But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world. For at one time you were not God’s people, but now you are. At one time you knew nothing of God’s mercy, because you hadn’t received it yet, but now you are drenched with it!
1 Peter 2:9
When I was in junior high and high school, my PE coaches would often assign captains to pick teams when we were playing games like dodgeball and soccer. I discovered it was a privilege and a curse to be the team captain because the captain was forced to make the hard choices.
Everyone in the class would line up nervously. The first captain would pick a player. Then the second captain would pick a player. Then back to the first captain. Choosing teammates required some strategy. A captain might pick the most athletic girls first if she really wanted to win the game. She might also consider choosing her friends first so she could hang out with them on the field.
I’ve always had a soft heart, so I would intentionally choose the kids I knew were going to get picked last. I hated the idea that someone would have to wait to be chosen until the very end. My heart was to show them grace and mercy, not just to build a team in the expected way.
Someone who is described as “chosen” is said to be the object of divine favor or is given a special privilege. Throughout the pages of Scripture, the word chosen is used to mean elect, examined, preferred, and selected.
In the first two chapters of Genesis, we see God choose Adam and Eve as His special creation. Everything else God speaks into existence, but God chooses to bend low and form Adam from the dust of the earth. God also knew it was not good for Adam to be alone, so the Master Sculptor chooses to fashion Eve from one of Adam’s ribs. Both man and woman are created in the image and likeness of God according to Genesis 1:26.
Adam and Eve — and all of us — are chosen to be distinct spiritual and physical beings who reflect God’s glory to the world. We have been given the privilege and task of stewarding creation well.
The opening passage from 1 Peter highlights our call as believers and recipients of God’s mercy to “broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world.” There are many ways we can point others to His glory. Maybe it’s telling a friend or someone we meet on an airplane about how God has transformed our lives. Maybe it’s writing about God’s glory in a book or posting photos on Instagram that show His glory. Maybe it’s singing a song or composing a poem or painting a picture.
Friend, you are chosen. You are chosen to live in this era, this generation, this year with its many challenges and privileges. The story you are living today, the message you carry in your heart, the people you are leading and feeding — all of these present an opportunity to give God glory. Don’t miss it!
Dear Lord, thank You for drenching me in Your love and mercy today. I am humbled that You chose me to be Your witness in the world. Give me the creativity and courage to share the story of Your glory with others in my spheres of influence. Amen.
In our divisive and unforgiving world, we need mercy more than ever. When we extend grace toward one another despite faults, mistakes, and differences of opinion, we model the kind of long-suffering patience and love that God shows toward us. But how do you cultivate a merciful heart in the midst of a culture where everyone seems quick to judge and slow to forgive? Where do you begin?
Meet Create in Me a Heart of Mercy, the newest (in)courage Bible study and final in this series, written by Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young and featuring stories from your favorite (in)courage writers.
The mercy God has shown us through Jesus is meant to flow through us to the rest of the world as a powerful witness to God’s love and forgiveness. Let God create in you a heart of mercy!
Our prayer is that this study will encourage you to seek the Lord and the mercy He offers each one of us. Create in Me a Heart of Mercy releases in May, and we are SO excited to see how God will use it to speak to your heart. Sign up below to get a FREE full week of Bible study from Create in Me a Heart of Mercy, and preorder your copy today!
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As someone who was always picked last thank you for your mercy heart and exemplifying ‘the last shall be first and the first shall be last’, especially at such a vulnerably young age.
Oh Cathy, thank you for sharing here! It’s good to hear that from your perspective. We get to participate in little acts of mercy every day if we look for them. I didn’t know that then but I see it now as an adult.
Loved the prayer you included. I saved it and will pray it.
Thank you, blessings!
I’m praying this one with you!
Can you tell me what translation the 1 Peter 2:9-10 verse was from? I love it! Drenched with mercy… So beautiful!
Yes! It’s from The Passion Translation (TPT).
Thank you Dorina for fabulous message as always. God is good he does drench us at all times in his love and mercy. Because he loves us so much. He is God that loves us. Loves us to go him in prayer and spend time reading his word every day. So we can as followers of his hear from him from his Holy Spirit. If we read his word it tell us in lots of verses how special we are to him. That God knows us even before we were born. If we read Psalm 139 verse 13-16. If we go on line type into YouTube the word the Father’s Love Letter. It will tell us all about how much our Heavenly Father Loves us how special we are all to him. We as God saved are to go on to show God’s love to the world out there especially with the unsaved of all ages from kids to adults. Like Jesus did when alive on earth and living as he did. Showing that love at all times. We can do that by being kind and caring and loving to them. Like God is to us at all time. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx keeping you all in prayer incourage
I’m so glad this one resonated with you, Dawn. I loved hearing how you are thinking more deeply about God’ mercy and multiplying it. This is what the new Bible study is all about too!
God has indeed drenched me in His mercy this past year after the unexpected death of my husband. The Lord has been with me every step of the way and I am so very thankful and grateful! He is good!!
Joy, I’m deeply compassionate and grateful for God’s provision in your life. I know this well after my husband’s death 8 years ago as well. Hugs to you!
Mercy is the compassionate treatment of those in distress, especially when it is within one’s power to punish or harm them. God could have easily punished each of us for our sins. But in His infinite love He gave His only son to die for us. I try to be merciful to others often. Each Friday I volunteer with Loaves & Fishes food bank. We hand out food boxes & meals. No qualifications to receive a meal. I do my best to love on those receiving the food. You never know their story. Sounds like an interesting study.
Blessings 🙂
We have been extended this kind of mercy so what a privilege it is to share it with others in the overflow. I hope you check out the study, Beth. I think this one will resonate with you!
I cried when I read this. As someone who was always picked last, you made my heart sing when I read how you were compassionate and chose people like me.