About the Author

Kimberly is a spiritual director, author, and speaker writing about hard things and the God who is with us in them. Her first book, Re:Imagine – 9 Practices for a Connected Marriage After Your Spouse Deconverts, releases in 2025. She lives life at the foothills of the great Rocky Mountains.

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  1. Amen!!! A God that could accomplish my plans would not be GOD but little g god. Praise He does not climb into my god box! Blessings (((0)))

  2. Thank you for inspiring us all today to never forget He can & will do all things for our good. God Bless You Sister.

    • Thank you, Felisicia! With us and for us, my favorite thing to pray over my kids.

  3. I absolutely loved this devotion!! This is where I am and I needed this profound encouragement!! Thank you, Kimberly for sharing!! May the Lord continue the work He is doing in all of us!!!

    • “Profound encouragement” …those words touch me, Karen. I feel I need the same. Thanking God with you he’s providing that this morning!

  4. Thank you for sharing the hard parts of your story. I wish more Christians would be raw and honest about how hard this journey of faith can be. I find it freeing to speak out loud to God what he already knows about my thoughts and feelings.

    • Indeed. We get to be honest to God and he gets to be honest back to us with truth and love. I think we definitely get the best end of the deal.

  5. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability in sharing your story! I’m so sorry for your loss, but I’m rejoicing that you experienced God so powerfully in it. He is able!

  6. Dear Kimberly…………….A very, very sad and unimaginable story you gave us today. I have a similar very raw story in a different sort of way, but still so relatable to your words. I have been praying so much and so often and crying out for help. My story is I have been disowned as my 54 year old son and even beyond that, he has told me (on the phone) that I will never , ever be able to see my only grandchild or even to talk to him again and he hung up on me. My grandson was 11 then and this year he will be 15. No communication from either of them. My ex-husband has the violent kind of dementia and tried to kill me. My son told me I was lying to him and it was just his old age. That was not true and he did not even come to see for himself, but I had to have my husband of 55 years evicted from our home for 40 years for my own safety as his doctors said, the next time, he will be successful and that scared me. I had stayed with him for 3+ years to try and convince him that he needed to do what the doctors were telling him. Instead, he flushed the medication down the toilet and instead of quitting the alcohol, he increased the drinking which put him into his “dementia rages” and every night I was abused. He had been drinking most of the afternoon and not eating supper. His denial, I knew could never be changed without our son’s help and he refused. Here I am at 77 years old going through this heartbreaking situation that I never imagined when I was 35 or 40. Even though I have placed these things at the feet of Jesus and spoken many, many times to God, I am still waiting. My problem is not that I don’t trust Jesus and our Lord, but at times, I think to myself, ” Can They really fix everything?” I have problems with the wait, but I know I need to be patient and I am really trying. Kimberly……….Your story is such an emotional thing that I can’t even imagine what you were going through. Then what occurred with your husband. So awful and my husband lost all his faith too, due to the dementia. I kept trying to remind him that he needed to pray. He was Catholic and I am a devout protestant. He actually said to me, what do you know about the Catholics? You are just a stupid Protestant. This really hurt my feelings badly as I have been going to the same church for 71 years and we are celebrating our 300th Anniversary this year. Well, there is so much to this story and I will not bore you with those things. Kimberly…..I thank you for your story and send my love and prayers to you. I will save your devotion to remind me of many things. I wish you a blessed weekend…..Betsy Basile

    • Hi Betsy,
      I can relate to some of your story. My husband has dementia. I’ve been dealing with it for a number of years. He’s always been an angry man and having dementia doesn’t help. I have to be very careful of what and how I say things and he can misunderstand conversations and depending on where his brain has gone for that moment – as I call it “the dark side” – he can erupt and yell at me and a couple months ago threatened to hit me if I didn’t stop talking. I’m so sorry for your situation with your son disowning you and not letting you see your only grandchild. I’m about to turn 70 this month. I pray and pray for a resolution of my situation. Perhaps the LORD would take him so I will get out of this nightmare. I hate waiting for the LORD to do something about my situation. How long can I tolerate this? I don’t know. Our only daughter lives far away with her husband and children. I don’t like telling her what’s going on anymore. I feel like I’m putting a burden on her by doing so. I think I have to keep everything to myself. Some of my church leadership and others know my husband has dementia, but they really don’t know (or could truly understand) what I’m going through. Not even my family that lives close by because they don’t experience him the way I do at home. He doesn’t act out in bad ways when he’s at church or with family members. Sometimes I feel like leaving this world – I can’t stand it anymore. I don’t want to, but that’s what I feel like. I hope you can get out of your situation. If he’s your ex-husband, then you shouldn’t be living with him especially since he’s very dangerous. Many years ago a dear friend of mine had to call the police and take her husband to the hospital for dementia patients (where he stayed) because he was getting dangerous. Her doctor told her she needed to get him in the hospital. He had dementia. (After he was taken away she hid in her house and cried for hours.) Perhaps you need to do the same? Please don’t keep yourself in this dangerous situation. Go to your church leadership for help and direction. Your ex-husband needs to be out of your house for your own safety. I will pray for you. XO

