“Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven’t stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works.
We pray that you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work.
We pray that you’ll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.”
Colossians 1:9-12 The Message
One of our greatest joys at (in)courage is joining together as sisters in Christ through the power of prayer. Today, we’re wrapping you in the beautiful truth of Colossians 1:9-12. This passage reminds us of the incredible richness of God’s wisdom, strength, and joy available to us. Take a moment to read it slowly, savoring the abundant goodness and promises it holds.
We would be honored to pray for you personally. What’s on your heart today? In what area of your life are you longing to reflect Jesus more? Where do you need His strength, patience, or joy to carry you through?
Please share your request in the comments. And as you do, take a moment to bless another sister by praying for the person who commented before you.
Let’s create a ripple of encouragement and faith as we lift each other up in prayer. Together, we can stand strong, filled with His glorious power and overflowing with thankfulness.
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I’m in my last school term for my Master’s Degree and I’m burned out. I am really struggling for motivation to study.
Also, my daughter and granddaughter recently moved to the other side of the country. I miss them. Please pray for their salvation.
Diane, may the Lord infuse all His strength, energy, focus, and creativity into your heart and mind as you finish your master’s. May you lean on His wisdom and will when yours falters or falls short. May God provide divine appointments for your daughter and granddaughter to meet people who love Jesus and are a beacon of His light and love. May your longing for them lead you into deeper prayer for them. Surely God is at work! In Jesus’ name, amen.
God grant you supernatural strength and grace to perseverance through your final term, and may you be sustained by peace in the presence and sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit. You are seen, Diane.
Abba Father Diane needs motivation & energy to finish her degree. You have brought her this far. Help her to finish with a flourish. Asking for people to minister to her daughter & granddaughter. May they sense the need to have you in their lives. Grant serenity to Diane to relax focus. AMEN
Please pray for me, I’ve lost hope in my marriage and life. I find it harder these days to find joy.i know the father loves me.
Oh Janice. That is such a hard place to be. I’m praying Romans 15:13 over you now:
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit,”
Hope not rooted in circumstances or people but in the love and power of your Heavenly Father.
Dear Lord help Janice find hope in her marriage and life. Open her eyes to you. Bring joy back into her life. in your precious name, amen
I’ve been where you are. I bought a book called the Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie O’Martian. Through this guided prayer, I found peace and joy. I learned to pray for my spouse through God’s eyes. Whenever I felt sad, defeated, frustrated, etc., I have found that praising and worshipping God changes my mindset and helps me to refocus on the truth. I’m lifting you up. “You will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12 AMEN
Prayer for the Lord’s wisdom, guidance, strength, and, peace as my husband and I try to figure out what’s best for my adult son with special needs after he finishes high school this year, and for us as we’ve become the caregivers and financial supporters for my older sister who almost 2 yrs ago had a stroke. She’s been denied disability and we’re fighting that. We are EXHAUSTED and OVERWHELMED!!!
Arnesia, that is all so much. Of course you are exhausted and overwhelmed. My heart goes out to you. I’m grateful that what is overwhelming to us is not to God. Asking Him to pour out His wisdom, peace, energy, and supernatural provision for all you need.
(I know a number of people who are disabled and had to fight for literally years to get disability insurance; I don’t know much about other systems, but for SSDI the usual practice is to deny the original claim, deny the appeal, then – if enough evidence is present and consistent – grant it at the court hearing, along with a lump sum representing what would have been paid if you’d been given it when you applied. Disability lawyers are *very* helpful, especially in that last stage, although I resent that US citizens who are definitely disabled and who have paid for social security disability insurance can’t just… apply and get it without paying out part of the eventual lump sum to lawyers – *but* at least the lawyer fees are legally capped?)
I’m sorry about your situation and your sister’s situation.
God, please give Arnesia wisdom and endurance as she makes her way through this set of challenges; please give her pockets of joy and a reassurance of your presence with her.
Tanya needs our prayers. Last year she lost an aunt & a sister. Now her mom is in hospital due to fall & pneumonia.
Daniel is also in hospital with leg issues.
Dan’s dad’s cancer is back.
Praise my hubby gave me a great gift by answering a prayer.
Father God,
There will be many women here with prayer requests. Send your healing touch & bring calm to those going through medical issues. Provide financial assistance your way to those needing it. Shower everyone with your blessings of love & peace. In Jesus name AMEN.
