About the Author

Rachel Marie Kang is the author of Let There Be Art and The Matter of Little Losses. A writer of poems, prose, and other pieces, she is founder of The Fallow House and the Social Media & Guest Post Manager for (in)courage. Connect with her at rachelmariekang.com.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Oh I am drooling. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. And my favorite food is PIZZA. Next week, my 71st birthday I will continue the tradition of having pizza as my birthday meal. I now live in rural Maine so the pizza of my youth is a memory to savor. And like you, I am gluten intolerant. So it will be a gluten free pizza for me. Growing up I had my go to pizza place and it sounds just like the one you visited. The same slow process, one person behind the counter making pizza. I had a slice every day either before dinner or afterwards. I thought it was a touch of heaven on earth. And now, reading this, it makes such sense. God stays the same, is intimately involved, God is worth the wait and too good to share. Thank you for such a delicious insight.

  2. I’ll be honest, at first, when I read the title I thought pizza and God, hmmm!? But then, wow! The perspective is amazing. This was my take away (that will, by the way, stick with me for a LONG time so thank you) God cares so much about us that He prepares each of us carefully, with TLC like the pizza being prepared for its customers. God takes His time, not rushing, causing us to have to wait longer than we’d like sometimes. The other takeaway is just like the pizza place has such a great reputation and the ‘word’ is spread, our God has a reputation for being AMAZING and we keep coming back and spreading His word and His name for others to be able to experience God’s greatness!!

    Thank you thank you! (Now I have to have pizza, lol!)

  3. Dear Rachel………..Your words today brought me to tears, as I was married to my husband ( Italian on both his father’s and mothers side ). I am Pennsylvania Dutch. We grew up in an entirely different environment. I learned how to cook Italian and my husband learned to love my kind of food as well. Your pizza story and the picture was just so warming to me and I could actually taste that pizza. Pardon, my drooling. What a truly wonderful engagement story and your husband must really love you for planning all those surprises. We were married 52 years when I noticed that his mind was failing. I managed to get him to a neurologist, but he refused to accept their diagnosis and what he needed to do to slow the progress of this awful disease. Instead of stopping his heavy drinking, he increased it and flushed the medication down the toilet. My son did not believe me and told me I was a liar and no longer, my mother. Heartbreaking things one after another. I prayed so frequently, but now 6 years later, his dementia has progressed to the highest tier. I stayed with him for 3+ years and kept trying to get him back to the doctor, but to no avail and his doctors could not understand why he would not help me. He was 52 at the time. Those 3+ years were very bad for me as he drank so much all afternoon and ate no dinner which through into what they called “Dementia rages” where, every single night he abused me physically as well as emotionally until in 2022, he tried to kill me. That was the end and I was forced to have him evicted from our house of 40 years for my safety. There is so much more, but I have bored you too much. This is where your words written towards the end of the devotion really hit me. The one lesson I am working on this year is to trust God’s plan and timing even when it feels foggy, frustrating and slow. I know God has each of our plans, but as human beings, sometimes we just can’t fight through this. This always reminds me that Jesus went through these difficult times as well and then I get mad at myself. My son has not let me see or even talk to my 1 grandchild for 3 years. He is 14 now. I just can’t seem to forgive my son for doing this. I know his wife hates me, but my son has changed into her over the years. Thank you again Rachel for your wonderful story and the picture of that pizza was definitely Italian. We used to go to South Philadelphia for true, real Italian goodies. I will keep trying and also to be more patient. Your words, Rachel have definitely given me courage and strength to move on. Love and prayers to you and your family today. Betsy Basile

  4. God stays the same is what I’m clinging to now. Several of my family members are facing upheaval in their lives with health issues, both physical and mental, and as they rely on me for support, I need the consistency of God’s peace and strength. On a side note, I’m finding comfort in reading your book The Matter Of Little Losses again. As I’m reading and journaling in the book, my mind and heart find rest.

  5. Wonderful article filled with great reminders! Also, I think I’m learning that through it all God is there. Through, good and bad, joy and heartache and even when things don’t make sense.

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