Our souls desperately crave peace because without it — without Jesus — we’re in perpetual turmoil. Sin and self entangle us.
Without Jesus, unemployment and comparison can make us spiral into a cycle of just-try-harder. Without Jesus, broken relationships, battered reputations, and hidden addictions can turn up the dial of doubt and anxiety.
We need the Spirit to convict, save, and empower us! We need the peace of Jesus.
“When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Because of his grace he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.”
Titus 3:4–7 NLT
Generously poured out the Spirit upon us. Do you see the gift? God didn’t give us barely enough of Himself so we could just scrape by on righteousness. He didn’t reserve the Holy Spirit as part of a bonus structure for “super Christians.” No, He offered the Spirit lavishly — and that Spirit produces fruit in our lives that includes the peace we crave.
The power of peace is abundantly available to you today. First, for the forgiveness of your sins. Then, as the overflow of your fellowship and partnership with the Holy Spirit.
Following his famous list of spiritual fruit in Galatians 5:22–23, Paul gives this encouragement: “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit” (v. 25 NIV). When we stay mindful of and surrendered to the Holy Spirit, peace will be the result. We don’t have to strive for it. We don’t have to make finding fruit of the Spirit another item on our to- do list. We just get to walk in step with Him. That is, we get to let God’s Word and Spirit guide us moment by moment, day by day, one step at a time.
GOD, thank You that I don’t have to conjure up peace on my own. And thank You that I don’t have to navigate this rocky life alone. Holy Spirit, I recognize Your presence and Your power. What a gift You are! I’m so grateful that You chose to take up residence in my heart and that You promise to help me and teach me. Oh, how I need all the counsel You offer. Please continue to mold my heart with Your peace, convict me of unconfessed or hidden sin, and help me to walk in cadence with You. Amen.
Written by Becky Keife, from the (in)courage Bible Study, Create in Me a Heart of Peace.
Tara Dickson says
So good! We GET to let God’s word and spirit guide us.
Thank you for this reminder!
Becky Keife says
Amen and amen!
Lisa Wilt says
That’s the perfect prayer for this Sunday morning! Enjoy the sabbath with your family!
Sending you autumn joy,
Lisa Wilt
Becky Keife says
Thank you, Lisa. Shalom.
Betsy Basile says
Dear Becky….This is a truthfully best prayer for me as my Holy Spirit has always been with me and helps me to stay grounded and putting one foot in front of the other, every day. I think you have probably read some of my comments so you know some of the situations I am in and still have not been resolved, but your piece today has lifted my spirit and is perfect for a Sunday as I am getting ready to go to church. I know I need to wait patiently for the Lord to do what He can do about my husband, son and 14 year old grandson. My husband and son blame me for giving him the dementia. I stayed with him for 3+ years to try and help him get back to the doctors and get the medicine and stop the alcohol all together, but instead he increased it and abused me every night for all those years until one night he came close to killing me and the Doctor said, 10 minutes later he would not remember that he did it. They also told me that they were proud of me for staying with him for that long, but now I had to stop worrying about him and thinking about my own self. That is all I have time for, but you probably have read some of the rest of my story. Thank you Becky for all the words and especially the prayer which I already said and will continue to say. As much as I love The Lord, Jesus and my Holy Spirit…………I love you too………..Betsy
Becky Keife says
Dear Betsy, you are so loved. By Jesus and all of us here at (in)courage. The Lord is mindful of all your suffering and has plans for all your healing. Surely redemption is His speciality. Sometimes that takes places on earth and other times in heaven. We don’t know His reasonings but we can always trust His ways. Praying for you today.
Dawn Ferguson-Little says
Hello Becky all the way from Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. I want to thank you for todays wonderful message. We can crave peace when all going wrong around us. All we want is peace and harmony. All that wrong even if not our fault. To just go away. Peace and cam to come. I been in that situation with my Family. I just wanted peace. I try my best not get into a confrontation with them. Especially when they ask me to do something that not of God. They are not saved. I don’t want them giving of to me if I say no because it not of God or God’s will I do it. They give of to me say but it only this or this they want me to do with them or for someone. I know it not God will for me to do it. I have said no in the past. Because I know it wrong in God’s eyes. They said back to me but your not being very Christian. I have to let that go over my head not hurt me they said that. As I know the Devil behind them saying that to try get me to do the thing they want me to do that not of God. I have to stick to my guns keep saying no not do it. I know they are not pleased with me. All I want now is peace. I find it hard to get it and we be at peace with either. That they see it from my point of view why I am not doing what they want me to. They see no harm in it because they are not saved. The one day when things like that happen. God gave me this verse John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you not as the world gives you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid” how true that is. It has helped me in those situations. One of my best Friends said to me one day. The same as Jesus said on the cross. “Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do.” My friend then said Dawn they don’t know what they are doing as they see no harm in it. Because they are not saved. They see no harm in you joining in with them even though you are saved. So forgive them pray for them. Every time they do or say something not right. I say Lord forgive them as they know not what they are doing. I know when they get saved they will see the wrong they do understand why I say no. Thank you again for this brilliant message. In my prayers all in incourage. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
Courtney Humble says
Courtney Humble says
Beautiful words
Beth Williams says
Without Jesus I don’t think I would have made it through some tough trials with my aging parents. I know God will make a way through to the other side. David said it best in Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil,
for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. He alone gives me peace & comfort to handle all that comes my way.
Blessings 🙂