Blessings 🙂
I feel the sincerity of the theme today of praying for your readers. I love this, “We pray you’ll
live well for the Master, making Him proud.” As a Senior Citizen, I want to continue to flourish.
Please pray for me today as it’s my daddy’s memorial service. He passed away unexpectedly on Monday. He was my person and the reason I love the picture of God the Father, bc he loved me even when I was VERY unlovable and made sure I knew it. My mom has dementia and we will be figuring all that out once this is done. I’m so GLAD that I’ll see him again, but gosh I miss him right now.
Specifically for my daughter, as she speaks today. She was his little sidekick for a long time as she is the oldest grandchild.
My son is high functioning Autistic but hoards and has turned our house into an awful place to live.
Please pray that God will guide us as to next steps.
It is intolerable and my husband and I are traumatised.
I am praying for you and your family, Nicky! May he help you find peace in your home and the resources/support you need for your son.
Praying for you all and asking God to guide you to those that can help and encourage you . May God bring victory and peace over the battle you are in .
I’m feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of single motherhood. I struggle to give my financial concerns and worries to God. Please pray that he will show me a brighter path forward.
Dear God –
Please let Elizabeth feel Your presence close to her in her struggles. Open opportunities, resources and support that she has not had before. Bless her and her family as they growth together and strengthen them. +Amen
The pastor of our small, rural church is retiring after 11 years of loving and leading us. Please pray for the church leaders to have wisdom and revelation knowledge as we wait for the pastor that we know God has for us. And please bind the enemy from us and this whole situation. Thanks, blessings on each of you reading today.
May God walk with everyone who sees this today. Please pray for me as I am in dire financial distress and have no idea what I will do.
Dear God –
Be with Robyn in her distress. Bring quick, tangible relief to her situation in only the way that You can. Let her worry and anxiety be replaced with peace and joy. +Amen
Dear Lord, as I read through all of these requests, I ask that you meet each of these ladies right where they are today. Give comfort, guidance, supernatural strength, and most of all, let them know that they don’t have to walk these paths alone, that You are right there beside each of them. Send tangible help and a fresh infilling of Your sweet Spirit. Thank you Lord, for walking with us each step of the way.
Please pray for my big sister, Joanie. They just found a large mass on her pancreas.
I have to make a very big decision regarding my job by Thursday and I’m praying that God would direct my steps, open up doors and close others. I’m praying for wisdom and also healing. Thank you.
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to shower Kimberly with your holy wisdom regarding her job, so that she may walk in assurance regarding her decision making. May the healing she needs quickly come to pass through the mercy of your healing hand. Amen.
Please pray for my two adult sons, whose hearts need opened, and their burdens need lifted. May they come to understand forgiveness is a gift they give to themselves when they give it to others. Thanks so very much.
I am a 60-year old who often finds herself living aimless & purposeless. It is a constant struggle. I want my life to be centered & focused on what Christ wants. In my time of lack, I lose my spiritual vision and hearing.
I am struggling with anxiety and overwhelm over a health issue that lingers without resolve, as well as feeling God leading us to move by one of r kids in another state and the multitude of details needed to decide in that
As a fellow sister in Christ, I pray for resolve and clarity as you journey through your days. May you be comforted in knowing God walks ahead of us. Breathe in peace, breathe out pain.
Prayers for my husband with yet tbd health issues. Thank you!
I’ve been struggling with physical pain in my esophagus/stomach. Please pray that my body heals and normal function is restored. In Jesus name. Amen
I pray for every one. For all the people over all the world
I will pray for every one in this world
Please pray for me. I have a flare up of a IBS disorder I have. Pray for total healing for me. God bless you.
please pray for Colleen who has fibrosis lung disease and RA , ask God to show her mercy and healing , thank you Susan
I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and stressed lately. Also fearful of the future. Please pray for me. Thank you and God bless you all ❤️
Praying that Colleen feels God’s love wrapped around her and asking that He eases her ilk eases and gives her the healing that only He can give.
Susan – I am praying for Colleen & that God’s grace & love will heal & comfort her
Please pray for me that my son although he has dismissed me as his mother, will not allow me to see my one grandchild, a boy who I haven’t seen or even heard from since he was 11. He is 14 now and I don’t even know what he looks like. I am so heartbroken. I pray so much, but I know we have to be patient and wait. Sometimes that is hard.
