About the Author

Ligia (Lee-hee-ya) was born in Antigua, Guatemala, and currently resides in Canada. She is a devoted wife, mother, and Leader. Ligia is passionate about serving others and sharing her story of God’s grace and redeeming power. She is approachable, authentic, and friendly, with a profound love for God and people.

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  1. This was so inspiring. As I age, I realize the importance of connections with other women at my church and where I live. I cherish my old friends but enjoy widening my circle. So delighted for you and wish I were able to make the trip to Charlotte. This gives me something to think about. I would love to be in a women’s only group such as you describe.

  2. What a beautiful gathering exhibiting fellowship & sister love! God’s blessing on your first US event!

  3. What a beautiful ministry you have! Glory to God! In December my online friend Cindi McMenamin mailed me a copy of her new book “The New Loneliness”. I didn’t think I needed the book but I thought “my husband needs this”. However one day I picked up the book and started reading it and it really spoke to me. I read the book pretty quick, and it really made me want to get more involved at my home church’s womens ministry and I learned a lot from the book. I was lonely and I didn’t even know it. But thankfully I began making changes and getting involved in more women’s lives, in and outside of my church. Praise God! He knows what we need even more than we do. 🙂

  4. God continues to work in amazing and mysterious ways!! The Lord in my walk has been tugging certain things on my heart. I have gone back and forth with the Lord. I have asked God continuously if this is the thing He has for me. If it’s meant to be I have asked Him to give me peace in that situation. I have seen peace from God about the things He has for me or the people he wants me to pour into. I think it’s so beautiful to hear your story and see how God has changed you and transformed you from where you were to where you are. May God continuously use you and bless you!! God bless!!

  5. Dear Ligia……………….What a sad story in the beginning, but reading on I found that there was hope there and then a little further on it was a lovely story of community, love, faith and of course communication for everyone. I live in a Senior Community which is supposed to be independent living, but it is far from that.95% of the residents have serious problems and are in their 80’s to 100’s. I have a few friends that a sit with at meals, but they do not hear so well and are in their 90’s and both have dementia as well. I couldn’t even begin to tell them my situations as I have a hard time understanding them myself. I always smile at everyone and try to help others with cards and encouraging words, but I never take time for myself and I am alone. My husband has violent dementia and tried to kill me so all the doctors said I needed to get him out of the house and think about my own safety. My 1 son who was 54 at the time disowned me as his mother as he kept telling me I was a liar and it was just old age with his father. He didn’t even come to our house to see how his father acted towards me. He knows now as his father is much, much worse due to not listening to the doctors and to me as I gently tried to tell him, he needed to come out of this denial and stop drinking and take the medication, but ” NO” he said to that, yet when he was drunk and in one of his “dementia rages” he would tell me he knew he was sick, but later he just completely forgot how he hurt me physically and emotionally for 3+ years I stayed with him and researched dementia. I had 4 support groups that called me every day to be sure that I was safe. To get back to your wonderful community, at this place where I live with over 100 people they do have a “Prayer, Share and Care” meeting every single Saturday morning which I joined, but the woman that runs it is in her 90’s and has many physical problems. At first I loved it, but as time went by, there were only about 12 people that came and the woman only ever talked about physical problems and what to do. I spoke to her one day about myself and how I suffered from severe physical problems from operations that doctors didn’t do properly and one, they almost killed me by giving me a medication that 1 minute later I coded and ended up in Intensive care for 2 weeks where I was in a drug induced coma. Also, my emotional problems are many so I said to her, sometimes emotional pain can feel worse than physical problems. She didn’t believe that and that is when I found the (incourage) community and have followed them every day since. I love your devotionals and I read them every morning. I will be going to church this afternoon and my minister is going to talk with me and give me Holy Communion so I am very excited about that. Thank you Ligia for enlightening story and I pray often for some peace, hope and love. I never in my wildest dreams thought that this late season of my life, I would be going through something like this. My son will not let me see or talk to my 1 grandchild who in the beginning of all this was 11 and now this year will be 15. I don’t even know what he looks like and every day is heartbreaking to me for my son to do this to me. There is so much more and so little time, so Ligia, I thank you for sharing your story and your wonderful community. I wish you the best and I am sure that God is so happy that things turned around for you. My love to you I send…….Betsy Basile

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