“Did you sign up?” my roommate asked me as we lingered in our dorm hallway.
“Yes! And I got my boyfriend to sign up, too!” I replied, giddy with anticipation.
It would be the perfect Saturday evening. I looked out the window at the gold and red leaves scattered across campus and could picture it: Me in my plaid scarf and peacoat, looking adorably autumnal while sipping apple cider on a hayride.
Fellow first-year students loaded the old-school yellow bus, ready to pay our $10 fee to embark on a new adventure. We left our downtown college campus for the outskirts of the country, where a tiny ski hill had been transformed into a fall wonderland.
The ride was off to a bumpy start. I shared a seat with my boyfriend and kept sliding into him with every sharp turn. As the driver zoomed onto the highway, he nearly collided with a bread delivery truck.
Little did I know, the evening was about to get a lot scarier.
We finally arrived at our destination in one piece and climbed off the bus. We were told to meet in three hours and given tickets to the attractions.
The fall adventure that ensued was not what I had in mind.
We joined the line of people waiting to get on the hayride. When we reached the front, we realized too late that we were not in line for a hayride at all. I had inadvertently signed up for a terrifying haunted house – rated five skulls on the scary scale! Werewolves and mad scientists jumped out in strobe-lit rooms, and we were warned to watch out for rats as hissing air hit our ankles. I thought I might faint.
Just when I thought we’d survived the ordeal and could finally retreat to the chateau to sip that cider, a teenager dressed as a vampire informed me that we had only finished the first part of the haunted house. There were multiple parts!
This time of year, we’re bombarded with spooky stories and decorations crafted to put a chill down our spines. But it’s much easier to admit that a jumpscare from someone in a mask frightens me than to confront the real monsters hiding in my closet: my fears about the future, my wonderings if whether work matters, the loneliness that creeps up on me when I least expect it.
What haunts your life?
Maybe you thought you’d be further along in your career by now, and you’re anxious about what that means for your future. Or perhaps a relationship that once brought you joy is in pieces, and now you’re scared of the unknown ahead.
The thing about our fears is that when we try to push them away, they don’t stay hidden for long. Have you ever laid in bed at night, only to have your mind replay every worry and whisper every what-if?
Fears fester in the dark, but in Christ, you have the power to bring them to light.
When we finally escaped the never-ending maze of haunted houses that cold October night, I was exhausted. Determined to redeem the evening, I convinced my friends we still had time for cider. We huddled in the building, unwinding our scarves and shedding our jackets for the warm, well-lit room with no monsters in sight.
We laughed about the night’s shenanigans as we sipped our steaming mugs. But as we made our way to the parking lot under the starry sky, my heart sank. It was empty. We had missed the bus! I had been scared of the fog machines and flashing lights, but now a deeper fear set in: how would we ever get home?
I felt panic rising. My boyfriend could see the tears welling in my eyes. “What are we going to do?” I asked, imagining us stranded forever. (I have always had a vivid imagination.)
He calmly reached for his flip phone and called his brother, who lived nearby. “He’ll be here in ten minutes,” he said, closing his phone with a reassuring snap.
Life is unpredictable. It’s scary, then it’s not, and then it’s scary all over again.
We’re not guaranteed a life without fear. Fear is a normal part of being human – and it’s a normal part of being a human who loves Jesus, too.
When fears and what-ifs surround me, I remember three things I took away from my college adventure to the haunted house:
- Go toward the light. Darkness may surround you, but it doesn’t have the final say. God’s goodness and glory get the last word. When what haunts you feels overwhelming, remember John 1:5 (NIV): “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
- Name your fears. There is power in simply acknowledging the monsters that hide under our beds. Sometimes, I think saying I’m scared makes me weak or shows a lack of faith. But when we name our fears, we can begin to move through them. And when we’re brave enough to name our fears, we can cast them on God because God cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)
- Don’t do it alone. When I realized we missed the bus, I panicked. But I wasn’t alone. Let others into your fears. Galatians 6:2 reminds us, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Those willing to walk through the scariest parts of life with you are the ones to hold onto. (That boyfriend became my husband!)
When fears keep you up at night, remember: just as a child with a nightmare calls out to their parent, you can trust that God — the Light of the world — will be with you through every scary moment.
