My husband and I really enjoy gardening together. I know my love of flowers has been passed down through the generations in my family. My parents have amazing garden beds. My grandma, now in her mid-eighties, still has a beautiful garden, though not the size it once was. So, usually, they’re the ones teaching us about new plants, and we’re the ones who enjoy getting transplants from them to add to our flower beds.
But recently, we were the ones who were able to introduce them to a gorgeous new plant they didn’t know about. It has the most exquisite flowers, called hellebores. Their common name is “winter rose” or “Lenten rose” because the blooms appear very early in the year, around the time of Lent.
They are the earliest flower to bloom in our yard and last for several months, with the added bonus of evergreen foliage. This year, they were actually blooming in the snow! They have quickly become one of my favorites in the garden, even though picking favorites is so hard. If you haven’t seen them before, you have to look them up. Trust me, you will be awed!
There is only one thing about these sweet flowers though that makes them really quite different: They are gently nodding beauties. Their flower heads actually face downward, and their true, full beauty can’t be completely appreciated unless you lift them up.
We were in the garden the other day, and I gently lifted each smokey pink flower growing on a dark purple stem to enjoy them. I was thinking about how stunning these beauties were, though they almost seemed sad with their distinctive nodding blooms, and it reminded me of how many times I’ve felt just like those sad, bowed down heads.
I am sure many of us have felt that way or might be feeling like that now. Our heads hanging low by the burdens we carry, by the shame we feel, by all the challenges we battle. Worry consumes us, and it takes a toll. Struggles overcome us, and it takes a toll. Loneliness fills us, and it takes a toll. It all seems just too heavy to bear. We feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders, and we are bent down under that weight.
But God.
In the darkness, He is a shield about us. In our weakness and brokenness, He is the lifter of our heads. At all times, God is our glory.
Just as I lifted those hanging flowers to admire them, what a beautiful image of our loving Father lifting our heads in the midst of struggles, darkness, and sadness in life and admiring us. Can you picture it now?
He takes your lowered head and gently raises your chin. With tears of frustration or shame or sorrow or brokenness, you meet His loving eyes. You just know, He sees you. He sees your heart. You know He is your protection, your shield, your strength. You know His love for you is beyond comprehension.
None of us have answers as to why we have such darkness in the world and in our own lives. We don’t understand why there are times when troubles seem endless. We don’t have explanations for all the storms, but we do know the One who understands and stands by us. He protects us and fights for us.
But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.
Psalm 3:3 (ESV)
The One who holds our days — look to Him, call on Him, trust Him. The Lord will lift your head.
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Thank you for this beautiful reminder of how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father. I love gardening too and just yesterday lifted the blooms on a fragrant plumeria plant, to see the beauty and smell the sweet fragrance. It reminded me that our prayers are a sweet delicate fragrance to the Lord. How blessed we are in times such as we are living in today, to lift our head and look into the eye of Jesus and know we are going to be okay!
Amen, Kathy!
How wonderful! Beautifully said, Kathy!
Precious, God in the details, theology in nature! I love this post! Thank you for sharing. Blessings!
He sure is in those details! Thank you so much, Ruth!
What a soothing message. Thank you for this.
I love that description, Madeline! Thank you!
A beautiful post. Thank you.
Thank you so much!
I was appreciating the beautiful lenten flowers this year and wanting to get some for my garden. So I was imaging the pale green and pink ones I had seen. Only God and his freedom he gives to us allows us to keep our heads lifted. Great analogy.
Oh my goodness, don’t they come in the most amazing colors!? I love the deeper pinks and greens. Only God could create those colors! Thank you, Theresa!
Amen Jennifer! What a beautiful reminder that I needed to read today! God bless you ❤️
I’m so happy it met you today, Stephanie!
This is so beautiful, Jennifer. Yes, even in our sorrow or shame or struggle, God lifts our faces toward Him and calls us loved, worthy, perfectly made.
He does and how grateful we are for that! Thank you, friend!
This was a beautiful message Jennifer, thank-you.
Blessings to all,
Thank you so much, Penny!
This was so beautiful! This was the second time this week I’ve been reminded of how God does lift our heads and really sees us. The first was watching episode 4 of The Chosen on Tuesday night. When Jesus was speaking to the lame man by the Pool of Siloam, I got tears in my eyes. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of God’s compassion and that He really does see us in our pain. It’s something I’ve been needing to hear a lot lately, thank you for reminding me again today!
M @ In Beautiful Chaos
Oh I love how He is speaking this message to you in various ways, M! I think we all need reminding that He does see us in our pain, it’s hard to grasp that sometimes. I have heard good things about this episode and I look forward to seeing it.
So beautiful. Thank you Jennifer
Thank you so much, Janet!
Jennifer, this is just beautiful. I searched those flowers and they are stunning. Happy birthday, friend!
Thank you so much, friend! I love that you searched to see the flowers! xo
Thank you, Jennifer, for your beautiful and encouraging message today!
Thank you so much, Karen!
Feeling these burdens personally right now & relate to this story. Thanks for sharing! It is a truth & encouragement!
I am so happy it met you today, Debbie. I am sorry for what you feeling right now, praying for you!
Happy Birthday!! God knows & is acquainted with our emotions all to well. In the darkest of times He will lift up our heads & gently whisper I see & love you. Don’t despair because God is near to the brokenhearted. He longs to help us in our weakness & brokenness. Come to me ALL who are weary & I will give you rest. Let God lift your head up & hear His sweet gentle love call to you.
Blessings 🙂
Yes and amen to that, Beth! So grateful! Thank you!
Jennifer, I don’t know you or you, me, but you are precious to me. Your words are so true and your word picture such a salve to my weary soul. Thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit and writing the words that I needed to read today. May God richly bless you, His Beloved Jennifer. Thank you, Barbara
Oh Barbara, I am so grateful these words met you (yesterday) when you needed them! I want you to know I needed to hear your encouragement as well. So *thank you* for taking the time to lift me up with your words! xo