About the Author

Melissa Zaldivar is a social in the world of academics and an academic in the world of socials. She's an author and podcast host with a BA in Communications and an MA in Theology. She loves a good sandwich, obscure history, and wandering around New England antique shops.

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  1. Moments like these are what I consider miracles. Not the big obvious ones, but the same ones that are the quite, gentle whisper.

  2. Thank you Melissa.
    The important marker or take away to this for me is that you obeyed. (Albeit not initially, yet you obeyed!) Great job!
    It will be a lovely reminder to me when I do the same initially! (ie: self-corrections allowed 😉
    Bless you for sharing

  3. Dear Melissa…….What a very interesting and a different devotional than we usually get. As I read your story, I thought if that had been me, I would have thought the same thing you did and I would have gone back to that woman and ask that question. What a joy the way things turned out and most of us know that sometimes our plans are not what God has planned for us. At times we think we know what needs to be done, but I need to remember that perhaps it is not the way He planned. Certainly, we do not think we know more or better than God does; however, at times it is easy to not get His message in the way He wanted us to. Your story Melissa I certainly, if we are honest with ourselves has probably happened to us some time over the years. My Holy Spirit often whispers things to me and if I am so busy with my to-do list that I miss his meaning so now I have started to listen closely when He is telling me things. Your words reminded me of all these things. Thank you Melissa for your devotion and as we journey through Lent, what a great thing you did for all of us. Hope your week is going well and I send my love to you for thinking of us. I depend on the women (incourage) community as all of you have gotten me through so many sad and difficult seasons and I read these when I get up in the morning and again after lunch when I am more “with it” as I say. I am 77 years old and it takes me some time to really let things sink in……………………Betsy Basile

    • Betsy, I have added your name to my morning prayer list. I am praying you will be surrounded by people who care about you. And that they demonstrate that caring every day.

  4. What a lovely story, Melissa! And sometimes we never actually know what follows our acting on God’s instructions. And that’s okay, too!

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