I will pray for Colleen with that serious lung disease she is going through. I will ask God to show her mercy and healing. Susan, I will also pray for you as you certainly are hurting as well. Love to you both……Betsy Basile
Dear Father I lift up Betsy to you. I pray for full restoration of her relationship with her son and grandson. Please come strengthen and comfort her in the waiting and bring beautiful healing to her heart in the process. In Jesus name, Amen.
I would like to ask prayer for my mother. She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and Graves disease last year and they removed her thyroid, but recent tests revealed there is a possibility that it has spread to her lungs. She also has a lot of health complications due to the Graves’s disease, and it is just a really difficult time for us as a family.
Dear Lord, Please comfort Barbara and her mother. I pray for healing for her mother with the Grave’s disease and that the cancer has NOT spread to her lungs. If it has spread to her lungs or anywhere else, I pray that it is treatable. Please give this family peace and help them to feel your presence. Hold them tightly in your arms and bring people around them to comfort and hold them as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Our daughter passed away on Friday a few days after her 40th birthday. She had been estranged from us for over 15 years and I had been praying constantly for reconciliation, but the Lord didn’t grant that. I am heartbroken! (She had professed Christ in her teen years, but I don’t think she was walking with the Lord as an adult.)
Cathy, I am so sorry for your devastating loss. As a mother, there can’t be much worse that could happen especially with the estrangement by your daughter. I pray for your comfort and that God will ease your pain. You said your daughter professed God in her life….be comforted by the Scripture that says that nothing that was given to God can ever be taken away from Him. (paraphrased from John 10:28). I am praying you trust that God has your daughter safely in His hands.
Lord, please bring healing, strength and comfort into Colleen’s lungs, body and spirit; and for all those who are ailing and waiting for a cure. As the Great Physician and Healer, we know you have no limits on caring for Your people.
I am seeking prayers today for my son Matt who is very valiantly trying to quit smoking after 30 years. He has had major dental surgery, so he cannot use many of the methods – gum, candy, toothpicks – to take his mind off this addiction. I know with God’s blessings of strength and endurance he will overcome it. I also know you can never have too many prayers for help.
Praying for Phyl’s son Matt. Please God, give Matt relief from the nicotine withdrawal. Please provide a distraction that he can use when he feels overwhelmed. In Jesus name, amen.
Please pray for my husband who has collapsed vertebrae which is on a nerve causing severe nerve pain. He needs surgery but every surgeon we have seen refuses to do anything because my husband had a heart attack 3 months ago. Please pray for pain relief and a surgeon who is willing to help.
First, thanks for your prayers. Please pray for my so , who is underage and who is not making good choices and being influenced by the wrong people. Pray that he also gets into the college he wants and does well in soccer. He also has an appt tomorrow for his anxiety and depression. I have MS, so please pray for my health, Also, a new boss in my career starts on Feb 10, so pray they keep me with my company or God opens another door. Pray for my parents and my moms heart test and dads depression. Also, my father in law that is still recovering from a stroke.
May the Lord grant you all your heart desires and grant you success in all your endeavors for your family and friends. May he bring healing to the sick and may his divine guidance be upon all those under his care…stay strong in this fight…God is making a way that will soon surface.
Pray for my adult daughters to come back to the Lord. They all went to Christian colleges, were in YWAM and various ministries, but one is an avowed atheist now and raising our grandkids that way. We hardly get to see them. One describes herself as a Jesus-loving Wiccan. Single mom raising two kids (we are helping). Oldest daughter is very involved at her affirming, Episcopal church which is very just oriented. Still believes in Jesus, but no so much the Word. We feel they have such giftings and callings from the Lord, pray that God would grant them a heart of repentance that they would escape the devil’s snare. Thank you!
I’m in desperate need of a job. I have an interview Friday. Please pray that His will will be done.
Please pray for the salvation of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
God bless you and your family with faith, hope and trust God will fulfill his promise if we continue to pay to Him.
My heart is heavy with the lose of two dear friends in the past two weeks. They were believers and should been joying paradise. I hurt because I didn’t get the chance to say good bye. Bless you prayer warriors.
I am praying for each and everyone here. God is good and faithful to hear our every prayer! May the God of all comfort encounter each and every one, bring healing, hope and peace and provision! May our heavenly Father, Lord Jesus and sweet Holy Spirit meet each and every one today and all the days ahead, encourage your hearts and the Lifter of your heads! In Jesus holy name I pray!
