About the Author

Jenny Erlingsson is a speaker and author of romantic fiction and creative non-fiction, who currently makes her home in both Alabama and Iceland. When she's not ministering alongside her Viking husband or mothering her adorably feisty kids, she can be found writing and reading in the margins.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Barbara London says

    And to that I say “Yes girl, me too!!”

    At a recent retreat (crafting), I laughed and shared and enjoyed reconnecting with friends and making new friends.

    But inside I carried a situation that not many people knew about. At one point I was talking with someone who did know, in general, but not the current specifics.

    She read the look on my face perfectly, and asked what was going on. As I tried to share my thoughts, tears started pouring out. And finally I was able to share with my friend.

    After we talked through it, I felt so much better. It didn’t solve the situation but gave me hope. And I knew what my next steps would be.

    Now I read your blog and can feel the connections of many others.

    Thank you!! (Sorry for a long “comment”!)

    • says

      Thank YOU for the long comment! That is exactly what this post is about. I’m so thankful for the ways that we are able to connect and share openly with others. We all need those safe places to risk and lay our hearts open. Thank you for doing that with us here.

  2. says


    I love this piece on so many levels, but my favorite line: “There is fun and belonging in all the sometimes hilarious ways our aging bodies make our humanity known.”

    Isn’t that the truth? God understands us…he really understands us.


    • says

      I’m so glad this stirred joy for you! We know many of these scenarios all too well. So thankful that we are not alone in our quirks, body changes and everything else!

  3. Betsy Basile says

    Dear Jenny…………………I pray every day that I could say, ” Yesss, me too, but right now in this season I find myself in a very difficult, heartbreaking situation that has been going on now for 2 years. Husband ( with violent dementia ). Lives in one place and my son (over 2 years ago called me and said I was no longer considered his mother and that I could never speak or see at that time, my 12 year old grandson. And he just hung up. I have NOT heard from my son for over two years until I got his deplorable email calling me a DRUG ADDICT. Just another thing to try and break me down so I don’t get any money, but my faith is unshakeable and they will not succeed. One last thing. With Thanksgiving coming I am the only resident at the facility that I had to go to after I was forced to sell our house of 40 years as we each needed money. These places are very expensive. I can’t go to the dining room and sit by myself so this is the second year this is the way it is. I thought maybe it would get easier, instead it has gotten worse so I will eat by myself in my room and pray the rest of the day and try not to think of the celebration that the others are having. I thank you for your words and I wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. I really am not jealous that the others have gatherings of their families and friends. I am joyful that they do not have to go through what I am. Love and prayers to you, Jenny. You women at the incourage community help me so much to stay grounded and keep putting one foot in front of the other………….Betsy Basile

    • CJ says

      My thoughts and prayers to you at this difficult time. Many are unable to be with family on Thanksgiving for so many reasons. Holidays are hard because they focus on family but remember their main focus is love, joy and thankfulness. Love of God and gratitude and joy that He loves you is the focus. That’s true for you and me. So Yes, Girl, Me Too! :-))))

    • says

      Oh Betsy I’m so sorry for all that you are walking through. That is so heavy and heartbreaking but I know God is well acquainted with your grief and sees you in the midst of it. Thank you for sharing so openly with us and I pray you know how loved you are, despite what anyone else says or doesn’t say. May you feel God’s tangible presence with you this Thanksgiving and beyond.

  4. Tanya Villani says

    Yes, girlfriend, me too!! Thank you for sharing your heart. It’s encouraging for all of us to know we are seen by others.

  5. Beth Williams says


    I have a good friend. Though there is a 15 year age difference we had a time when we shared trials. Both of us were dealing with our aging parents. We talked about waiting in the ER once again. Hospital staff recognizing us cause we’d been there before. That bonded our friendship. It was a “yes girl, I understand completely time.

    Blessings 🙂