Sarah Sandifer
About the Author

Sarah Sandifer is married to a military man and is a mama to three darling and rambunctious girls. With their adventurous life comes her ability to discover abundant life in unexpected places and she writes to encourage women how to design their own abundant life within their actual life, too.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Amen, amen, amen!!! I am grateful for those that serve in our military but pray extra for their spouses & families. I can only imagine the stress of moving, separations & the resettlings. Bless you & all serving similarly!!! God is expanding His kingdom in & through you! Blessings (((0)))

  2. Thank you. I really feel alone and powerless in the current government crisis. But I believe God is calling to not give up, to make a difference in my small way.

  3. This brought me to tears. Giving up and giving in are daily temptations that drain us. But as you so eloquently said, ‘easy’ is not the goal. God is.

    Thank you for this story and for not giving up! What a blessing you must be wherever you go!


    • I am so glad it was an encouragement to you, Nikki. I’m with you, endurance can sometimes feel like the more difficult choice but it absolutely will come with blessing! Grateful for you!

  4. Sarah, thank you for sharing your story. A military spouse needs to be recognized and thanked almost as much as the service member. You are the glue that holds the family together while your loved one serves our country. It must bring your husband peace knowing that you and your girls are assimilating into a new city. I pray every day for our military men and women… I am adding their families in my prayers. May you always feel the loving arms of our loving God surrounding you. We truly never walk alone.

  5. Dear Sarah….I really could relate to your story this morning. Due to my husband’s violent dementia, I was forced to sell our house of 40 years. We both needed money and he had tried to kill me so I cannot ever live with him again. We had been married 54 years and my 1 son refused to help me and told me that he no longer thought of me as his mother and I would never be allowed to see or even talk to my 1 grandchild who was 11 then. He just hung up on me. My husband and my son accused me over and over that I was lying. I have had to move 3 times in the last year and at 77 years old, it has not been easy, to say the least. I am in a facility now for senior independent living and I, like you Sarah have always had people around me that cared. These people here were not that way. They would tell me I couldn’t sit at their table for meals and called me Miss Showoff. I just kept praying and praying for something, at the time I didn’t even really know what the something was, but when I got to your Isaiah 40:31, my eyes flew open and I read and re-read that scripture. Maybe I wasn’t praying the right way. My 45 years of working required me to work with many different people which I found was wonderful, but when I retired things turned upside down again. I am older than my friends and they were still working and had husbands and families that took up most of their time. I truly was ready to give up, but I have many of the (incourage) books and journals that I dug out and started to read. Sarah, I will definitely write a post-in and put it on my computer to remind me what to ask for when I pray. There is so much more to this story, but it would take hours to type. Your story, Sarah, was just what I needed today, because there are these problems, but I am sick right now and have been for a week. I just can’t seem to recover. In this facility is over 100 residents and we are told not to come down to the dining room. That leaves us in our apartment alone, 24/7. I have been asking Jesus for healing so I can get back to my life. I wish you, Sarah, a blessed weekend and thank you so much for your story with wisdom beyond the normal. I need to lay down now…………………Betsy Basile

    • Oh Betsy, it sounds like it has been so hard for so long. Keep turning to God to meet you in these moments and he will, he is so good and kind. I just prayed for you and will continue to hold you close to my heart. So glad you found encouragement here today.

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