Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and teacher of the Law, and the Levites who were instructing the people said to them all, “This day is holy to the Lord your God. Do not mourn or weep.” For all the people had been weeping as they listened to the words of the Law.
Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
The Levites calmed all the people, saying, “Be still, for this is a holy day. Do not grieve.”
Nehemiah 8:9-10 NIV
Throughout Scripture, we see Jesus feel plenty of emotions — anger, sadness, grief, burden. But there’s also a convincing argument to be made that Jesus had an incredible and indescribable spirit of joy. People were drawn to Him, constantly and consistently. His joy must have been magnetic. He hung out with the fun crowd and had dear friends. He was invited to parties. He and His friends went to weddings together!
Jesus knew joy because Jesus knew God.
. . . for the joy of the Lord is your strength, says Nehemiah.
We can lean on the strength of this joy. God’s joy. We don’t have to live at a frenetic pace; we can let God’s peace draw us in. We can let joy take a front seat for once. We can be amazed at the glimmers of hope we feel. We can lean into the joyfulness of the season, even if everything around us is hard. Doing so just might be a gift God is waiting for us to open.
Jesus, God with us, offers a spirit of joy that can carry us through long after the holidays. There’s hope. There’s joy.
Christmas is coming, friends. May your heart be light. And may you have a very merry Christmas season.
Today marks the third Sunday in the season of Advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day. Join us here at (in)courage each weekend in December and let’s count down to Christmas together. For daily Advent devotions, visit — they are featuring (in)courage devotions each day this month! Sign up here to receive an email with one every day in December.
Make the season bright by reflecting on the gifts and promises from God. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the season, make time to quiet your heart and hear from His.
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Dawn Ferguson-Little says
Yes Incourage it hard to believe Christmas getting so close. So many people get into debt for it. Just buy presents for Family and Friends. Then get they have no Joy but worry in there hearts how are they going to pay all this back especially if borrowed the money form the bank. To buy Santa present as the world call him present for their kids if have any that still believe in Santa then Family. Plus keep there bills paid. It an offal strain on people this time of year. Even if don’t buy for Family just their kids that believe in Santa. As the older the kids get the presents they want can get dearer. You as Parents want to please them get them what they want. They believe it form Santa. Not disapoint them Santa didn’t bring them what they wanted the child. Every Parents dream is to try and make their kids smile. Especially this time of year. I was talking to a lady who used to work in bank. She said she used to see from one year to the next People Parents getting loans to buy presents for Kids and Family for this time of year. Then struggling to pay all back when having to pay other hous hold bills. God wouldn’t want any one to do that that the joy seems to go from there lives when be stressed about having to pay it back. I watch a an add for a supermarket call Sunbury in Northern Ireland. One of our Salvation Army Officers showed last week. It is a few years old the add to do with Christmas. It so well done it makes you think. In it sings about a charter thinking what do I buy my Family and looking sad in the add know what to buy them and the stress of it. Will they like it. So he thinks the clay charter what do I give them. He pops up and says I don’t need to let the stress of it all get to me the buying and thinking will they like it. Then the clay charter said I don’t need to give them anything expect give them me. Showing them how much I love them they don’t need presents only knowing they are loved by me. Me is the best present I can give them. God gave us the best Present for free. That was his only son Jesus. We don’t need to get into debt to buy Presents. We just need to show love to everyone. Like God did in giving us Jesus the best present of all. The way to do that is as the Sainsbury’s add says giving them Me. Then we not loose the Joy in our hearts that Jesus would want us to have. Not worried and stressed that the joy is gone. How true that is. I remember a kids song that sings about the joy of Jesus. It is good even for us as Adults to remember. It is “I got the Joy Joy down in my heart were down in my heart.” Then in one of the verses it says “I got the love of Jesus in my heart were in my heart to stay” That is so true that is type of joy Jesus wants us to have. I say Amen to that. Thank you for todays reading Incourage loved it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Lisa Wilt says
I love this! Jesus is my joy! My wellspring!
Sending you Jesus Joy,
Beth Williams says
In Courage,
Jesus was full of Joy & happiness. I can envision His elation when someone came to Christ like Zacchaeus. We must learn to carry that joy into the new year. Matthew West’s song “Day After Christmas” helps us do just that. Here is the chorus:
Happy day after Christmas And merry rest of the year Even when Christmas is over
The light of the world is still here The light of the world. Just because the holidays are over Jesus light of the world is still here with us bringing us joy & happiness.
Blessings 🙂