About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. These words are filled with the hope of Christ. Thank you for shining God’s Light through your words.

    Beautifully said (and shared on my socials!)

    Merry CHRISTmas! The Light has come.

    Nikki S. White

  2. So beautifully written and comforting. I can never have enough reminders to go to Jesus just as I am.

  3. I love this so much. I had to scroll up too see who wrote this. Of course! One of my favorites! How much I needed this reminder if hope. Satan wants us to dwell in our despair. I’m so thankful that God’s mercies are new every morning!

  4. Dear Kaitlyn…………What a perfect devotion for today, one day before the Winter Solstice. It is a very important day for many reasons, but mostly for “The Light”. I have had so many heartbreaking things happen to me this year of 2024, and I HOPE that the light moving more into 2025 will bring me some joy, happiness and love. Even though I am alone as my husband and son have abandoned me, I know that Jesus is helping me along with my Holy Spirit. So here it is 9:30AM, and you have me smiling which is very unusual for me, but we are approaching one of the Holiest Days of the year where we celebrate the birth of Jesus. I will go to church and be uplifted, but your devotion certainly helped that to begin. I wish you and your family and friends, Kaitlyn, a Blessed Christmas season and once again I thank you for your perfect words today……….Love to you also for a better New Year with less wars and other things that have turned our world upside down. It has been a rough year………..Betsy Basile

    • Betsy, I’m praying for you tonight as I catch up on the comments here, and hoping that 2025 will bring an abundance of unexpected joy and delight in all the ordinary but still so beautiful things.

  5. Kaitlyn how true in what you said in the words you wrote. There is hope as that is why God sent his son to die on Calvary Cross to make away for us. So as we would have hope all who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Know we can hand everything over to Jesus in prayer that we are going through. No matter how dark the day or year is for us. As Jesus says in his word cast all your burden on to him for he cares for you. I don’t know we’re it from in the Bible but that is so true for us. Not matter how dark everything in our lives may seem. If we have money worries a very sick Family member or we hear someone we know about has lost their Family member close them suddenly with out warring. We look at the love our Saviour poured in the stories in the Bible of people being sick or lost a loved one. Jesus had Love and compassion for them all. So we are to have the same for those we know. Like Friends or Family when going through things in there lives. Let them know we are there for them and we love them like Jesus does and are there for them like Jesus is no matter what it is they are going through. I have a good Friend who Sister this year lost her Husband suddenly and leaves two kids without their Dad. So she knows my Friend I am praying for them all to know Jesus is close to them. Even her sisters Husband Mum who has lost her son before her. You can in times like this see just darkness the Family and yourself. Say why did this happen to them they didn’t deserve this or to me if going through something. But you have to show love like Jesus would be there for them. Let them know there is in hope for them in this difficult time. Like letting them know Jesus is close to them especially if saved and not saved. That they have good memories to treasure in their hearts of there loved oned. Even though they don’t have them anymore on this earth. They will see them again one day in Glory with Jesus. They have that to look forward to. Same with a person with a loved one ill. Especially if serious to know Jesus is close to them in theses times. They can pray for their loved one to Jesus and put all they are going through into his hands trust him for everything no matter what happens. Even though it can be hard in all these things I said about. As the songs said “What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What privilege to carry everything to God in prayer”. That song is so true in all these things in what I wrote and others. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  6. Kaitlyn,

    We lost my dad I year ago on December 21st. With nights being long I’m so grateful for your Biblically sound encouraging words. You write beautifully capturing such relatable emotions.

    Sending you Advent joy,

    Lisa Wilt

    • Lisa, this is heartbreaking… any time, but I imagine there are added layers of grief that appear with the holiday, too. I’m so sorry for your loss and am praying for more and more pinpricks of light.

  7. Thank you for your comforting words and a reminder who our God is and what His word says. My Mom is 91 and has dementia. As I see her drift away it’s so hard to see her going through this difficult time. Part of me wants her to stay forever, and part of me doesn’t want her to suffer. I don’t know how long she has, but I know our Loving God holds her and us in His Loving Hands. Pray for all those who are grieving.

  8. Thank you for your devotional, it was depicted so beautifully. Only what a Holy Spirit download can do. I didn’t realize that Joseph died. That is a new revelation. This really encouraged me today. Thank you!

  9. Kaitlyn,

    Jesus left the splendor of Heaven & came to broken Earth to die our death. God put a shining star in the East over where Jesus was born to guide us & give light to our darkness. We must remember that even after Christmas the light of the world is still here.

    Blessings 🙂