorina and adding/applying her insight into my daily walk with our heavenly Father!
I don’t have my book yet but would love to be part of this Bible study.
I would gift a copy of this book if i win..
Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. Getting what we don’t deserve. We have all sinned & deserve punishment, but God in His infinite love sent His only son to die for us. He showed us perfect love. I love the prayer at the end. Thank you Jesus for your patience with me!
Blessings 🙂
I have acopy of the study. I’m having trouble signing up for the study.