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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. A strained and non existent relationship with my daughter is changing.

    We share a meal once a week and talk about life and where God is taking us.

    Praise God for a miracle after 20 years.

    Like the pain never happened.

    Thank you merciful Jesus.


  2. Thank you for this! I could have written this myself. Similar story. Except I was 19 when my parents divorced, and my mom moved away, so there was no waiting for a parent to come get me for the weekend. Eventually my mom moved back with a new husband so there were many multiple separate holiday/birthday celebrations. But about 20 years later we were able to all be in the same room for a celebration, and thankfully that continued on.

    Now I am going through a situation with our granddaughter. Her mom (ex daughter in law) won’t let us see her, and now she won’t even send us pictures of her. She’s 7 and I just feel like we are missing so much and I worry she’ll forget us, or that her mom will poison her against us. Her mom has already made her fearful to even be around us! I don’t understand why this is happening and it has hurt my heart so. I’m trying to pray but it’s so hard, I miss her so much.

    • Oh Shei, of course your heart hurts. That is so deeply painful, and confusing. I’m praying for your family now and that God would give you great comfort and courage as you wait for Him to make a way.

  3. Still praying for a miracle with son who is far from the Lord and far from us. 3 years since last text from him…longer since last phone call with him and even longer since we’ve seen him. So very heartbreaking. Only a miracle can restore this relationship!

    • mp, oh how your mama heart must ache. I’m so sorry for your sorrow.

      May the God of miracles reach your son and build a bridge of reconnection! In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

  4. Reading your story is a lot of deeply personal family dysfunctions to take in but worth every word to see how God was working and the miracle that unfolded on Thanksgiving!

  5. Becky,

    So many families can benefit from this devotion about God healing hearts so I shared it.

    Thank you for sharing your family’s journey… I pray you have a phenomenal Thanksgiving with family this year!

    Sending you Thanksgiving joy!
    Lisa Wilt♥️

  6. Becky your message has so touched me and my fractured family life. May God Almighty continue to bless and heal your family and mine too.

  7. What a beautiful story of the Holy Spirit working in hard places with broken people. And what an inspiration to us all, dealing with our own fractured fairy tales. He never ceases to amaze me. 🙂

  8. Becky,

    Thank you for this. I pray that every women that comes on this site to be encourage, may they have a Happy Thanksgiving this years with family and friends. God bless.

  9. Becky, thank you for being so transparent. Your story is beautiful & what an inspiration you are. Love these words, “And God’s voice in our midst was the loudest. I’m not sure who else heard Him, but I couldn’t ignore the tender, relentless assurance of the Spirit saying, See Me. See how I’m doing the impossible. See how I’m answering prayers you didn’t even know to pray. See how I’m infusing hope and life and healing into your family in ways you never could have imagined.”

    WOW!! We really can trust the Holy Spirit to do His Job. I praise Adonai for you & your ministry.

  10. YOU, Becky Keife, are a BLESSING to us in countless ways and LOVED in many ways! “THANK YOU” for sharing your families THANKSGIVING MIRACLE of HOPE with us and for being the Sunshine in people’s Life!! Keep that JOY in your Heart…God Bless!!!