Dear God, I lift Susan’s request for Colleen before your throne of grace, knowing you hear her plea. Place your healing touch upon Colleen and give her strength and comfort as she battles her health issues. I pray also that you heal my niece Maria of her bi-polar and psychosis that has begun to plague her these last 2 years. It is hard to see her descend into her broken mind and refuse help and cut herself off from my sister and the rest of us.
Please pray for my cousin Gail who was killed in an automobile accident last night. And pray for her husband Luke as he is in his second surgery and has a long recovery ahead. Pray for their granddaughter who was driving them home from the airport, her friend who was a passenger, and for the driver of the car who crossed the median and hit them.
May our good and merciful God bring healing to all and fill hearts with forgiveness and grace. Amen.
Prayers for all these dear ones! So many issues – it is overwhelming but you Lord, are not overwhelmed. You hold each of us in your loving hands. Strengthen each one dear Lord!
I pray for healing – 3 surgeries in the last few months and a possible fourth. Heal me and help me to trust You. Thank you sweet Jesus!
YES, Please pray for me as I’m alone, missing family and friends. My birthday is 15th and will be 74, an “old hippie” and never thought about getting old and especially, alone. No family, now, and most close friends have died. THANKS for my FAITH. Moved to a 55+ Community and have smallest 680 sq. ft. apt., Thank God have my sweet almost 11 year old dog.
Please pray for me as I have a job interview on Tuesday and am trying to discern a career change path that isn’t harmful to my family’s financial security. Also, please pray for the father of a close friend who was just diagnosed with cancer last week and also struggles with dementia.
I also want to offer a prayer of gratitude that my anxiety, which had a bad flare in December and early January, has improved greatly with a medication change and some lifestyle changes. I’m grateful that God has walked with me this whole way and directed my path.
Heavenly Father we lift up Colleen. We ask that your mercy and grace touch her body and her heart. May the healing blood of Jesus cover her.
I ask for prayer for my health, especially my struggle with depression and an eating issue.
Please pray for my daughter as she is very bitter toward the Lord. She went through a nasty divorce and lost custody of her son 15 years ago. We have been praying for 15 years for her to see her son. She was given visitation rights but her ex husband will not and has not let her see her son. We have been to court several times and spent thousand of dollars. We held in contempt, however he knows the judge and nothing would be done. She says what’s the use of keep praying because God hasn’t done anything in 15 years.
We are starting a new session of GriefShare (a Christian grief recovery group) at our church today. It is the 8th time we are leading this program. Prayers for all in attendance. For those who are grieving. I pray that they feel God’s healing love, wisdom and care from the moment they walk through our doors. And for those leading, I pray for God’s wisdom to guide their hearts and words, to know when to speak and when to listen, and to be sources of comfort that point to God’s glory.
I just first want to pray for all the requests before mine after for the request that come after mine. I pray that God meets you in every need you have and helps you along the way.
Also, I just ask for prayers regarding some doctors appointments I have this week. I pray for answers to random health issues I’ve been having over the past couple of years and for healing and that each appointment goes well.
God, remind sweet Courtney that You see her and love her. Remind her that You care for her. Bring hope and healing this week, oh God. Through answers, through questions that lead to more answers, through the comfort and care of her doctors, and through the truth that You go before her and are with her. Amen.
Praising God that I know I am on the “God Plan!” I (this tent) have multiple myeloma.. I am so blessed and encouraged by the changes in people I love. My heart is filled with gratitude that God has given me “eyes,” to see the blessings poured over us as we meet the challenges each day brings our way! To God be the glory!
Heavenly Father, I lift Courtney up to you. I pray that you would touch her at the point of her need. I ask that you would guide the doctors that they would provide answers for Courtney’ health. I ask that you would touch her and heal her Lord; in Jesus name I pray. Amen
That an enlightened understanding of his love for me would replace my fear.