      • Dear Linda………….I thank you for your reply to my comment. I know exactly how you feel; however, I had to have my husband evicted from the house as there were too many guns there, and his neurologists had told me , the next time he tried he would kill me so I had to get a PFA against him and the police came and told him he had 10 minutes to get any medications or other medical equipment. He did not know they were going to do this, but I could no longer take the risk that I would be killed. We had 1 son and that is where he went. You see my husband was in complete denial of his illness and did not take the medication prescribed nor stop drinking all together. I ended up having to sell our house where we had lived for 54 years, but we both needed money. So he ended up in one facility and I am in another. I have no other family to go to and I hate where I am forced to live. One thing I will tell you is I thought at one time about doing something to myself, but I realized that his disease I did not cause and you did not either. Please don’t think of leaving the world. Do the doctors not think he should be somewhere they have a Memory Care Area. I am sorry to tell you that this dementia just gets worse and unfortunately, they do not take it out on family or church, but the person that lives with him 24/7 which I am assuming is you. I had to divorce my husband as there was no way we could ever live together again. I do not even know how he is, but I think since he can’t even sign a check anymore, I think with all the research I did on this disease, he probably be in tier 4 which is just going to take him off this Earth soon. He is 78 and I am 77 in pretty good health. I will pray for you Linda, but even now after 6 years of going through this, I still have trouble accepting it. I am waiting all these years for the assets we have to be split and I am still waiting. Some days I cry all day for help. I think you should tell your daughter as you as me need to think of yourself now and your safety. I have gone through this myself so I know how it is almost impossible to do it yourself. You can always reply to me anytime as I did not think anyone else was experiencing this. My friends do not know what to say to me anymore so they do not call me. My heart aches for you and I will continue to pray for you every day. Love……….Betsy

  7. Kimberley,
    I can’t imagine all that you’ve gone through. Losing your newly born child and then years later your husband renounces his faith. You can read my reply to Betsy so I won’t have to repeat myself. What I struggle with is the why. I pray to the LORD and ask him why am I going through this really bad situation with a husband who has dementia. I always come back to the reason that I made a very bad decision when I was 20. Should not have gotten married. I didn’t know what I was doing back then. Just fell in love. I had no clue about life back then. And here I am about to turn 70 this month. And going through a nightmare. Yes, the LORD has answered a number of my prayers where things seemed impossible and I’m very, very grateful for those. But I don’t know how long I can stand being in this situation now dealing with a man who is angry and has dementia. It’s just too much. I don’t even like telling people any of the details because they won’t understand what I go through at home with him. I just keep things to myself. There are lots of people who post their life situations on social media. I am not one of them. Thanks for posting your story. XO

    • Praying for you Linda. Its not an easy situation. Have you discussed this with your doctor? Hugs and prayers

  8. Thank you for this message. Thirteen years ago my third spine surgery left me unable to walk, and so I am in a wheelchair. My only prayer since then has been for the restoration of my leg function. Because of your sharing, I realize that I also must pray the letting go prayer and open myself to the Lord’s will for my life. Through your message, I have recognized that I have held on to my grief and anger for too long. Thank you.

  9. This. . . I needed to read this today. . . I just saw my almost 30 yo son for the first time in almost a year, he is addicted to drugs . . . but he is still such a kind, caring and wonderful human. . . and I know God has a better life for him. . .how that will happen? I don’t know. . I wait on God and have been in so much pain over what I cannot do for him to make the addiction go away. . . I want to help him, but it’s up to God to reach down and touch him and it’s up to my son to say Yes to our Savior. . .so I continue to wait, your thoughts give me hope, because God knows how to reach my son, far better than I ever could. . . so I continue to pray for him and pray with him (which I did yesterday when I saw him). ..thank you for sharing the most painful parts of your life to be a light for someone else, that’s what you did for me today. . I am so grateful.

  10. Thank you Kimberly. You are an inspiration to me as my daughter has totally disconnected from me and I believe she has also left her faith. I am heartbroken, but I have left her to God and always pray for her. I love her as my only child. I hope as you state that God has abundance of goodness and joy waiting for both of us, beyond what we can imagine….
    God bless you dear!

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