If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you likely know what the gospel is. It’s the Good News of what Jesus has done for humanity. You understand that through it, we are restored to a relationship with God. Many of us can point to the moment we believed in our hearts and confessed that Jesus is Lord. His kindness led us to repentance, and His grace opened our eyes to the truth. Salvation, redemption, forgiveness, healing, and freedom became ours. We were transferred from darkness into light. Once orphans, we are now daughters of God. Once enemies, we are now His friends. THIS IS THE GOOD NEWS!
At my church, the gospel is preached consistently and powerfully. But in the past couple of years, God has called us to more — not just as individuals but as a unified body. Our youth pastors sparked a fire by teaching a simple tool called 3 Circles, used by the North American Mission Board, to equip our young people to share the gospel. This training ignited a passion in them to step out in faith and evangelize in our city.
One Sunday, our entire congregation felt led to take the gospel beyond the church walls. We went into the neighborhood, knocking on doors, praying for people, and sharing the message of Jesus. This wasn’t just an outreach; it was an anointed movement of God. We felt His power flowing through us as we stepped into His calling to make disciples.
This past August, we embraced another shift, moving our prayer service to Wednesday nights and using Sunday afternoons for city outreach. We all received the same gospel training, and for three weeks straight, we went out to share the gospel in our community. At the same time, others remained in the church, interceding in worship and prayer for those evangelizing and the people they would encounter. It was a beautiful picture of unity — young and old, new believers and seasoned saints, people of every race, coming together with one mission.
The testimonies that followed were nothing short of awe-inspiring. People accepted Christ, recommitted their lives, experienced answered prayers, and witnessed God’s provision. The book of Acts came alive in our midst, and we knew that what God was doing in our church wasn’t just for us— it was for the world around us.
Acts 2:1-4 describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Our gatherings have always reflected this, but in August, there was a fresh anointing, a greater grace to carry the gospel. God poured out His Spirit in new ways, filling us with boldness, courage, joy, and expectation. That faith became fuel as we took the gospel into a city filled with darkness.
Yet, if we’re honest, the Great Commission is often neglected. Fear of rejection, feeling unqualified, or simply focusing too much on our own lives can hold us back. Sometimes we lack compassion for the lost. But God is calling us higher. He’s stirring hearts, breaking chains, and inviting us into the incredible work of sharing His love with a broken world.
At my church, we’ve also seen God move mightily at Louisiana State University, where students have encountered His power, love, and grace. Many have come to Christ, been healed, delivered, and baptized. But let me be clear—my church isn’t special. We were just obedient. God gave us a deep love for the lost, and we stepped into the calling to be salt and light, to give an account of the hope we have.
We’re all called to this. As a royal priesthood, entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation, let us grow in our passion for those who don’t yet know Him. People are desperate for something to fill their emptiness. They are waiting for someone to declare the Good News of Christ boldly. And that someone could be you.
So, I encourage you to take that step of faith. Share the gospel where God is calling you. The same Spirit that moved in Acts is alive in you. Leave a comment and let’s celebrate the testimonies of lives transformed and pray for even more opportunities to be His hands and feet.
Where can you share the gospel today? Let’s do this together!
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Thank you for this—So many times we are hesitant to share the gospel with strangers because we think that they don’t want to hear it. You reminded us that there are people desperately waiting to hear the Good News of Jesus. An obedient church is a delight to the Lord. Today I am substitute teaching- I pray that I can be the hands and feet of Jesus to the students and staff.
Amen Judy! Praying that the light of Christ shown really bright through you today!
Thank you Karina for your detailed sharing the Good News & encouraging us to share the Gospel.
I viewed Kylie White’s video where she shared her story about her health & how God is a good God.
Judy thank you for your comments & as a retired teacher I pray for you, your students & our daughter who is a teacher & the staff & students she & they are
with this new school year !
Thank you Mary for reading and sharing!
Karina it is true all you have said in today’s devotional you have written. We are daughter of the king or kings. God is our Heavenly Father. Who is teaching us how to live for him. That the unsaved see it in us that are saved. Seeing Jesus love in us. As we that are saved want to do what is right in God’s eyes and live as his word says. So the unsaved see we are different and every thing we do is for Jesus. Living As his word says in even in our words and helping people showing them the love of God. Praying for them too. If in crisis in there Family. We can go see them if we know them. Tell them Jesus loves them especially if not saved. That we are praying for them. As the unsaved in our Families and People we know. Watch what we do how we live our lives as Christian. If we are doing something that not right in God’s eyes. The Unsaved see it then how are we supposed to win then to be part of the Family of God. We not win them. Evening we do has to as God would want us to live our lives if saved. So as the unsaved will want what we have. That is to know Jesus for ourselves. The power of God shows them that. Through the Gospel of God’s word we can if they ask why we are different than them. We can say we live for Jesus and everything we do is about living as his words say. Telling them some of the Gospel stories to back up why we are different even the verses. Telling them we believe them all. Especially telling them that verse in John 3:16 ” For God so loved the world he gave his only son” that is a popular verse as it so true. God loved us all in the world so much he gave his son to die for us all. How many people if had kids would do the same. I am not a Mum. Did want to be. But have Niece’s and Nephews. I pray for their salvation. Plus all my Families as not one saved. I am glad to be saved and be Jesus friend he be mine and my Heavenly Father. As Jesus being my Heavenly Father he disaplines us like a Father that loves us. To live the right way for him doing as his word says. We that are saved live in the world but we are not of the world. Everything we do has to be about do as Jesus word does. I say Amen to that. Thank you for writing the message today Karina it spoke to me all you said in it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Meant to say didn’t want to be when I said I am not Mum. Happy the way things are. Got Jesus. That is all that matters. Sorry for the mistake. Xx
Amen!!! Thank you Dawn for reading and sharing!!! Blessings to you!!!
I am not able to attend church as I have a debilitating back condition and not able to stand or even sit for more than a few minutes, but I do what I can which is pray for all my family, friends and neighbors daily . May the Lord bless you all!! ❣️
Donna, thank you for reading and sharing! I pray that the Lord brings healing to your body, mind and emotions. May He strengthen your body in every way. Be blessed!
This is amazing! I have been feeling Him calling me for some time now! I moved awhile back and have been searching for fellow believers and looking to the Lord to open the way. This is a very transient area and people are constantly moving in and out. No friends so far however I trust in Him. Love what your church is doing! We need more and more of that! Praying for y’all and for our world!
Karina – Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful words. May we always be sharing the Lord’s truth. I think we can do that in little and big ways in our daily lives.