Some Sundays are a sobbing-in-the-back-row kind of day, and this was one of them. The pastor had played a clip from The Chosen (a drama series about the life of Christ), and I couldn’t keep it together. After Jesus urged the disciples to throw their nets to the other side of the boat and try one more time, we watched as they scraped up just enough hope to obey and then beamed with joy and wonder at the hundreds of fish filling their nets.
I was desperate and broken that day, in the midst of a season watching my daughter suffer immense pain that was both undiagnosed and untreated. We’d spent months in doctors’ offices and pharmacies and emergency rooms. I’d done everything I knew and even a few new things in desperation; nothing had worked. I didn’t blame God, but I was starting to question whether or not He was with us or would ever help us.
The overwhelming emotion I felt that Sunday morning took me by surprise, though it shouldn’t have. For decades God has spoken to me using pop culture as a conduit of His truths and hope, wisdom, and strength.
Even as a child, I remember telling my mom about the first song I’d heard on the radio the morning my granddad died. “Mom, I heard ‘Lean on Me,’ and maybe God’s telling us to lean on Him or each other.” I’m not sure it was much comfort to her, but God’s unique kindness that day has stuck with me ever since.
God doesn’t just speak on mountaintops or in burning bushes, through hymns or even quiet times spent in Scripture. If we pay attention, He’ll give us exactly what we need, exactly where we are. He’ll give us strength in the struggle in the most creative ways. From a sunrise to a word from a stranger, from an intense prayer time to a superhero’s speech on the big screen, God is pursuing us and providing for us everywhere.
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
John 14:26 ESV
By Mary Carver as published in 100 Days of Strength in Any Struggle
What surprising way have you heard God speak? We’d love to celebrate His creative kindness together!
Remember, you are never, ever alone.
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Eating an English muffin I watched as the cold butter melted into all the nooks & crannies of the bread to make not just a nourishing breakfast but a delicious fuel for my day. I was impressed that that is how God’s Word & presence seeps into our deepest needs & hidden spots to bring strength & even delight to our lives.
Ruth, I love this! What a great way to start the day. Now, whenever I use butter I’ll remember God’s love being spread over my life.
In a time of relentless pains, a phrase from a verse memorized long ago, suddenly is highlighted in my heart…’in Him ALL things hold together’!! My scattered thoughts, my rollercoaster emotions, senseless medical issues…ALL held together, all cohesive, woven together for His purposes and glory!
Thank you Ms. Carver (In)Courage staff and other contributors to our community. I need encouragement everyday and that is what I desire to share with others.
You all are certainly right, God Knows how to communicate with all His children. I am a person who enjoys talking a lot to my children and my friends. I’m learning slowly to listen better. Then Pray for what I need to say later on. I truly appreciate it when God’s Plans come through for me and my family. We all need to see the manifestation of
seeds down in Faith.
Patience is a requirement and a true character trait of Bible Believers. I’m still learning about Patience. We are to wait with a great attitude of peace and thankfulness. I’m a work in progress. Being a “mother” will really help this process. Smile.
Our Source of Love and Joy come from God and His Teaching Style is impeccable. It takes a lifetime !
God bless my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Dear Mary………….What a very sad and touching story you told us today about your daughter. Medical incidents can really be serious and/or complicated. I have read the “Struggle Book” 3 times now along with so many others I have from the (in) courage community of women. I am 77 years old and I have had many what I call God-Winks from my Hallmark movies. These are not coincidences like many people may think, but divine interventions. The one that always come to my mind is when I had a 9+ hour operation and was in bad shape. They kept me in recovery overnight in case something would happen. The next day I went back to my room and my husband and the head of the Gynecological Oncology Dept. was with him. The doctor told the nurse to give me some medication (still don’t know what), but I coded and there was chaos which I only knew because my husband told me. I ended up in ICU in a drug induced coma, but the doctor told my husband I probably would not survive the night. Here it comes, during my days in the coma every thing was white. I don’t know how I remembered this later, but maybe what happened next is why. I saw Jesus standing there next to me along with my Holy Spirit’s whispering voice. Jesus said, my child, you need to fight fight fight. You have too much to offer other people due to your way of living. My Holy Spirit whispered, “It is not your time Betsy. We will give you strength to get through this.” What an experience Mary. As you can see, I am still here and the doctor was astonished. I did not remember this what I call now, ” A Miracle”., but as I began to recover at home, I dreamed about it often, and finally remembered it when I was awake. I had so much Praise for Jesus and my Holy Spirit. I have many more “odd” things that I can connect to God and Jesus, but they are too long for now, but I will say that your words are certainly correct. God doesn’t always speak to us from a mountainside or burning bush, but we must carefully watch and listen to things that go on in our lives (like the song your daughter was listening to). Things that you don’t even realize at the time are from God or Jesus are answers to our prayers. Thank you Mary for your great devotion today. I enjoyed reading it and I hope your daughter is better. Please have a Blessed Day and as I tell many of the women in your community, if not for these daily devotionals, I don’t know what I would do. I have been facing something now for almost 2 years and it is still not resolved. Love to you, Mary……………………Betsy Basile
YES! I love to hear about the different ways people hear from God! They are as unique as each of us….
God speaks to me through other people’s writing…. through all of the books I read (Christian-themed, non-fiction and even very non-Christian fiction). Some odd thing happens in my day, or I hear a new or unique word during daily life…. and that night when I pick up a book to read – there is that odd thing that happened just hours or minutes earlier, or that new word I’ve never heard before pops up. To me, it’s God saying “I see you, Anne. I know what your day was like and I am with you every minute. And guess what? I also schedule your reading so that you see Me, too.”
Even in things that aren’t specifically “Christian” (like pop culture, fictional books – who knew?), God speaks in a way we can hear. YAY, God!!!
How true! Words or phrases that show up….. now I just need to take time with God to see if/how they are from Him.
I’m TOTALLY with you Mary Carver!
Thanks for putting this in writing for someone else to glean from it or be pleasantly surprised by this! Thank you for your gift of writing.
Bless you Mary Carver.
Thanks for such real words, Mary. God does speak in many ways. For me it’s often music I hear on the radio
Dear Mary, God bless you abundantly and may He bring total and complete healing to your daughter! I have heard the Lord in so many and varied ways. I have heard His sweet and gentle voice; I have had visions; He visited me about a year ago, all night long His glorious Presence was with me. As I was going through a VERY hard time, I needed it. I have seen Him beside my bed the night before my husband was to have a CT scan. There are so many other things, more than I can say here now. I am 77 years old can testify that He never leaves us nor forsakes us and He hears our every prayer, even if it’s just a whisper crying for help. God bless you all, my sisters in Christ Jesus!!!
God encourages me in all kinds of ways but lately it has been my favorite season of Fall. I love the colors of the trees along my street! A reminder of God’s design of the seasons and His creation. Also how when these leaves “ die” they are so beautiful. Kind of like when we die to ourselves we become more like Jesus. All the animals around our home are feed by God’s hand in nature and even the flying patterns of flocks of birds have a purpose. These things are evidence of His loving kindness and His presence. I am enjoying them as gifts from Him.
You write comforting others with empathy from your own journey.
Thank YOU!
Sending you autumn JOY,
Thankful for all the ways He shows up for us. Thankful for these words too.