About the Author

Jen encourages women to embrace both the beauty and bedlam of their everyday lives at BeautyandBedlam.com. A popular speaker, worship leader, and author of Just Open the Door: How One Invitation Can Change a Generation, Jen lives in North Carolina with her husband, five children, and a sofa for anyone...

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  1. My niece in the Asheville area had a crew working in her yard to restore power that had come in from Canada to help. She usually has baked goods to share so her mom asked her what southern treat she shared. She answered I did better than cookies, I let them come in for a clean bathroom & warm shower. It didn’t matter that she doesn’t speak French or they English. Meeting each other with kindness refreshed those workers & restored power to my niece’s neighbors. Wins all around. Sharing what God provided to each ripples & always matters. Blessings y’all!

    • Yes, Ruth. The ripple impacts so many and it’s wonderful to know that it starts with us in our everyday neighborhood.

      So glad to know your niece is doing well in Asheville.

  2. During a time of dealing w a abusive Fatber. Sr Juliana a friend took me into her home until the Lord brought Allan n I together again. I told Allan my story n he didn’t judge me. We fell in love n got married.Allan was my soul mate. Sadly he passed away after we celebrated our 19th anniversary. But he lives on in my heart.

  3. Dear Jen…….Your story today was quite lovely and also sad. I am 77 years old and live in the North East and so far have not been hit with weather like the South and the Midwest and West Coast have experienced. I have prayed for these people that have been left with nothing or have lost someone of their family. I have one experience that happened to me. I was in Phoenixville, PA for an appointment and was upset when I left. I was distracted driving home and accidentally took the wrong exit and ended up in Philadelphia with no idea what to do. I didn’t have GPS in my car or phone, no water, no medication and had to go to the bathroom badly. I saw a place to pull over where Fairmount Park is and I sat there and just cried. I had no one to call, but this car pulled up in back of me and that scared me as Philly is just swamped in crime right now. The gentleman got out and came to my car and asked what was wrong. He said he was an Uber driver on duty, but saw how scared I really was, but he said he would try to help me. He walked all over the park, but all the restrooms were locked, but he did find a place to get me a bottle of water. He came back and said he was going to call the police to come and help. He used my phone and did just as he said. He said he was supposed to be working so he needed to go, but he said the police will help you from here. I started crying again and just kept thinking, what if they don’t show up. This man changed his mind and said he would wait with me until the police got there so he knew I was safe. I thanked him over and over. We waited for a half hour, but they did come. He then said he needed to go. All of a sudden, after I gave him some money, I hadn’t even asked him his name. This is the astonishing part. He was a black man and he said, my name is Emanuel and he left. The police were very kind to me and took me to a place where I could go to the bathroom and then had me follow them to the highway I needed to go on to get me back home. I thanked them profusely and went on my way, when all of a sudden it struck me the first gentleman’s name is another name for God. How could this even be in such a huge city with millions of people. I started crying again, this time with JOY as I knew it was the Lord there to protect me and help me. Friends that I have told this story said to me, it is just a coincidence and I said “No”. To me it was a God-Wink that I see in my Hallmark movies based on true stories. God-Winks are a divine intervention and that is just what it was. I prayed all the way home and praised the Lord for helping me get out of this frightening situation. So Jen, there is my story and this happened a year ago so we all know that God is always here with us, but I never thought I would myself see a God-Wink. I am still praying for the people in the south with the hit from Milton. How emotional and heartbreaking their situations must be and it could take them years to do whatever needs to be done. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the Women (in) courage who give us these wonderful devotions every morning. I would be in bad shape without them. Love and hugs to you Jen. You are all Angels to me!!~~~~~~~~~~~Betsy Basile

  4. Jen lovely everything you have wrote. I have more than one Hero in my life. But my main every day hero is none other than Jesus. As when I read my Bible Jesus was great hero that taught us so much and how to live in the world we live in today despite all that is going on in our world to. Jesus is my hero for another reason Jesus has taught me how to love all people in the world from Adults to Kids. How to forgive people in my life that have hurt me and still love them no matter what as well as show them the love of Jesus. Let them know I have forgiven them and I am praying for them. Without Jesus I couldn’t have done that. As it says in Colossians 3:13 says ” bearing with one another and forgiving one another, even as Christ forgave you so you also must do” how true that is. Without Jesus showing me this I would have ever done it. Today I wouldn’t be speaking to them. They did the wrong. I told them I have forgiven them put it behind me. But I will never forget about it. Jesus said to me Dawn now you done that I have forgiven you for hold a grudge against them until you forgave them. Yes Dawn it was hard. But it the right thing to do. I feel so much better for doing it. I have no bitterness now in my heart towards them. Also another hero in my life is Worlds Share. Because they do so much to help God people less well of than us. From Babies Children and Adults. In places like Hati and other places Kids are abused by their Father’s and other people. Also they do other great work. They another of Heros because they make me think and be thankful for all God has given me. When I hear of people less of than me the way show God love to people less well of than us. They go out of their way to help them if they can. It makes me cry when I hear what Adults and kids. I go into prayer for them. I thank God for them at World Share helping them. Then Derek Prince ministries. Derek in Glory now. But he left a legacy. That was teaching people the word of God. How to understand the Bible. As it can be a difficult book to understand. Derek made it easy through his teaching. Also the way the ministry is kept on today even though Derek Prince is in Glory. When Derek Prince was alive the Bible was translated in different languages so People could read it in their own language. They could buy teaching to help them as well. Then had conference to teach the word of God. All this being kept on today. I say Amen to that. Then my Husband they way he loves me and cares for me in his own way especially when I suffer with seizures. Plus you at incourage as your readings by all other people in incourage have helped me grow closer to God. By what they say and the people who leave a comment. I pray for you all thank God for the good work you guys do as well as all the others I have said about. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  5. Many Canadians are weeping with what we *can* see on social media platforms. We want so desperately to help! But we keep hearing that FEMA is not trustworthy, and we have no local contacts. Would you share how we can help?

    I traveled in Tennessee a few months ago for work. I know those winding, narrow roads and that brown, muddy water. I have wept for the people who – though not rich in earthly goods – have lost their way of life. The loss of human life makes it that much worse. I feel so handicapped from where I sit! Prayers feel futile.

  6. My everyday hero is my doctor, Muhammad Muzammil. Yes, we expect our doctors to do their job but they are pushed to their wits end but tiny time slots for patients, insurance rules and regulations, and their own company rules. They are often pushed so hard, that their job seems impossible. They want to help people but their help is very limited by these very things.
    My doctor goes above and beyond. He asks questions, jokes around when he can, and truly cares. He was also voted the company’s best doctor last year. He is truly a one of a kind. I feel so blessed to have him, as I am sure all of his patients feel the same way.
    Dr. Muhammad Muzammil is a primary practitioner here in Itasca, IL. He knows just about anything. He is always working, never a care that he himself can get sick. I tell him to be careful. He has a family. I don’t want him getting sick and bringing it home to them either. We don’t often think about the lives of our doctors but they are just human too. He is a really good one. One that his family can be proud of.

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