Lord you know everyone with prayer needs should it be an illness no matter what it is for the person or kids going through it and their Families watching them, Money problems, Abuse Kids and Adults being Abused, Kids with Autism disabilities no matter what they are people, Those who look after them elderly people in their home and if in a nursing home that need help, Dementia in people and our elderly, People who take drugs have drink problems, Job loss poverty of not being able to pay your bills worrying about kids how your going to provide for them put food on the table, Families not getting on or don’t speak to either no matter what the reason the list could go on Lord. But Lord everyone in our world has prayer needs. When we that have pray need help us all take them to you Lord in prayer and stand on the promises of your word over our lives. Also help us think about people in our world homeless be thankful all of us that have a have roof over our heads all that have. Think about people who are ill in poor countries with not the same hospital equipment in there hospitals as we might have in our hospitals were we live. Children and their Families in poor countries that get no food most days or clean water the Children have to walk most of them to get that water that is not clean they drink it because so thirsty and become ill. Help us be thankful we have food and clean water in our taps we can drink that we can go to our cupboards to get the food all that can. Help us all think of people and kids like these when we are not like them pray for them. Even or Brothers and Sisters who are being prosecuted for knowing you. When we can that worship you freely. Help us even with our prayer needs no matter what they are. Think about people and kids in our world less well of then us and also pray for them even with our prayer needs not matter even if serious or not that serious. They are still all serious. Help us all trust you in everything we go through. Be thankful for all you have done for us will do for us. I ask this in your name and keep trusting you no matter what. Amen. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Prayers accepted for my husband’s and my parents. They are aging and starting to experience more medical conditions and difficulties. Prayers for them as they navigate this season of their lives to do it faithfully and without fear. Prayers for my husband and I to be able to provide support while grieving the active parents we once knew. This is new territory for all of us.
Oh God, Your love and care for us ends at no age. Your grace and strength are endless. Fill our friend, Kim, with hope and strength as she and her husband navigate this new season. Remind them of your love and power, grant them grace to bear patience as they give care to their parents. What a sacred call to give care to the ones who brought us into the world. Empower Kim and her husband to answer this call, trusting You for all things…each day along the way. Amen.
I’m bringing to wonder if the Lord hears my prayers & cries for healing the brokenness in my family. Please pray for some light to shine in this dark tunnel I’m in.
God, shine healing light on our sweet friend. Shower her with hope to keep believing in Your power. Strengthen her to be a vessel of peace in her family and in her home. You are merciful and mighty to save. God of miracles, do just that in our sweet friend’s family. Amen.
Please pray for our 37 year old son who has been in the ‘far off land’ since he was 15 yrs. old. He is homeless right now in Colorado, and has been in and out of jail. He has a co-occurring illness; drug/alcohol addictions and bi-polar disorder. He refuses treatment for the mental health condition. Please pray that our son will check out the ‘Second Chance’ program in Colorado. This program is a re-entry program for folks who have been incarcerated and trying to find their way back into society. They provide resources for those with addictions, mental health treatment, helping them seek employment, and helping them find housing.
Also, please pray for my husband and I that we partner together dealing with this ‘Prodigal Journey’ with our son.
Please pray for me to hear and see God during my mother’s life with Alzheimer’s. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do
Dearest Kristen…i just completed an extremely long 10 years with my mom who went to be with Jesus in June. I’ve never had so much anxiety and fear trying to meet her needs. Long days and many tears. But I tell you with all my heart that my faith has grown into something beautiful. I look back and know that the Lord directed my steps through each and every heartache. But it was hard…very hard. God was and is my Rock…my very foundation. His Word was my daily comfort!!!!!!! Praying for you and the road ahead.
Sisters, my prayer is peace through my new diagnosis of breast cancer. I know the Lord has already determined my outcome and just asking that my joy will be genuine and I can be a light to all the women I’m going to meet!
God, as our sweet sister, Kristina, strives to hear and see You, remind her that You hear and see *her* … Grant Kristina the grace and strength to care for her mother and to continually entrust her mother to You — the One who has all unconditional care for our loved ones. Remind her of the truth of 1 Peter 5:7 and shower her with mercy. Amen.
Hello Kristina. Please don’t forget to care for yourself and be kind to yourself even as you are in overwhelm in the caring of your mother. Let not guilt overtake you for those moments you must slip away (even if just mentally) for self care. Such embraced moments will refresh you for your next moments with your mom. The way you are honoring your mom in her need for trusted care is cherished by the Father who Himself cherishes you both. Believing that the strength and compassion of God will sustain you in your works of love for yourself and your mom!
