It was 1:00 a.m. and I’d been awake for seventeen hours.
Three days past my first baby’s due date, I didn’t know what to expect. When my water broke at 8:30 p.m. the evening before, my husband and I switched into fast gear. Gathering our “go” bags and rushing to the car distracted me from my contractions. As we drove forty-five minutes to our hospital I made phone calls, telling our loved ones, “This is it!” and “She’s coming!”
By the time we reached the delivery room, I was ready for relief. I changed into an oh-so-comfortable paper gown, and we buckled up for the ride. A few hours later, all was quiet. The nurses had adjusted the lighting, surrounding us in shadows. Across the room, my husband draped diagonally across a chair, asleep. He’d been up since 6:00 a.m. the morning before, working hard all day and then rushing here. I thought about how that upright wooden chair must’ve made an uncomfortable bed.
Another contraction hit and panic engulfed me. Until then, nurses had been in and out. But now my room was conspicuously empty. I can’t handle this, I thought. The contractions hurt too much and we had a long way to go. I struggled through the pain, my body tensing and fighting progress.
Then, I sensed the Holy Spirit whisper: Rachel, pray through each contraction.
Why hadn’t that occurred to me before? Far too often, prayer comes to be my last thought in a crisis rather than the very inhale and exhale of my life.
A machine print-out unraveled beside me, tracing a wiggly line of peaks and valleys. I set my heart on talking to God and depending on Him for each mountain of pain. Instead of waking my husband, as I normally would have, I threw myself upon my Creator to carry me.
And a wonderful thing happened — a verse came, as vibrant and personal as a love note: “Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will also help you, I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 NASB).
The comfort was so real, and I outstretched my hand on my bed as though it was being held. I could feel the warmth of God’s hand — the One who recorded my days before one of them came to be, the One who knit together this baby within me. He was holding me and the life of my precious daughter.
Twelve hours later, along with an epidural-induced nap and many shed tears, we seemed no closer to the finish line. My baby wasn’t descending, my body wasn’t responding to the signals my uterus was sending, and labor’s drumming was taking its toll on me. Carefully monitoring the baby’s heartbeat, the on-call doctor made a decision. Locking her eyes with mine, she spoke calmly but firmly: “We need to do a C-section. The baby is showing signs of distress.”
The next half hour was a blur. Within minutes, they wheeled me out the door and down the hall. My husband was barely in his surgical suit and booties before they began the incision. I lay exhausted, strapped down, bleeding, and shaking. Fear thrummed through me, as I waited to hear if everything was okay. The room became a whirlwind, finally crescendoing with the sound of a newborn’s fluid-choked cry — perhaps the most welcome sound in all the world. My husband briefly held her, then she was whisked away to receive oxygen. Soon I was settled in a recovery room.
We made it through! The epic delivery we awaited for forty weeks, my water breaking, the long labor, the pain that loomed insurmountable, the middle-of-the-night hand-holding with my Almighty God, and the emergency that placed me under a scalpel — it all culminated in this moment. Before heading home, my delivery nurse stopped in to say, “Rachel, I want you to know you have a God watching out for you.” She told me that when the doctors opened me up, they realized my placenta was rupturing. “We could have lost you both,” she said. “You have a God watching out for you.”
There are few moments when the shroud of earthly fog parts, we glimpse the eternal, and we see behind the scenes. This was one of those times. My God sat next to me, held my hand and reminded me not to fear. He upheld me and my baby, steading my doctor’s hand and saving my daughter just in time. And, in case I missed the realization, He sent my nurse to remind me of His grace in my life that day.
When I see it . . . and even when I don’t . . . He holds my life in His hands, carrying me through the hardest mountains. And if I have a God watching out for me, I know you have a God watching out for you, too. He is holding you, even through the heaviest and hardest of moments. Come what may, know and believe that He is carrying you through every heartbreak and every birth, every valley and every peak, every dark night and every bright day.
May you feel the warmth of His hand, just like I did that day, and may you sense Him reminding you not to fear.
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What an inspiring story! Your story has blessed me. Yes, I too have experienced God speaking to me and helping me just when I needed it. He never fails us! God bless you and your family.
Thank you, Janet! For sharing and for your blessing. I am so thankful this story encouraged you. You are right; God is faithful! Blessings to you, also.
