It was time to sell the house.
Those words still catch in my throat when I tell the story. They mark the reality of a season I never imagined for myself — a season of heartbreak and deep grief. After nearly twenty years of marriage, my husband declared he was done, and I found myself sitting in Starbucks, trying to make sense of a life I no longer recognized.
The house wasn’t just a place on a map for me. It was our family home and a symbol of the life I thought I had — a life I fought hard to preserve. Selling it felt like giving up the last shred of what was.
At Starbucks, my sweet friend and realtor sat across from me. Her face was gentle as she looked at me.
“I’m so sorry, Nic. I can’t believe this is happening.”
It’s one of the problems with blindsides and betrayal, isn’t it? The confusion of the reality of things leaves us grappling with a nasty narrative about our worth. About our place in the world. Our value and identity.
Clutching a latte in one hand and a wad of napkins in the other, I asked the question I dreaded most: How much do you think we should list our home for? My heart pounded in my ears as my friend explained the current market. And then, as though Heaven reached down and tuned me in, I heard her say the words that pierced right through my grief.
“The value is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it,” she said.
At that moment, the entire coffee shop melted away. There we sat, just my friend and I, her words lingering in the grief-drenched space between us. “Can you repeat that?” I asked quietly.
She nodded confidently and then proceeded to say, “The value is always determined by the price someone is willing to pay.”
In a heartbeat — in a divine interception that changed everything — my mind went right to the cross, right to that perfect Man sent to rescue us. Jesus. He paid the ultimate price for us. His arms stretched wide, willing to sacrifice everything. For you. For me.
Right there, in the middle of Starbucks, with my mind turned to the cross, a message from my Father grew loud in my ears:
Your value is determined by what I was willing to pay.
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”
1 Peter 1:18-19 NIV
On the cross, Jesus declared our worth in a way nothing else ever could. The God of the universe didn’t send a stand-in or a second-best offering. He gave His very life. That is what we’re worth to Him.
On the heels of the unthinkable in my marriage, I had been accepting hand-me-down messages about my value. I had been viewing myself through the eyes of the man who had walked away instead of through the eyes of the One who never would.
In that moment, God reminded me that our worth is never tied to a house, a marriage, or any earthly thing. Our worth was — and always will be — rooted in Him. Our value isn’t determined by the world or anyone in it. The cross has the final word on you.
So, my friend, if you ever find yourself questioning your worth — if rejection or pain whispers lies to your soul — remember the cross. Remember Jesus, remember the price He paid, remember His history-altering pursuit with you on His mind.
Your value was determined long ago. You are priceless. You are deeply loved — and you are wanted by the One who gave everything just to be with you.
Nicole, I hate the circumstances in which you were given this picture of your / our worth. Yet so like God to give tangible examples of His love for us in the midst of the muck of our lives. Thank you for sharing this beautiful truth! Blessings (((0)))
Ruth, thank you for this lovely note. Yes, so like God. He is so good.
Brilliant! Pure gold, right here! I just love when reminders show up in the most unexpected ways!! Beautifully shared by my favourite ‘light’ on the path. Someday, i hope to find even a fraction of the courage and faith you share, within myself! ♥️♥️
Thank you for this wonderful message today, Nicole. It was much needed.
Wow Nicole! What an incredible message!
One I didn’t know I needed but apparently sure did. (Similar situation)
Thank You so very much ~ it’s invaluable.
Thank you for your message. I hope, pray, and trust in the Lord! I needed this revelation.
After 26 years my husband said the same thing to me. I lost my name, home, family and worth. But I found my savior and He has been teaching me and showing me my value. At times the brokenness returns, as it does I remind myself that I am the righteous redeemed daughter of the King. Thank you for sharing the truth of our value in Him.
I read this with tears streaming down my face as I am currently this day walking in those very shoes. I prayed to God yesterday that I feel discarded by the one who vowed to love me for all of our earthly days. He was the one I was supposed to grow old with. I am very early in this journey and depending on the Lord moment by moment these days. Please pray that God will give me strength to navigate this for myself but mostly for my beautiful children. My heart is shattered.
