Me? Dragging? That’s not my usual state. Most days, I can talk myself off a cliff, lift myself up, move from feeling down by turning my back on trouble and turning my heart to God.
But a couple of weeks ago, I was dragging, needing help and knowing it. Lying in bed, I told my churning mind to shut down the noise and stop the infernal clatter. Finally, then, I could hear God’s Spirit whisper, I am your Lifter.
He’s the same Lifter we praised here a few weeks ago when another (in)courage writer, Jennifer Ueckert, shared a gorgeous story about the “Lenten rose” plant, whose flower heads look down — unless they’re lifted up. It was a lovely and robust lesson, sending me back to Psalm 3:3, the verse about God lifting our heads. I couldn’t stop noodling over it, hoping perhaps to discover in it one more nugget of godly help.
So, I looked again at that old psalm and reflected on David writing it — his life in shambles and his rebellious son Absalom scheming to take him down with a mutiny army. Yep, family drama. As David cried, “I have so many foes, Lord!” scoffers doubted that God would bother to deliver him. David’s reply?
But you, LORD, are a shield around me,
my glory, and the lifter of my head.
Psalm 3:3 (ESV)
This is faith talk. Real deal. (Just as Jennifer said.) So, David points us to another thing God’s lifting accomplishes: it puts our eyes on higher ground. Lifted up, we turn our eyes from things lower than His glory: popularity, praise from people, personal achievements, or other earthly barometers.
David, as king, could have such things, but he learned to focus, however, on the true Lifter. Feeling low, David looked to the Lord for a pickup that actually worked.
For me, I’ve started turning off the news more times than not, spending time, instead, looking to the presence of our shielding, glorious, lifting God.
Is that escapism? Or am I, like David, giving myself more time to look to God for hope? To say, God, You’re lifting me high — far above the confusion, drama, drudgery, worry, lies, and insults I sometimes face. He lifts my eyes not to ignore trials but to get closer to Him because He can handle them.
With our eyes lifted up, our trials become smaller. We can see our way more clearly — to see God, His might and glory, and also to see ourselves. We’re not the failures we call ourselves nor are we “less than” others as we often but wrongly believe.
Instead, when our eyes are lifted high by Him, we gain a new perspective. We see His sovereignty, not our nagging problems. All the stuff churning below us stays down there — still churning but not dragging us back down because we see the Conqueror defeating it.
“I lift up my eyes to the hills,” God’s people sang as they traveled up the dangerous, twisty road to Jerusalem. Bandits awaited, but the pilgrims focused on God, singing, “My help comes from the Lord” (Psalm 121:1-2 ESV).
And after His resurrection, Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell the brothers, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God” (John 20:17 NIV). Then, she rushed to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!”
When He lifts us, we too can see Him as He is — our shield and mighty glory. Is that view worth it for Jennifer and I both to rejoice here over the same Scripture within a few weeks of each other?
It is, for this reason: He is rejoicing, in turn, over us — singing over our joy, loving us for seeing that, lifted by Him, we are shielded week after amazing week. Then, what does this look this? His great glory.
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What encouragement that it is not a SELF improvement project but a GOD lifted project to change our perspective! Thank you for reinforcing Jennifer’s encouragement so beautifully!
Amen, Ruth! Reminders are great. His wonderful blessings today!
Thank you for this reminder and verse. I will cling to it and recite it over the next few weeks. My husband had a high PSA at his physical, it went down some but not enough. He is being referred to a urologist for a better look. He is our shield, Keith’s shield, the lifter of our head.
Standing with you, Laura. Believing to see a great outcome for your husband Keith. God, in your healing power!
Asking God the healer to bring His healing touch to your husband. May He guide the doctors to a good solution. Standing on the promises & believing a miracle.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you Patricia, This is one of my favourite verses, which encourages me when my heart and eyes are downcast on my troubles. Then I sing the old chorus: ‘My Glory and the Lifter of my head. For Thou, O Lord, art a Shield to me, My Glory and the Lifter of my head.’ God bless you. Barbara XX
Thank you so much, Barbara. I’m so grateful the Lord encouraged you in this Word again. Our Lifter He is, indeed. His blessings today! xoxo
Oh Patricia THANK YOU! I needed this sooooo much today. A bit in a funk and your message today reminded to lift my head to Him and let…
“All the stuff churning below us stays down there”
Thank you. Thank you \0/
I’m praising Him with you, dear Janet! May He lift your spirits all day–as only He can. Much love, Patricia
Patricia, as always your words lift me up, because they are lifted by His truths. Thank you soooo much! I needed to read them. It’s a hard time for me personally and for our family, too, suffering a recent death.
Lift is such an extraordinarily rich word of which I need to be reminded right now. When I wrote my first book (on a 3-mo. deadline–yikes!!), and felt totally inadequate (because I was!), I’d focus my eyes on the blank screen, and panic. Then I read this:”Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul (Ps. 25.1, KJV). So when words or resources ran dry, I would literally look up to the Heavens (via my ceiling! 🙂 ), lifting up my soul to Him, and He would see me and answer my cry for help.
God is surely our only hope and help, and I love how you are always lifting your eyes from your circumstances and fixing them on the Lord. Oh what a majestic view you have, dear Patricia! As you lift your eyes to Him, He promises to help. He lifts your sadness and elevates your thinking to consider all that is true and good and beautiful. And you, in turn, elevate your sisters in Christ, lifting us up to Him and His care.