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Kayla I really have any things that hunts my life. Expect since I was child. I have never like sleeping in the dark. I always have when going to bed it dark at night the curtains open to let the moonlight in or the street lights were I live. When small and lived at home before getting Married I had to have a light on in the hallway. Or I not sleep I would wake up crying. Since I got saved it has always been the same. Even though in reading I read. Jesus is the light that shines through me. I have nothing to fear just will be with me. He will let nothing happen to me at night. Even though I am married my Husband knows not closes the curtains keep them open when we go to sleep. He got used that doesn’t mind doing that. As he before we got married all his life slept with the curtains closed slept in the dark. He had no fear of it. I can’t tell were that fear came from as child. I can remember one time my Mum and Dad were away can’t remember how long for. But they left us with a lady who’s house we had to stay in over night as my parents were away. I was about 3 or 4 years old. I wanted her to leave the hall light outside the bedroom I was sleeping in at her house. As it would shine in the room I was sleeping in. But no she wouldn’t let me have it on. I remember being so scared. God was so good my Aunt and my Uncle. God had them travel 86miles as they knew I would have to stay more than one night with this person. That meant no light on at night sleeping in the dark. Which I didn’t like. God as say was good. The traveled all those miles to get me and bring me to there home for the days my Mum and Dad were away. I remember saying to them no Florence house again and crying my eyes out. Holding on my Aunt and Uncle. They said Dawn you will never have to go back. You can stay with us until you’re Mum and Dad come back. The knew why I didn’t want to go back to Florence house again while my parents were away. My Aunty said Dawn the light will be on for you when you go to bed tonight. No more Florence’s. I slept like log and got into bed at my Aunt’s and Uncle with a smile on my face. God was good he had them travel the 86miles to get me. Because they sensed I wouldn’t like staying with Florence because she have me sleeping in the dark. I thank God for having them do that because they loved me. Didn’t like to see me scared or frightened. How scary the dark can be for a child. Especially going to bed at night. If they don’t like the dark having a night light on can make all the difference. We are from Children to Adults all afread of something. Some even as Adults and saved. Still scared of what they are scared of since being a child. Even though they know Jesus is with them projecting them. They just like to know something or some is there with them. When have that fear or scariness. Like me at night having to have the curtains open all night. I thank you for this reading Kyla. It has spoken to me. Thank you for it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Dawn, thank you so much for taking the time to read and for sharing a glimpse into your story. Sending you love today.
This post was very timely. I should have read it when I was awake during the night last night, when I was trying to figure things out (most of which are things beyond my control and certainly things that I couldn’t “fix” during the night). Here are the phrases that I could especially relate to: “Have you ever laid in bed at night, only to have your mind replay every worry and whisper every what-if?” “Life is unpredictable. It’s scary, then it’s not, and then it’s scary all over again…We’re not guaranteed a life without fear. Fear is a normal part of being human- and it’s a normal part of being a human who loves Jesus, too.” I will try to remember “Fears fester in the dark, but in Christ, you have the power to bring them to light” and will try to remember to “Go toward the light…Name [my] fears…Don’t do it alone” and “trust that God–the Light of the world–will be with [me] through every scary moment.”
It means so much to hear that these parts of the article stood out to you. Thank you for reading and for taking the time to share.
Thank you for sharing your fears, for years I didn’t but the older I get the more I realize that sharing one another’s burdens, fears and joys allows others to do similarly! (I shared your devotion praying it will bless others.)
Sending you autumn Joy,
Lisa Wilt
Thank you so much for sharing, Lisa! We are always learning as we go, aren’t we?
Hi Kayla………..WOW, I was scared just reading your story about what happened to you in college. I am not a big fan of Halloween with all the candy etc. Of course, I am 77 years old and when my son went out for Halloween, I am sure things were much different the. I continued to read the rest of your post and that is where I connected quickly with your story. There are many things right now in my life that leave me in the darkness. I do know that Jesus is there and I have given him these fears, but I still at times more than I should admit to find them coming through the front of my mind. Then I get upset as I know that things will work out at some time. I really like your tips for handling these “scary and dark” situations. I have multiple times reached out to God and named the fears I have as these things I am going through have been there for 2 years now. I have always been impatient as my jobs were such that I was expected to solve problems right away or management was not happy. I too as you have a vivid imagination which kind of takes me on the wrong path and then I get mad at myself. Thank you for your post as it reminded me that I need to stop feeling alone (which I am ), but my Holy Spirit is always with me and helps me so much. I will save your devotion and read it every day just to make sure I am thinking of everything you have given us to do when darkness seems to take over. Have a Blessed Day and the women from (in)courage keep me grounded. It is difficult when you are my age without any family as they have abandoned me. Love and prayers to you, Kayla………………I hope I can call all of you ” my friends”………………….Betsy Basile
Hi, Betsy. Thank you so much for reading and for taking time to share parts of your story, too. Praying that you will feel the love of God surround you today and in the days to come. We are so glad you are part of the (in)courage community! Sending you love today.
Kayla, this is a perfect Halloween reminder! I will try to remember the steps on your list. Next time, when fear overtakes me.
Irene, thank you for reading! Praying that you feel safe and held in those moments when fear threatens to overcome.
What I don’t understand is why do Christians participate in halloween? It is not of God. We can spread His word, Love and Light to those who are in darkness. If we do our part and look to God for wisdom and knowledge, then we will know His truth and the Truth will set us free. We are not to have anything to do with darkness. I too am learning, and don’t have all the answers, but God does and I pray He will continue to direct, protect and guide us and we can have His Peace and Love for all.
I’m praying to extend God’s peace and love to all, too! Thank you for reading today.
For a long time I feared my past mistakes. Often find myself wide awake at night asking myself why did I make those “stupid”” job choices & changes? Look at where you are now verses where you could have been. Often times I chose to tell hubby about my fears & disappointments. He said you can’t go back & change things so pray about this & let God handle it. He was right. Just praying & seeking God’s advice changed everything.
Blessings 🙂