Rachel love what you wrote. It spoke to me. God always hold are hand especially when we need it. But sometimes we don’t hold God’s hand. As we are two busy worrying and getting in a fulster about the problems and things we are going through. Saying to ourselves why me why am I going through this. We panic asking people to pray for what we are going through. Instead of standing on the promises of God. Going to God in prayer. Like the song that is so good for us when things like this happen to us. I done that in the past. Asked people to pray for me and panicked. Instead of standing on the promises of God and praying to him in prayer first. This song is so good for us in those time. It is “Standing on the promises of God the promises that will not fail and cannot fail” How true that is and that songs. As the promises of God never fail. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Thank you for sharing, Dawn! You are so right. I so quickly panic or stop trusting what I know is true. I am so thankful this spoke to you! Praying for you now in whatever you are currently facing. Praying, Rachel
I so need to hear this today, Rachel. Sometimes I feel so alone in the midst of this broken family I pray for the Lord to show his face in the situation that we’re dealing with, but I don’t see or hear anything. My faith of the unknown sustains me. Trying to trust Him with the outcome
Julie, I am so sorry for what you are going through right now. Brokenness in our families is definitely one of the deepest valleys to walk through. Your faith and words of trust inspire and encourage my own faith. Thank you for your vulnerability and for shining your light to me. I am praying right now for you and your family and all you are going through. May God bring His beauty sprouting through the cracks of the brokenness in unexpected ways. May He hold you up and feel indescribably near to your heart. Trusting God for your family situation, Rachel
Thank you for those comforting words of encouragement. I am 77 years old and did not have the blessing of children of my own but 3 grown stepchildren and 3 grandchildren. I have been through many valleys and very trying times, but the Lord has and continues to bring me through each one. During one of these very trying times last year, He visited me all night long…..His wonderful Presence was with me all night….it felt like a wonderful prelude to heaven. During a time before that night I also experienced and knew Him standing by my bed one night right before my husband had to go to the hospital. As I am going through a very difficult time again now I draw upon those times and memories when the Lord Jesus visited me and I cling to Him. He is wonderfully faithful always! God bless you all to know that He is with us always and never leaves nor forsakes us!!!
Oh, Donna. This story you shared is so beautiful. And sounds a lot like my experience that night in the hospital! I am so thankful you experienced His presence and comfort so vividly that night when you needed it! Thank you for responding and encouraging my heart. I am sure God is using you in such tremendous ways in the lives of your stepchildren and grandchildren, even as they watch you walking with the Lord through the current difficulties you face. Praying right now for your comfort in this season. “He hems you in behind and before and His right hand is upon you.” -Psalm 139
This is such an on-time reminder; it brought me to tears.
Thank you, and may God always bless you!
Aww, thank you, Cherrel. I am so thankful that God brought you this reminder right when you needed it. He is so good about surprising us with “love notes” when we least expect it! May God bless you, as well!
I, too, have aha moments or nudges as I call them. There are times when the Holy Spirit speaks plainly to me. Just this week I sensed God telling me to make a loaf of bread for the director of Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry. Our area experienced the flooding from Helene. She has been working 12+ hr. days to get everything cleaned up & back in order. Things like this happen often. God will bring someone to mind to pray or cook a meal for. He knows the needs & who can help.
Blessings 🙂
I am trying to recognize the “nudges” more and more as I go through life. I can only imagine all you are facing in your area in the aftermath of Helene. I am sure you are being a tremendous light to others around you as you respond to nudges and reach out. Thank you for being His hands and feet to those in need, and for being an encouragement to me to do the same!
Praying right now for you and your community,
Your story brought tears to my eyes. I shared it because others need to know that they do have a God that’s looking out for them!
Sending you autumn joy,
Lisa Wilt
Oh, Lisa! I just love that you are sending me autumn joy!!! (My pumpkin spice creamer and cozy fall sweater and I just LOVE this season. 🙂 ) It has been a season of fullness thus far. So much that God is doing in my life! I am so thankful that God could touch your heart through my story. And I pray that those you shared it with are encouraged and can turn their eyes to Jesus in whatever they are facing.
May you see His touches in your life day by day in this season!
Sending right back cozy coffee chats, times in the Word, and the beauty of color everywhere outside,
So very beautiful, thank you for sharing. This is especially moving for me in this moment, as I make a big choice in my life. I feel the Lord shining through and holding my hand. Thank you this reminder.
Oh, Meg, I just love that visual of the Lord holding our hands! And I love that He wrote it right into Scripture for us. I am praying for your right now as you face this big choice in your life, that He will show you just what to do, step by step. That He’ll illumine the next spot to place your foot and the next door to knock on or open. May He feel so very present to you and may His “love notes” appear left and right during this season.
This is powerful. Thank you for the reminder.
Dear Courtney,
I am so thankful for your encouragement. I have been praying for weeks that God would touch whoever He wanted to touch through these words. Thank you for your heartfelt response! May the rest of your autumn be full of His fingerprints in your life.
Love you sweet friend! You’re writing is so focused on truth in the midst of pain. Keep pointing us all to Him and keep writing! You have a great gift! <3
Dear Laura,
Thank you for checking in with such personal encouragement. Sometimes the reminder that God can use my/our stories and surrendered words means so much to me and is an extra “grace upon grace”.
May you feel His hand holding your life in whatever you encounter today!