So many these days, Patricia (sadly, many Christians) are all too quick to lift their voices in harshness and their hands against those whom they perceive to be their enemies (real or imagined), even against those who know the Lord. They lift their hands through vitriolic, harmful words–words of insolence and contempt–words that don’t lift others up, but bring them crashing down. At such times, would that we all would remember that Christ Himself was lifted up (John 8:32), high on a cruel Cross for *our* sins and theirs, to draw sinners to Himself. Would that we could be like, instead, those who lifted up the paralyzed man to see Jesus for healing, hope, and forgiveness. We should lift others up, especially to the Lord, as we continue to lift our eyes to Him, our constant source of strength.
Love you, Patricia!
Your analysis is so beautiful, Lynn. Instead of lifting up harsh words, vitriol and contempt, let’s lift up the risen Christ–Himself lifted up on a cruel cross for ours sins. Thank you so much for that urgent insight! With love and kind thanks! xoxo
Patricia you are such a joy. Every time you write incourage and in Our Daily Bread readings. Don’t get me wrong. I do love all the writters incourage. They are all excellent. I do keep you all in my prayers. I love you all. I do keep your Daughter and family in my prayers. As when I get letters from Arab world’s Ministry telling me the work they are doing for the Lord. Among the Arab world. I get ideas as I pray for them and your Daughter and her family. I then know better how to pray for your Daughter and her family. Along with my Husband cousin who is married to Muslim. They have kids two. My Husband cousin was also brought up in Christian home. I pray for God to change all their hearts. To see the light. I believe one day he will. So I can lift my eyes knowing God has heard my prayers for you Daughter and her Husband plus my Husband’s cousin and her Husband. One day they will get saved. As this saying come to mind. So we’re does are help come. It comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. That is just so good to know. So we don’t need to lift our eyes any higher. That to the Lord for everything. Go to him prayer and keep believing. Love Dawn in my prayers all you incourage. I love all you do for the Lord. You have blessed me so much. I learnt so much from you all. Xxx
Dawn, you are a bright light in God’s beautiful world. Thank you so much for your genuine love and concern for all people. The Lord shines through you in so many ways. Be lifted in Him, indeed! Many blessings, Patricia
Patricia I always had love for people. Even before I was saved. Now saved I love to pray for them. Especially things. Like your Daughter and my Husband cousin. It gives me great pleasure to do it on to Jesus. Know one day in his perfect timing he will answer my prayers. For them to get saved. As once a mother I read in Our Daily Bread. Prayed for over 20 years for her son. So I will not give up praying for my Husband cousin and your Daughter and their families. I will rejoice with you. Maybe not in person this side of the world. When I hear they have asked Jesus to be saviour. What a beautiful day that will Be. I will rejoice with you again if don’t meet you this side of earth. In Glory one day. I am praying that salvation prayer also for my 80 year old Dad. Who you can’t tell he needs to get saved. But I trust God through his Holy Spirit to convict him. Like I said for your Daughter and my Husband cousin and families. We wait in Jesus perfect timing. Never give up. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland.
I haven’t turned on the news in quite a while now. Tired of all the rhetoric & fighting amongst congress. Instead I choose to listen to Christian music in various forms. Romans 12:2 “Be not conformed to this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” is a go to verse for me. It has been proven that what we watch & listen to is what will come out of us. Wanting to show more of Christ & less of me I lift my head, eyes, & ears toward Godly things. Preferring to watch Steven Furtick (pastor Elevation church) & other Christian shows. For me doing all that calms my spirit & gives me a fresh perspective on life.
Blessings 🙂
I hear you, Beth. At certain times in life, retreat is a wise and wonderful thing. May the Lord bless our need for his assurance and presence with His peace! With love and warm thanks! xoxo
Thank you for the encouraging reminder. I will lift mine eyes into the hills from whence cometh my help. My help comes from the Lord. Thank you! Amen!
Amen, Olivia! Standing with you–lifting our eyes until the hills from when cometh our help. Our help comes from the Lord! For your glory, O Lord! Thanks so much, Olivia, and His many blessings on you and yours! Peace and joy, Patricia
Patricia I always had love for people. Even before I was saved. Now saved I love to pray for them. Especially things. Like your Daughter and my Husband cousin. It gives me great pleasure to do it on to Jesus. Know one day in his perfect timing he will answer my prayers. For them to get saved. As once a mother I read in Our Daily Bread. Prayed for over 20 years for her son. So I will not give up praying for my Husband cousin and your Daughter and their families. I will rejoice with you. Maybe not in person this side of the world. When I hear they have asked Jesus to be saviour. What a beautiful day that will Be. I will rejoice with you again if don’t meet you this side of earth. In Glory one day. I am praying that salvation prayer also for my 80 year old Dad. Who you can’t tell he needs to get saved. But I trust God through his Holy Spirit to convict him. Like I said for your Daughter and my Husband cousin and families. We wait in Jesus perfect timing. Never give up. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland.
Amen, Dawn! In Christ, we never give up! Our eyes lifting up to Him–who hears your every prayer! With His peace and joy, Patricia