Dear God,
I lift up Krstina to you. Please help you to feel Your presence in this difficult situation. Every situation is different but as my grandfather had this condition before he passed away, I have an idea of how hard it is to have your loved one with you physically but not be able to reach them with your words. I know you understand her overwhelm and can comfort her and help her through these situations with her mom. In Jesus name,Thank you!
Please pray for my children that they will come either back to the Lord or to salvation
God in heaven, hear our prayer — watch over your children and call them home. Shower them with peace, love, grace, and hope. With all trust in Your loving hands. Amen.
Please pray for my husband’s health and mine, for miracles for our health and for our family!
Thank you so much!
Thank you !
God bless everyone!
I am asking all of Gods children to pray for my daughter. She is 13 and struggling with depression and self harm, that’s was brought on by an absent father and early exposure to alcohol, drugs, and other unfortunate circumstances. Pray that she finds friends who can introduce her to God in a way that’s undeniable. Rebuke the negative thoughts of satan from her mind and her heart. Remind her even in the lowest of times that God will carry her through this. Help her see there is no benefit from harming the temple God gave her. This is one of a parents worst fears. I need all prayers today
Please pray for our little family of 3.
Our son is homeless and living in his car that we gave him. He works but doesn’t have enough money to pay for rent. He suffers from anxiety and depression. We’re in our 70’s and have financially helped him for years. We can no longer do this as we’re on a fixed income. Jesus goes before us. Beautiful Savior help us.
Please pray for me to be able to patiently endure everything, so that I will continue do God’s will and receive all that He has promised for me.
Please pray that I can completely heal from breast cancer. I am also concerned about finances with the state of our country right now–rising prices from tariffs and changes in health care insurance, etc Please help us to be able to continue to afford treatment and my husband to be able to keep his job. We have a new deductible to meet each year and this year it is higher again. Sigh. I know God hears. Thank you for praying with us.
Dear Lord,
My prayer tonight is for Monica and her husband. Lord God please place your healing hands on Monica as she continues to seek treatments for breast cancer. Lord give her the strength and courage each day. Lord please be with her husband as he walks beside her through this. Be his guiding light as he comforts and supports her. Lord you are so good and you never fail us.
I often struggle with feeling overwhelmed daily. I have a lot on my mind/in the background and then have the day-to-day tasks of being a childcare provider/mother/homemaker. This is most everyone’s life (things on your mind and then having to go about the day-to-day). But for some reason I struggle with letting it all bogg me down and feel stressed. It just seems like too much and I’ll never get it all done or ever feel complete/organized with it all. The things I have on my mind are– my grandmother who needs a visitor as she is alone, finances, making sure my children have all that they need, house chores, feeling like I need a break but can’t take one, praying my siblings find Christ…the list goes on. I have that on my mind constantly and then when I try to go about my day and am stressed about different things within my day, it just all seems too much for me. I pray that I can see and hear the Lord more in my days. I long for him. I so badly want to give it all to him, I just need to learn how.
Please keep my daughter in your prayers. She has had a rough year already. Prayers for encouragement, healing and strength emotionally and physically. She is dealing with a chronic infection in her foot from a previous surgery. She has had several surgeries to get rid of it and to repair damage tissue and bone. We thought she was improving and now her foot looks awful again. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for doctors. This has been a strain on her family financially as she has not been able to work much this past year. Please pray for healing and for her family to grow closer to each other and to our Heavenly Father.
Praise God Andre was baptized last night; in prison.
Pray for faith, strengthen and wisdom.
Give him favor and all good things.
Thank you.
I ask for prayer that my 2 adult daughters would turn their hearts to God and His will for their lives. Also for the nerve pain that developed from a case of the shingles last February to go away so I can be relieved on the pain and get off the medication with its side effects. Thank you fir your prayers!
Please pray that I can fully trust God’s amazing plan for my life. That I can relinquish the illusion of control and live my days, not in anxiety or fear, but in full on joy and peace. I know His plans are greater than my plans, His thoughts are greater than my thoughts. I know He has plans to give me hope and a prosperous future. Pray that I can fully live in His promises and grace.
My mother has been waiting for a hospital appointment over a month. She had a fall on Christmas Day and is now afraid to go out because of her vulnerable state. She rang the hospital this morning and they fobbed her off by saying that the Consultant will decide and get in touch. It’s not good enough – she could have another fall that could be fatal. Please pray that they will get their act together to sort out her problem very sharpish!!!
My single mom daughter has had a lot of loss in her life.
