About the Author

Now graduated from her role as a homeschooling mom of 8, Dawn Camp devotes her time and love of stories to writing her first novel. She enjoys movie nights, cups of Earl Grey, and cheering on the Braves. She and her husband navigate an ever-emptying nest in the Atlanta suburbs.

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  1. Dawn,

    I’m so sorry about your arm. And I can certainly relate to your shoulder. Thank you for sharing…

    Sending you healing Joy in this new year,

    Lisa Wilt

  2. Dear Dawn,
    I am right there with you recovering from major back surgery back in October ’24. Today will be my last PT of 20 sessions & I’m feeling so much better after dealing with back pain for over 4 years. I’m more limited on hiking now & climbing stairs is a challenge without railing. But, I’m so thankful that I can actually walk without pain & not depend on my amazing husband to have to do so much for me anymore. Dawn, just take small baby steps in your recovery & rejoice over the new things you can add back into your family. To get Christmas PJ’s for 8+ family members is amazing!!!
    Lord bless you & blessings on your new book!
    Barbara from CA

    • Congrats on successful back surgery and finishing PT, Barbara! We instituted the policy of only doing PJs for the ones who are still at home, so I got by with three. 🙂

  3. Dear Dawn………….Your words today are something I can relate to, perhaps in a different way, but still you reminded me of some things I may have forgotten. I like you had a very serious medical problem and the recovery was very slow and my job was very important to me. I couldn’t get there due to pain and weakness and a long drive just to get there. It was so bad that I used up all my sick days and long term disability (totaling 18 months ). I was very heartbreaking as the rules they had said no matter how good an employee was and I was one of the top managers, you were terminated. It had been my job for 35 years. I tried to pray and ask Jesus for help and he did , but it was already too late. I think I cried for 2 weeks straight. Your Proverbs 19 verse 21 is just what I need to keep going on when my plans are upside down and so am I. I will save your devotion today and savor the moments I read it again after lunch when my brain fog finally lifts. Thank you, Dawn for your story and I hope and pray your shoulder heals and you can go back to what you wish to do. I am 77 years old, so it is a little late for me, but my Holy Spirit whispers to me every day and actually does things that make me smile. All of you (in)courage women help me to think in the right way to help me through all the struggles I am experiencing now at this time of my life. When I was 40, I never even though what could happen when I got old. All the best to you, my friend…………..Betsy Basile

    • Betsy, I’m so sorry for the physical problems that cost you your job. I’m glad that verse speaks to you. Don’t count yourself out at 77! So many women in my family live into their 90s, so it sounds like you’ve got a lot of good years left!

  4. Pitting you on my prayers for healing. I broke right arm at humerous and they wanted to am amputate ..Refusing , i tried everything even oil of healing by elders.. nope 8 months later by God’s miracle we heard of BLT pills and Comfrey Root .. wow then started the healing and then a rod put thru.. took 3 years but I got my right arm back to shape.
    Then broke the right wrist badly., osteo .. but they managed to put it together ..a long recovery followed. Now age 75 and 3 torn shoulder tendons and rotator cuff separated and severe osteo arthritis in The humerus., But. Hey., God is faithful and walks with me daily still . Keep your eyes on Him looking up . We still have work to do for Him even in our pain. Hugs

  5. Thank you! for these words of wisdom! I just had surgery 3 weeks ago and i want run and do all the things. Go back to my job as the church secretary, take my dog on walks she is a puller so i can’t. But that’s not what God wants me to be still.

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