About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "A Faith That Will Not Fail" delivers 10 practices to help you build up your faith when your...

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  1. Michelle,
    I was reminded of my mother’s nearing death awareness experience, which happened one summer evening days before her passing, when you shared the following truth-
    “… resurrection is just around the corner. New life, better life, in glorious display, full of vibrant color that will take our breath away.”

    In my mother’s other worldly state which overcame her, she said, among other things,
    ” I knew it would be beautiful. I just didn’t know it would be this beautiful. I wish I could take all of you with me.”
    I continue to share this revelation to those who grieve, as a tangible assurance God has a very special place awaiting His beloved children. Amen!


  2. Michelle,

    Thank you for sharing… God is so kind to lift us up with the small things… A sale on flowers that point to our creator!

    Sending you pre-Thanksgiving Joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  3. Dear Michele…….I was so happy when I opened my email this morning and saw the devotion from you. It certainly fits my words in this season. “When Lord, when?” is something that I wonder often these short days before Thanksgiving. I will say right off the bat, my computer sits right at my 1 big window in my apartment and I lifted my shades and I started to smile as it is snowing and the flakes are small and will not amount to anything it just made me thank the Lord, our Creator of all, for showing us this. We haven’t had rain here for over 3 months and are in a drought. That led me to reading your words today and sure enough, it was something that uplifted my sad mood and think of other things. If it is not too bad to drive, the first thing is to go out and buy some roses to perk up my apartment and remind me that even though my family has abandoned me, I still have many blessings to thank the Lord at Thanksgiving. Everyone here where I live either have friends and relatives come here that day or someone is picking them up and taking them to their gatherings at their home. You are right, Michele, I have had difficult days and weeks and now years where I ask God, “Is this ever going to end? “. I know that He is with me as well as Jesus and my Holy Spirit, but 2 years is difficult to swallow of frightening things going around me that I never expected, but then I am sure with your health, you must have thought at some time, “Why me and please help me.” I also know that as believers we knew that things were not always going to be fun and games, but when you get to me my age (77 years old), I pray that these problems will resolve before it is my time. Thank you so much Michele for your devotion today and I send you my prayers for you and my love for telling us the way that YOU have handled it. I will read this again this afternoon when I will be able to really let your words help me even more. I would like to wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends. I will be by myself, but I will read your words again and think of all the blessings I have had over the years and hopefully,that gets me through that day so I can prepare for Christmas. Love to you………Betsy Basile

    • My heart aches with yours, Betsy. I am so sorry for your suffering. Please go out and get those roses this morning. When you look at them, know that you have a friend here who has already prayed for and with you. My prayer is that our good, good Father will surprise and delight you this Thanksgiving in a way you didn’t expect. In Jesus’ name. You are loved, friend!

  4. I always tell my family and friends that God gives us beauty in the form of nature, a piece of art, a good book, poetry, a song that touches us, etc., to remind us of His glory that surrounds us always. We just have to be open to it and let it into our hearts and homes.

  5. This is so very beautiful. Thank you for putting such a vivid visual to this verse. My soul needed this! ❤️

  6. Michele,

    God said there would be trials tribulations down here. God uses those trials to strengthen & bring us closer to Him. We must remember that Jesus is well acquainted with our trials-heck He knew they were coming. He is ever present to help us through to the other side. MercyMes song “Even If” relates to this subject:

    They say sometimes you win some
    Sometimes you lose some
    And right now, right now I’m losing bad
    I’ve stood on this stage night after night
    Reminding the broken it’ll be alright
    But right now, oh right now I just can’t
    It’s easy to sing
    When there’s nothing to bring me down
    But what will I say
    When I’m held to the flame
    Like I am right now
    I know You’re able and I know You can
    Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
    But even if You don’t
    My hope is You alone
    They say it only takes a little faith
    To move a mountain
    Well good thing
    A little faith is all I have, right now
    But God, when You choose
    To leave mountains unmovable
    Oh give me the strength to be able to sing
    It is well with my soul
    I know You’re able and I know You can
    Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
    But even if You don’t
    My hope is You alone
    I know the sorrow, and I know the hurt
    Would all go away if You’d just say the word
    But even if You don’t
    My hope is You alone
    You’ve been faithful, You’ve been good
    All of my days
    Jesus, I will cling to You
    Come what may
    ‘Cause I know You’re able
    I know You can
    I know You’re able and I know You can
    Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
    But even if You don’t
    My hope is You alone
    I know the sorrow, I know the hurt
    Would all go away if You’d just say the word
    But even if You don’t
    My hope is You alone
    It is well with my soul
    It is well, it is well with my soul