She is a good person. She is feeling anxious, untrusting, unworthy. I pray that she is able to get help professionally and thru God’s Holy Spirit feel his loving presence she needs to get her thru day by day confidently.
As I enter retirement April 2nd I am needing assurance of financial stability knowing it won’t look the same. What lies ahead, the path I should take. I choose to leave a company (thru prayer) that I have worked for over 25 years. The stress was taking a toll on me. Prayer led me to the 4/2 date but beyond that is unclear.
I ask for prayers for the world, this year has not been a good start and I also am having a difficult accepting GOD allows awful things to happen.
God wants us to rely on him and draw closer to him. He tells us there will be trails and tribulations, however he is a jealous God and he wants us to only depend on him We tend to put our trust in too many earthy things and people who will mislead us
Please pray with me for a breakthrough in my health. Prescriptions were given that created more issues.
My husband is my caregiver and he is being spread very thin caring for me and his elderly parents.
His name is Matthew. Please pray with me for his strength and wisdom.
Thank you
I have just lost my job and I am praying that God will open doors for another one.
Please pray for my future needs. I have MS and I am no longer able to work. The good news I made it to 64 but I wasn’t financially or emotionally ready to retire or go on disability. Im grappling with anxiety and depression.
Hey Lois,
I want you to please take a moment and remember all the things in your life that have happened. Especially those moments you thought there was no way to make a way! Now, you have made it to this very moment reading this…So, if God got you through all of that, He will definitely get you through all of this. And you are so worth it all!
Remember that we weren’t designed to receive strength, hope, endurance etc…We are designed to receive God who IS all of those things and more for us. He designed us to be completely dependent on Him. Knowing His character and track record can allow us to let go and just let God!! That is intimate and it is freeing.
I call upon our Abba the Almighty God the One Who knows us by name and every detail of who we are and cares for us with unconditional love. Our comfort, our healing and assurer Who takes all our needs minute to huge into His concern and works all things out for our good… to overwhelm you with His presence and Who He is. I rebuke in Jesus name any and all spirits of doubt, depression, fear, anxiety, loneliness and sickness, commanding them to leave you and I apply the Blood of Christ as a shield of protection / repellant over you. I declare and decree peace, joy, courage and the refreshing of a new season in your life. One in which you will experience the most incredible friendship with God. I thank God for you and His love for you. I thank God for having already written a beautiful new chapter and for His faithfulness that is without doubt woven in and out of each page of your story. I pray this for HIs glory in Jesus precious name..Amen
Remember when you can’t, He can. When you are not, He is. You got this Lois! Because He’s got you!
With Love,
a sister in Christ
Hello I feel so alone, I’ve so many things weighing on my mind- its a battlefield. I’m married for the first time and I am #4th wife for my husband he has a daughter who is 31 and married and she is his life ! He shares everything with her- he tells me she will always be his #1 not me. It deeply hurts.
Please pray that my right knee does not have a serious problem. I had my right knee replaced in 2011. It is starting to hurt at different times & then it would not bother me. Thank you!
I’m seeking God’s instructions for what is next and for a portion of healing to be able to hear Him with certainty. Trauma can sometimes take away clarity and make you begin to over question while remaining stuck. I have been in a fierce spiritual and physical battle for about four years now. One in which everything and all things in my life are gone. All but God of course. What hits the hardest like death are my two children that were kidnapped. They were taken at ages five and two. I chased these people down and fought with all I have in me…My daughter Brooklyn lost her life at seven years old. I am not ready to speak of what her last moments where like, just imagine the worst. My son Camry who would now be turning six years old is possibly still out there somewhere. Family members were involved. Unfathomable. It has been unexplainable all that has happened. I would say like a nightmare, but then again you could wake up from that. A prison cell, but then there would be four walls. It’s more like nothing in this world exist anymore or at least you don’t exist in it but you’re still here. Watching like from a different realm or something where only you and God/Jesus/Holy Spirit occupy. Good thing because they are the only Ones you allow near you. Anyways, I’m still in the battle but seems to be at a slow pace right now. I need prayer for whatever God wants. That’s all I want, need and trust.
Thank you.
My family just lost our father and it’s just been a whole season grief and confusion with conflict from the paternal side. Please pray that God brings peace and enables us to adopt to the new normal.
This devotion is wonderful I really appreciate it. Thankyou!