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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Oh Rachel, this brought tears to my eyes. It reached my heart. There is so much to say but I don’t seem to have the words except thank you for a beautifully written reminder. It is much needed for me.

  2. Perfectly written, perfectly received. Thank you Rachel. You have once again written what my heart needed to receive.

  3. Dear Rachel……I read this whole devotion with tears falling from my eyes and my heart aching for my son and grandson to come back to me. It is too late for my now ex-husband as he and my son would not do what was necessary to slow the progress of the dementia and now he is in the 4th tier and my son knows I was not lying to him all the times he accused me of it, but why would I do that? Even though it was a very miserable marriage, I am a giver and wanted to get him to stop the things his doctors were telling him to do. I failed, Rachel. Three and a half years I stayed with him, not yelling at him, but trying the gentle approach to get him out of denial. I failed again. All of my relatives had passed so I had no one else to go to for advice. I did have 4 support groups and the advice I could get for caregivers from the Alzheimers and Dementia organizations, and I tried what they suggested. Again I failed. I was not used to failing too often. My job of 45 years required that. I literally prayed at least half of every day. I guess I didn’t say the right words, and once again I felt like I even failed at praying. Now, when I read your words now, I especially absolutely loved the letter you sent us and what it said. Thank you Rachel, I will read that letter every day and YES, I had many Blessings from God in my past and I always told him how much I loved him and was so grateful for what He had done for me. The last 50 years there was not many things to be happy about. I do know that life has is a combination of mountainsides and valleys, but at 77 years old, I never in my wildest dreams expect it to go on this path. Thank you Rachel for your uplifting letter and your story. It really meant a lot to me. Love to you and yours and I do pray that 2025 will maybe stop these wars and shootings and who knows what a new President will do to us. I need to go now. Enjoy the day and save all those notes, letters, cars etc. That is exactly what I did and in my 1 bedroom apartment, I refused to get rid of them and I often go back to a Scrapbook that I made in the summer of 1966 after my first year in college and people wonder why. It gives me joy to remember what it was like when I was 18 years old. Thanks again…..Betsy

  4. Rachel,

    Your words are beautiful reminder of God’s unconditional, unending, and questionable love for each of us, his daughter daughters. I just had to share them!

    Sending you new year joy,


  5. Rachel that was beautiful, going to share with my almost 82 year old Mother who was healed by God from kidney failure, Praise His Holy Name but she struggles. These beautiful promises from God is just what we need to kick off 2025. Thank you sharing

  6. Thank you Rachel. I loved your tour…thank you for opening your front door… xoxox
    Thank for sharing “a letter from God”. Perfect to start my day. Perfect to share in my notes and letters to friends and family and perfect to share in my morning prayers!
    Have a wonderful blessed Saturday and Happy New Year sisters! \0/

  7. Rachel, thank you for giving my heart-thoughts a voice! This has been an incredibly tough year filled with many challenges that continue to spill over into the next year. However, what gives me the push to continue to walk with my head up and my heart engaged is God never takes His eyes off His plans and intentions. He uses it all for His glory, name, and renown! And because of this . . . I keep going!

  8. Absolutely beautiful. I, too, have boxes and shelves full of words of love, encouragement, and friendship, and this post inspires me to go and look at them. Even more than I treasure those words, though, it’s the words of my Father that I should run to!

  9. Beautiful, a reminder for each of us that our loving God has His arms around us always. Thank you my precious God for loving me and putting these beautiful verses in Rachels heart to write this down like she does. Her talent that You gave her. Thank you God for my beautiful sister Suzy who lovingly sent this to me.
    I am so grateful, thankful to have you in my life daily, every minute I know you are with me.

    Again thank you for everyone involved in this ministry.


  10. Thank you Rachel for this letter to start the new year. I will save it to go back to frequently.
    Have a wonderful year ahead.

  11. Thank you Rachel for this lovely devotional. It reminds me that God has love letter written to us all. To tell us how much he loves us. We can write a love letter back to God thanking God for loving us mistakes and all. Like the kids song that is good for us that tell us Jesus loves us. It is “Jesus love me this I know for the Bible tells me so” So the Bible does tell us God loves us. As it says how much in John 3:16 which says “For God so loved thee world he gave his only begotten son” No greater love is that that God son to die for our sins. So as when we leave this world we if saved can go to bed with him. That is nice to know. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland

  12. Rachel,

    The letter from God is what everyone should read. It is important to remind ourselves of God’s love for us. Life gets so crazy & often I forget the little things Jesus does for me. He sees & hears all my cries & prayers. Thanks again!

    Blessings 🙂

  13. Thank you Rachel for these
    words of encouragement and love! It is a keeper. God’s love is everlasting and we need to remind ourselves of that. I love it when He calls me “daughter”. God bless you and keep those Norse!

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