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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Becky,

    Thank you for the reminder to choose a word for 2025. I am still recovering from all the Christmas wonder and haven’t thought about New Years beyond buying the ingredients to make homemade pizzas on New Year’s Eve with family and a few friends.

    I’ll share your devotion now as I have found so much in this practice through the decades.

    Sending you “Turn Over a New Leaf” and New Year Joy,


  2. Dear Becky…………Oh my, I am so very glad that today’s devotion is from you. You and others from (in)courage have touched my heart in so many ways. Watch for a card coming your way for everything you have done for me. I got 1 Christmas present this year from some individuals who I thought never even knew me. I won’t go on right now as I will begin to cry with joy and happiness. Your words today have given me so much to think about and think, I will. I like the idea of a Word for the Year, but right now I just don’t know which is the right one. There are so many I can think of especially in my situations which do continue. HOPE is the first word that comes to mind, that finally this heartbreaking season that I have been in for 6 years will finally be over. No more lawyers and blame being placed on me by my son and husband. If you read this, do you think that HOPE is a good word for me? I just love all the suggestions and scriptures that you give us in your words today, Becky. You and the women from (in)courage just makes my soul feel warm and gracious . Thank you Becky! I love you as every morning when I get up, all I think about is to get to my computer and read the words given us that day. Our world is so upside down right now and I pray to the Lord that 2025 will see some positive things all over the world and no more wars and people being killed and all the children that have lost their lives. Happy New Year to you ,Becky. It is one more situation from this season that I need to get through as my beloved father who was my best friend died at 58 years old on New Year’s Eve Day after suffering from cancer misdiagnosed by a doctor. I know my father is in Heaven which I know is a glorious place, but I still miss touching his hand and kissing him. Just one more thing, Before we had to have him taken to the hospital, he fell and my mother called me for me to come to help her. We finally got him back to bed and we stood around his bed trying to talk to him. I got so emotional at one time, I had to go downstairs. He asked my mother if I was afraid and she said yes. One of the last things he ever said was “Tell, Betsy that I am not afraid. ” He was so active in the church. Thank you again Becky for everything………….Love to you……….Betsy

    • Besty I pray 2025 is a good year for you as well as all the others you live. You will know God is with you. As he has been always through our your life even in the difficult times. God gave me Matthew 7: 24 to 27 for you. Plus this song you get it on YouTube it is ” My hope is built on nothing less” Love big hugs and God Bless. From Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. God has lots to say to us. Any time of the day any time of of any year.No matter what day time or month or what year it is. God is ready to speak to us. God is always there with arms wide open saying. Stop what you are doing. Come rest spend time with me. Seeing what God has to say to us through his word and prayer. But we have to want to spend the time with God. To hear what God has to say to us. Not get so busy caught up in things that we forget about God and spending time with him. To find out what God has to say to us. That one word can from God can change everything that we see God’s best for our lives. But we have to want it. To do that we have to be willing to spend the time with God in reading his word and prayer as I have already said. But if we don’t we will grow spiritualy dead in our souls. That is because we had not fed them with the word of God by spending time with God. So it is very important we do. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  4. Becky,

    Just took the quiz & my word for 2025 is create. I’m not crafty or artsy. My thought is that I want to use my talents to make Jesus’s love shine brighter in this sin darkened world. Make people say Hey she’s been with Jesus.

    Blessings 🙂