“This is a reminder that God is holding your hand.” The subject line of today’s daily (in)courage email hit home to me as I deal with the challenges related to an accident that totaled my car. An accident that could have been so much worse. An accident that happened to me, so through no fault of mine I now have an even longer to-do list and even more expenses. Yet despite literally spinning out of control, I was able to stop safely in a shallow ditch without hitting any other vehicles in the busy intersection or the very large oak tree. As the police officer said, I was very lucky because “the tree always wins.” I didn’t feel particularly lucky at that moment. Feeling fortunate came later, as I recalled reacting to the car heading directly for me so the point of impact was my back tire and not my driver’s door. Feeling extremely lucky came when I thought of the Good Samaritan who saw the accident unfold and interrupted his day to pull up and wait with me, not only a willing, credible witness but also a first responder whose calm assistance helped quell the shakes that overcame me as I burrowed out of two deployed air bags. Feeling lucky to be alive came later as I thought of the fatal consequences of similar accidents at nearby intersections. Just as I literally walked away from that accident, I must figuratively walk away from the negative thoughts that come with insurance claims and accident reports and losing a vehicle that had carried me and mine through years of special journeys. The graphic that accompanied today’s message of inspiration spoke directly to my heart: “My God sat next me, held my hand and reminded me not to fear.”
I appreciate that you shared your honest emotional responses along with your realization of God’s mercies in the situation after the fact. I confess that my initial response to difficulty is usually “Why, God, did you let this happen?” I need more practice seeing his love and presence in those situations and your concrete example is helpful (also helpful to know I am not alone in the struggle).
Oh, Cheryl. Wow. You shared this so beautifully and transparently. I am so thankful you were spared and protected, even to the point of the stranger who stayed and helped you. I hope that with each decision that you have to face or detail that needs to be handled in the aftermath, you will be able to see God’s strength and closeness in ways like never before. And that maybe He’ll even surprise you by bringing “above-and-beyond” beauty out of the situation. I am praying that whatever He does as He brings you through this, that you will be reminded so vividly that you are His child and He is personally holding your life.
This is a challenge to me, too. Thank you for sharing!
I hope that even now, almost two weeks after your post, God has shown up in ways you could not have asked or imagined.
Praying for you right now,
Excellent encouragement! You write so well. I’m not having a baby but so much of what you said can translate into living with cancer and chemo. I am reminded again how I am never alone in my fear and my pain. He will always hold my hand. Thank you Rachel! Love you!❤️
Dear Linda,
Thank you so much for the encouragement. I was praying that God would touch exactly the hearts He wanted to touch through these words. I am praying for you in your cancer journey, that He will show up again and again in ways you couldn’t even imagine or see coming. That His glory will astound you. That the personal way He loves YOU with exactly what YOU need in the exact moment you need it, will wrap you securely in a way you have never felt before. Please let me know if there are any ways I can be of encouragement or help.
“He hems you in behind and before and His right hand is on you.” Like a swaddling blanket tucked around a baby… that’s how you are held by His presence.
Love you too,
Thank you for sharing your story with (in)courage, Rachel. Hope that you are encouraged knowing how much this piece resonated with and was shared by readers. Grace to you!
Thank you, Rachel! I am so glad to have recently discovered (in)courage’s ministry! The devotionals each day are often just the right touch from the Lord: just what I needed that day. Thank you for your part in this piece! God truly used you to make it what it needed to be.
Thank you for your continued ministry to all of us.
I remember when my daughter was born! This brought back beautiful memories. I remember Jesus standing next to me and holding my hand. I was so young, and scared until I realized He was there. That was back in the day’s husbands weren’t allowed in the delivery room. Just you and the doctors and nurses! However, He assured me all was well and it was! He is always with us if we just believe. I love your story and so happy that all was well for you and your family. God is good!
Oh, Linda! I love that it reminded you of your own story of His presence! And of your daughter’s birth. I can’t imagine facing all of that without having my husband in the room! I am so happy to hear that you, too felt the Lord as your Husband and Comfort in those moments. Yes, God IS good!!! The ever-faithful and trustworthy One!
Thank you so very much for sharing. What an encouragement to others.
Thank you, Lisa! I am so thankful this touched you. In whatever you may face today, may His hand and personal touch in your life be vividly evident.
What beautiful words, Rachel!
Thank you for sharing your feelings and the experience with God holding your hand. So many will be blessed by reading this and give glory to God!❤️
Dear Kathy,
Thank you so much for your encouragement and response. I am praying that God used and continues to use these words. Even in my moments of insecurity, I remind myself that He brings us through these things in order to help others, not to keep it to ourselves. It means a lot to have you cheering on the sidelines… even after all these years! May God continue using YOU in mighty ways through all of your Bible studies and ways you are serving Him.
So grateful,