Praying for you my friend. I was right there 2.5 years ago. My husband of 26 years decided that he did not love me anymore and wanted to end our marriage. I felt so worthless. After he left I was trying to find my worth in him, not in our heavenly father. The night before our dissolution I prayed to God that if there was any way to save my marriage please do it and if not, I will trust him and where he is leading me. When I woke up that next morning I felt His peace. A peace that I had not felt in a long time. It was still very hard walking into that courtroom, but I knew that God had me and was going to give me a great life, I just needed to trust in him. Listening to music was something that helped me so much. Also, if you haven’t done so already, check with your local church for DivorceCare group. The people that I met in my group were lifesavers.
Beautifully written truth. Thank you!
Thank you for this, Nicole! Your words (and His):are a balm to my soul.
What a beautiful message… one that is hard for us to apply when society/social media demands to calculate one’s value. Raising daughters has definitely brought this truth in to the light.
Thank you for sharing.
Somehow sharing our pain, allows us to walk alongside of their friends and encourage them. Thank you for sharing.
Sending you Lenten joy,
This is so right on and exactly what I needed to hear in this moment. Giving God all the glory! Thank you for the beautiful reminder.
So sorry about the divorce & having to sell your home. God saw you that day & wanted you to hear those words “The value is always determined by the price someone is willing to pay.” He was speaking directly to you! He knew you needed those words right then right there! How amazing is that? I have had times I felt out of place. My mind knew I had to care give for my dad. My heart thought I should be working & making money for our family. One day lunchtime at assisted living I visited dad. He couldn’t feed himself so I offered to do it. The man to the right of us said “You will get stars in your crown for this”. Wow! I knew this was God talking to me! He reminded me of my worth.
Blessings 🙂
Dear Nicole…………I was so tied up this morning, I did not even have time to read your devotional until after lunch and I ALWAYS read it as soon as I got up. As I read your words, my eyes started to tear up and I found my heart breaking again. My story is the same as your only backwards. You see, I am 77 years old and 6 years ago, I was FORCED to sell our house of 40 years. My husband had dementia and tried to kill me as he would not follow the doctor’s instructions on how to slow the progress down and he was drink heavily which caused “dementia rages ” and for 3+ years I stayed with him, trying to get him to realize that he was really sick. Not only did I fail, but my 1 son told me I was a liar and that he was disowning me as his mother AND, my 1 grandson that was 11 at the time , I would never be able to see or even talk to him ever again and he just hung up on me. I collapsed in a ball of tears asking God, why was this happening? To get back to your words, that house meant so much to me and when your realtor said to you, the value of the house is what someone is willing to pay. The way this worked for me was in 2 days 4 couples wanted to by our house and the one couple offered me $40,000 over the asking price as the wife said our house was so much like her grandmother’s home where she spent much of her time, that they really wanted it.Moneywise, that was fine, but for me it wasn’t about the money. It is incredible the things you collected in 40 years. So I had to get my husband out of the house due to worry by everyone about my safety. Maybe you can imagine, but I was doing this on my own and I donated thousands of dollars of clothes, decorations etc. I had to move to a 1 bedroom apartment where there was little space.It has been 6 years now that finally the divorce became final and the assets were split. As of today, there is only 1 more thing to be finalized. It has maybe been 1 month now before I realized that the house and the marriage was not what I was worth, but it was Jesus and what he did for us on the cross. Ash Wednesday was certainly a perfect time for you to tell us your story and little by little I am seeing what you said about the cross is right. The only thing that I just can’t forgive my son for is taking my 1 grandchild away from me. I have not seen or heard from him since he was 11 years old and he will be 15 this year. I do believe that God has a plan for me to work this out, but my son and daughter-in-law have been poisoning his mind about me. I don’t know if he believes it or not as he and I had a very close relationship since he was born. One more thing and I am sorry for going on, but I know as my now ex-husband told me that every card I have ever sent him that had money or a check inside,they got the mail before he got home from school and destroyed these card even not opening them and I have checks that were never cashed and then they would tell him that I didn’t even care about him as I didn’t send him a card. I still hurt from this as at 77 years old, how much time do I have left for something good happens? Nicole, thank you for your words and I felt a lot of grief for you as I read your story. I think I knew just how you felt. I will read your devotion over and over as I think it will help me have a different perspective about this situation. I send to you love and prayers. Have a blessed week………………….Betsy Basile