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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Thank you ~ you have spoken to my anxieties this morning.
    I really appreciate the final line to lean on.

  2. Dear Jami……………….I love your words today. I have that book and I am just ready to start it for the third time. Every time I do this I notice what I answered and see that this Journal helps me so much as my answers are different I will soon have to order another one. Thank you for everything, Jami. I could say so much more but I have a doctor’s appointment and have to leave now.
    I wish you a good new year and pray that the world and all the people that are losing every thing due to crazy weather have the strength to get through this tough season. I hope that they get the book as writing things down definitely helps more than what many people don’t know until they try it.
    Love and prayers to you……………..Betsy Basile

  3. Wow..now this is heartfelt and heart taken. Thankyou.
    Blessings for the adventure ahead God is walking with you .
    ..JOY … in Jesus ‼️⚓️

  4. Thank Jami for what you wrote in today’s reading. It reminds me of a Christian song. When you said you are stronger than you think because God is closer than you know. How true those words are. The song is it is sung by Kids and Adults. You may have heard it you may not. But if not you get it on YouTube. It. Is “Be bold be strong for the Lord thy God is with thee. I am not afraid No No because I am standing in faith and victory” How true that song is. We the saved are stronger than we think just like the words in that song. God is with us too. It says that in the song also for the Lord thy God is with thee. So we don’t have to wish for Normal as we are beautiful and normal to God. Another song that comes to mind is that it reminds me that we can with for normal and see God character. It is “I am a new creation no more in condemnation” you also get that one on YouTube too. They tell us both these songs. One we are strong because God is worth us. The second one tell us we are a new creation. With that we are strong and Normal in God’s eyes. I say amen to that. Love your reading and what you wrote. Keeping you all in incourage in my prayers. Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  5. This spoke to my heart and soul. Being thankful for the right now
    , even though it is not our expected ‘normal.’ Praise God for his goodness and mercy. Praise him through the good, the bad, and the especially I don’t understand. I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

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