I love to read multitudes of words in all the various forms they come in. But sometimes it’s not a lengthy passage that stirs my devotion. Sometimes a simple phrase or even a single word captures my attention completely — a snippet speaking to everything I didn’t know I needed. Things like:
Be patient with yourself. This one jolted me years ago when a dear friend sat by my side in the back hallway of our church as I cried over something that seemed so silly, yet I couldn’t easily get over it. She reminded me to be patient with myself. I don’t know why this had never occurred to me before, but I found immense comfort in the realization that just like I was patient with other people, I could be patient with my own self.
Identity, Intimacy, Influence. This alliteration has been the core of my desire to cultivate a deep walk with Christ. Identity, intimacy, and influence are trigger words for me that remind me to remain anchored in my identity in Christ, to not shy away from cultivating intimacy with Him, and to trust that organic influence comes not because I strive to make something happen but out of the overflow of my abiding in Christ (John 15).
Let God define the good. When I heard this on a podcast while driving a couple of months ago, I almost pulled over on the side of the road. A woman was sharing about her time overseas, and what life looked like when she returned home. I can’t remember the bulk of everything shared, but that one powerful phrase has stuck with me since I heard it. This will forever be added to my wheelhouse of words that encourage and compel me to keep my eyes on Jesus.
“Let God define the good” lifted a weight off my shoulders. Even now, those words provide a deep breath and an exhale. I don’t have to muster what I think good should look like for my marriage or family or ministry or whatever. I don’t have to wallow in despair when what I expect doesn’t materialize the way I think it should.
Letting God define the good doesn’t disregard the tangible struggle or frustration we may feel. This mindset doesn’t justify hurtful moments or actions that are not right. It’s simply an invitation to submission and surrender. Just like God deemed what He made “good” at creation, we can let Him define what is good even now.
Even if we can’t see the good. Even if it is more or less than we expect. We can lament and repent, we can dream and be content. And in all of it, we can declare, God, I’m going to let You define the good.
When I allow God to define the good in my circumstances, I exchange my disappointment for His desires. In that exchange, He works all those things out for my good.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28 NIV
If you need (like I do!) to surrender your pen to the true Author and Finisher and absolute Definer, here is a prayer:
Yes, Lord, we will agree with Your Word, define the good for us this year. God, define what it looks like to thrive and flourish, what it looks like for us to run upon heights where only Your wings can take us. God, define us.
Speak the words that only You can say. Breathe into us the way You breathed life into Adam’s lungs, that body of dirt rung from the earth — that body set in motion by what came forth from Your lungs. Help us to long for what You love. What You love is us and You called us good and decided that it was good to come, with us, as one of us, to bring us closer to You.
Jesus, You encountered discomfort, toil, and tension, yet for the joy set before You,You endured what we never could because Father God defined it as good. You defined us as worthy to be pursued. So Lord, we’ll let You define our good. It may not look like what we see to the left or the right of us, but instead of comparison and strife, we choose to lean into the words You’ve written over our lives. And in Your good, we’ll delight. Amen.
Thank you Jenny. These are beautiful words to dwell on today, adding to my focus of being content and delighting in the Lord.
I’m glad this was helpful for you! These words have definitely helped my focus as well.
Excellent Jenny!
Thank you for sharing that wonderful key phrase.
Love the prayer that solidifies it.
Thank you for this lesson.
Bless you
You are so welcome! I’m thankful for how we get to encourage each other through this community.
This is very encouraging message and Gods promises are sure and true just as that of Romans 8:28…Thank you
Yes they are! Amen to that. Thank you for sharing this verse.
Let God define the good! I’ll contemplate that until it saturates my soul!
Sending you New Year’s joy,
Lisa Wilt
Amen! Me too.
Yes and amen!!
Happy New Year, Lisa! And yes, they have been really anchoring words to dwell on.
Amen \0/
Amen! And thank you for reading!
Dear Jenny……………………..I don’t know how you women do it, but every morning when I read your words, it seems to me to be just “what I need”. Today is no different. I have always had trouble with being patient with myself. I talk to many people here in the facility that I live in and I am always patient with them no matter how long their story is. I have always been this way since I was in Junior High School. I believe I helped so many girls by listening to them, but oddly enough, they never asked me how I was and I had many emotional problems. Panic attacks almost caused me to hurt myself. They are beyond explanation, but along with those came depression, but I always walk around with a smile on my face so everyone seems to think that I am “Just Fine”. I love the prayer you gave us and I will say it as I feel it will help me to work even closer to Jesus than I am now. I pray many times during the day. I am 77 years old and it gets a bit harder to believe in yourself. I fear that God will take me before I ever get to see or hear from my 14 year old grandson. I do have HOPE as that is one of my words for 2025 and BREATHE is the other word,so I am working on it. I thank you once again for giving me that hope and when I am weary I also know that God has told me that it is OK to take a day just for me. Haven’t done it yet, but I think this weekend (tomorrow), I have decided to try it. From my 45 years of work, I was a manager who was expected to multitask and at 35 I was good at it, but when I hit 70, I noticed a big change in myself. I was struggling to make the 45 minute drive to the office without already being very tired. I finally decided that I needed to retire as I had a lot of serious, rare physical problems that needed surgery. I could go on, but I will not bore you with it. Thanks so much for allowing me to comment as it helps me every day to improve myself in some way be it small or very large. I wish you, Jenny, a very healthy, happy, prosperous in that order, New Year and your words always, I love . Sending you love and hope that perhaps the things that you think of will be solved by Jesus. I lean very much on my Holy Spirit who is always there for me. He is the greatest……………..Betsy Basile
Jesus is so faithful to meet us where we are isn’t he? I’m thankful for how these words met you and for how you show up faithfully each day to strengthen yourself in the Lord. Blessings to you Betsy!
Bring patient with myself and letting God define me and my life is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
That’s good to hear. I’m thankful for how God speaks specifically to all of us and I pray the words continue to resound in your heart this week. Blessings!
Absolutely beautiful. This is a keeper for me because I want this for my life. Thank you.
Same! The first two phrases have been logged in my heart for years and “Let God Define the Good” is one that will also be a keeper for me. I’m thankful that it spoke deeply to you.
Thank you for this reminder. When going through grief, it’s easy to forget and get consumed in our human emotions and weakness. I pray for God to continue to show me the way as I navigate through this difficult time. I also pray for anyone dealing with overwhelming situations that feel too overwhelming. I need to run to God and let Him carry it and rest in His Loving Arms and know He will walk with me every step of the way. He promised He will.
I’m so sorry for the grief you are walking through and I pray that you experience God’s tangible presence in the midst of it. I also appreciate your prayer for others.
Hebrews 4:16
Society tries to tell us what is good. They say big houses, nice cars, jobs, etc. There are times I get down & start wanting some of that. “Let God define the good” hit me today. I have to realize that everything He has provided me is good. I am more blessed than most people in this world. This year I’m asking God to help me flourish right where He has me. Show me how to make an impact for your kingdom.
Blessings 🙂
Such good words Beth! Yes Lord, help us to flourish right where we are. Thank you for sharing!