About the Author

Kathi lives with Roger and a bunch of chickens in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. There they host writer retreats, and Kathi writes about how to do life with God a little closer today than yesterday. She’s a best-selling author and absolutely loves her Clutter Free Community on Facebook.

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  1. Kathi,

    I agree with you wholeheartedly! Seeing that joy and the journey sometimes means slowing down whether it’s for a drive or an amazing soup.

    Sending you joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  2. When I was much younger I loved driving on the interstate, but now as a “seasoned” woman I love the local routes. My relationship with Christ is very similar. I want to spend more time studying His life than just reading quick devotionals. Thank you for sharing your interesting prospective. I love it! God’s blessings!

  3. Thank you so much for this message. It was just what I needed. My life has been “glass just about empty “ for a while now. I have been unable to see anything positive in it. I know God has a plan for my life. I just can’t see it right now. Thank you for reminding me to have a different point of view!

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