About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. I’ve lived in a few different places and each time the first thing I always did was get a library card. I even have 2 now. One from my hometown library, and one from the local library located a couple miles from where we spend our Summers and Autumns at our spot by the lake. Sitting on my deck and reading is such a joy.

  2. Thank you for sharing! I remember when I was your age. You have your whole life before you to anticipate… Enjoy!

    Thank you for sharing your story… I’ll share it via Twitter!

    Sending you spring joy

    Lisa Wilt

  3. Kaitlyn, your words always touch my heart. Thank you for sharing and speaking truth. Love and hugs to you!

  4. Dear Kaitlyn, I very much enjoyed your words and story today. It is a gloomy day here where I live and your story did uplift my spirit. For many years I read avidly from when I was young until I had my child in 1970. I am 77 years old now and the books that I read that are helping me so much to get through the many struggles that I have surrounding me, are the (incourage) books that I have so many of plus the daily devotionals from your group and the daily devotion from Dayspring. I love to journal with the books I have and it makes me feel better as I am alone with nobody to support or help me. Of course, I talk to my Holy Spirit many times each day and He is wonderful and I also pray to our Lord and Jesus, but in all the jobs I had while I was working all involved constant communication with people that reported to me and so many others that learned that they could talk to me about problems and I would not reveal them with others. Now being alone with 100 residents who range in age from their middle 70’s to 100’s, you would think it would be easy to connect, but all of them have some form of dementia and hearing loss to the point that they are deaf. Fortunately, I do not have those problems, but I do have so many emotional problems that nobody knows about, the 3 people left in my family have all disowned me when my husband got dementia and they thought I was lying to them, but, no, I wasn’t. I was telling them the truth and asking for help from them as my husband was in denial and for the 3+ years I stayed with him before he tried to kill me, I was abused every single night. At that time, I read many books and articles about the disease and how to become a good caregiver, but because he was drinking heavily, my support groups and I had 5 didn’t know what to tell me. I even researched through The Mayo Clinic known to be the best hospital in the US. They sent me books for free and I read them all. I still failed. After he attempted to kill me they all said I needed to stop worrying about him and thinking about my safety. The police had been there at our house and they said the same thing. I did what I had to and then I had to sell the house we lived in for 40 years as we both needed money. I have moved 3 times since then and I am very uncomfortable where I am due to very bad management here and I don’t really belong here. So, until this mess gets resolved, I have to stay here. I couldn’t move by myself again. So I like you, do not know where I will be in 9 months when my rent will raise to a point that I cannot afford. Thank you for your words and story, Kaitlyn. There is so much to my story, but never enough time and I know you must be busy too. I will certainly re-read your devotional and see what more wisdom I can gain from you. Take care and I can tell, you are going to be fine………………………..Betsy Basile

    • Thank you for sharing part of your story with the (in)courage community, Betsy! What a gift, too, to hear that the daily devotions and books get to be part of your day. I hope they continue to be an encouragement, and I’m so glad you’re in a safe place now!!!

  5. What a memory you conjured up Kaitlyn!
    As a young girl who lost my mom to metastatic breast cancer, the tiny library in my hometown in New England was therapy. I still can smell the musty odor of the shelved books. I sat on the floor, knees up holding whatever book interested me at the time. The library was an old Cape Cod style house probably built in the late 1800’s.
    I later became a Reading Teacher for the Title 1 program helping underserved kiddos bringing them up to grade level and beyond.
    Thank you for your library story. I’ve lost count of the number of library cards I owned because I’ve lived so many places.
    Yes, there is truth to the saying,’ Bloom where you are planted ‘
    Keep us posted on where you land next, child of God!

    • You’ve brought a smile to my face, hearing this it took YOU back to a beloved memory. The power of words and stories is incredible… as you know well, too! Thank you for reading and sharing. 🙂

  6. This really hit home today. We relocated about 11 years ago when we retired. For several years this place felt right and I jumped into a lot of activities. In the past few years our son has married, relocated to another state and our first grand baby arrived 9 months ago. I also lost a dear friend here a few months ago. In the past year I started withdrawing from activities and I’m certainly not “present” in this location. I feel like I’m missing out on so much with that little family. There are several reasons why a relocation to be closer to them is not feasible, at least not in the near term. I face so many days feeling disconnected and discontented. I’m hoping your story will encourage me to pray that I can embrace the knowledge that God has me where I am at this time for a purpose, knowing that God always has a plan. Best of luck to you as you find your next steps.

    • Laurie, thank you for sharing this piece of your story with me and with us. I’m pausing after I click Reply on this comment to pray for you, and will ask God to bring comfort, peace, and show you where to go even as you stay — leading you toward others who are lonely or looking for community, too.

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