“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
Jeremiah 33:3 NIV
If given the choice to know what the year ahead will hold or let it all remain a mystery to day-by-day unfold, most of us would probably choose to know. Mystery breeds uncertainty. Uncertainty often causes us to grasp for control.
But what if the mysteries and uncertainties of life were actually meant to compel us to call on God? To propel us to reach out to Him. To lean into Him. To surrender to Him and linger with Him.
The fact that God invites us to call to Him is our assurance that He listens to us. And not only does He listen to our questions, doubts, dreams, desires, and concerns, but He also answers us!
At the start of this new year, may you experience God’s gift of peace knowing that every uncertainty ahead is an opportunity to trust your loving Savior. May you resist the pressure and temptation to sprint ahead of God’s plans and fill up a blank calendar with lofty resolutions and commitments that will stretch you thin.
May you remember that you are more than any goal met, any resolution kept, any to-do list checked. You are known by God. You are His child to whom He turns His ear.
You are loved just as you are.
May you find rest in that truth.
A prayer for this very new year:
Lord, there is so much ahead of us that we can’t foresee, so much we wish we could control but can’t. We hold all our questions, desires, and longings out to You. We want to trust You, but we acknowledge that we need help with that sometimes. Help us remember who we are, through the lens and truth of who You are. Thank You that we can be anchored in faith when we are tethered to You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Bev Brandon says
May God fulfill in 2025 all the longings for His Presence. To Whom else shall we go? Love your blog!
Charlotte says
Susan says
2025 is a great uncertainty for my family. We have insurmountable problems to face just in January alone. We only have Jesus and God our Father to lean on. Can one be terrified and at peace at the same time??
Kathleenb says
Your challenges sound daunting. Hold onto hope as you lean into God and His promise,”With God, all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26
God may not answer according to your timeline or exactly as you might expect, but be assured He will be present in your midst.
Susan says
Thank you! Your words are so appreciated and very encouraging. God IS present!
Lisa Wilt says
Sending the (in)courage family New Year Joy!
Betsy Basile says
To the (in)courage women, today on 1/1/2025. I know the future this year is a mystery, but honestly, I don’t think I want to know as I have just one terrible situation after another which have been continuing for 6 years. I pray so often every day and night, but can our Lord “fix” everything we are going through? I have asked many ministers or people that have done extensive Bible Studies and nobody seems to know the answer to that question. Certainly if the future hold very nice things, I would want to know. I love the prayer you left for us in the devotion today and I have said it and will continue to do it. My Holy Spirit has been so kind and gentle with me and that is very hopeful, but every year I have been hopeful, something worse has happened to me. I will know that your daily morning devotions will continue to make me feel like I am not alone. For that I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your words. I am weary today as I hardly slept last night after being alone all day and it was also the Anniversary of my Beloved Father’s passing. He was my best friend and I was only 22 years old and he was only 58 years old. I wish every one in your (in) courage community a Happy New Year, but already the news is already about a mass killing in New Orleans last night with many people being killed and at least 35 people injured, some in critical condition. I just do not know what more security they can do to prevent these things from happening and all the families I have already started to pray for them and their loss or experience if they were there when it took place. Love to you all and your families and your children…………………………….Betsy Basile
Susan says
I wish I could give you a hug! I pray you will have peace as you wait on God’s perfect timing and that it will be well with you. Come soon Lord Jesus! This world needs You!