“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.”
Psalm 18:2 NIV
I sat outside on my apartment balcony, a light breeze wisping strands of hair against my shoulders. My fingers sat atop my laptop keyboard, my heart pounding with every press of the keys. I googled, “How to write a resignation letter” and slowly began crafting my own. Was I making a massive mistake?
I had a clear path in front of me, each rung of the corporate ladder shiny and sparkling above me. I knew I could keep climbing. I could stay comfortable. But the still, small voice inside me was inviting me to leave my job and enter a new season. Truth was, I had no inkling of what that new season might contain. The idea of leaving my job felt akin to jumping off a cliff, and I hadn’t a clue what was waiting for me below.
I was an associate producer for the largest news corporation in Canada. Everyone disagreed with my decision to leave. My family. The news corp. Normally when everyone disagrees with me it’s a sure sign I ought to listen to their wisdom and not my inner rebel.
But it wasn’t my inner rebel I was listening to this time . . . it was my Good Shepherd.
I’d fasted and prayed for months. I’d asked a spiritual director to talk me through the decision. And over and over, I kept getting a word from the Holy Spirit: He was my Rock. I didn’t know what was ahead, but I knew I had a Rock to land on. I was still afraid, but I trusted that God would lead me. He did.
I left the world of news producing and weeks later found myself accepting a job to plant and pastor a small church. I had planned to be a journalist, telling the truth to hundreds of thousands. Now I was a pastor, telling a far greater Truth to a congregation of eighty.
I never thought I’d find myself here. But my Rock did. And in Him, I will always take refuge.
By Aliza Latta from 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle
Thousands of women are finding fresh hope and renewed strength in our favorite (in)courage devotional journal, 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle. Grab a copy for yourself or a friend. We know God will meet you on every page as you meditate on Scripture, learn alongside (in) writers like Aliza, and journal your own prayers and reflections.
Tell us: How have you experienced God as the Rock in your life?
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