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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Dear Becky…………Your devotion today is very uplifting and the whole story with Peace from Jesus touched my heart. I have so many things that are making me sad and some mad. I will quickly tell you one that made me mad as I am getting ready to go to church. I had a best friend that I had grown up with and I have pictures of the two of us in a playpen. Our mothers were best friends and I am 2 months older than she is. Fast forward to years later when we are now both 77 years old. We lost contact with each other for quite a while as she divorced her first husband and remarried and move down South. One day I found an old letter she had sent me and there was a phone number on it and I thought, I bet that she has moved again since then, but I tried it and there she was. Her husband had died and she lived alone now and was very into religion and did huge Bible studies and was very firm in her beliefs. I am as well, but some of the things she was telling me, I didn’t really understand until the day she was telling me that when Revelations happened, she was going to be one of the only ones that were saved, not me. That did not sit well with me, but I found out soon that she also wanted politics to be in the church like Democrats and Republicans. That I had to tell her I thought was wrong. She had stopped going to church for 2 years after her husband passed, which I thought was very odd as when I started to lose my relatives I went to church so often and prayed for peace as even though I knew that they were in Heaven, the loss was painful that I couldn’t see or talk to the ones I loved so much. In further conversations with this person she changes denominations 10 times when she went back to church again. That certainly is OK, but she was looking for that church that was political. Well, to end this story, I spoke to my minister about the things she was saying to me and she told me, Betsy, it is best to stay away from her as she said in the deep South there were many people that were White Nationalists and that is not the way our church feels. They do not like black people and are prejudiced about others. Well, it did not take long as the next time we were talking on the phone, she got the impression about who I was going to vote for in the November election. I did not tell her, but I said, you should really think about both candidates before you choose. She said back, I know you are voting for ********** and she hung up on me. That was the icing on the cake. I again told my minister about this and she was very worried about me. I said that she had hung up on ME and so knowing her, that was the end of our friendship and she has not called me since. With everything else I am going through, I don’t need to be told, that she is one of the only people that will be saved and not me plus all the other strange things she said. I just prayed to Jesus for peace from this very disturbing incident. As your story said, today I pictured Jesus sitting next to me and He gave me peace. Thank you Becky. Your devotions are very uplifting, but now I need to get to church so I wish you a Blessed Sunday and a wonderful weekend. Sorry I went on and on………Betsy Basile

    • May you find peace at your service. I will be watching my service via Facebook since I won’t get a rental car until tomorrow. I also find it hard to talk with some friends who are so caught up in the political scene that it blinds them to what is going on around them. I look inward and think the classic “What would Jesus Do”? That is when and where I find my answer. I have distanced myself from some people while not totally forgetting them. We have agreed not to talk politics when we are together and to pray for each other and our country and to remember God is in control. I also know a few very strict religious people and I also distance myself knowing they will not understand unless they look to Jesus and his acceptance of everyone who believes. Blessings upon you this day.

  2. Thank you for this much needed message. I had a car accident on Friday night on the way home with a friend after a fun day. Thank the Lord no one was injured, 3 cars involved. That was blessings. But I felt like a zombie afterwards and still not clear in my mind what exactly happened, it all was so fast. And then I learned my car might be “totaled” because it is 10 yrs. old. It has been the best car ever. But all day I was getting messages from the Lord by calls and texts from family and friends reminding me that God is with me, beside me, keeping my friend and I safe. The car will be repaired or replaced all according to God’s plan. They made it a nonreportable accident and everyone is safe, no matter what the sequence of events were. Praise the Lord Always!

  3. This is timely! Recovering from back surgery – may need another back surgery. Walking is difficult! Intubation caused a broken front tooth and fat lip and I am praying for that to be fixed soon. Dr visits and meds ahead. So many things we take for granted. God is good and I am so thankful He promises to never leave us. ♥️

  4. Your comment, no matter what happens next, terrifies me. The fear of what God will allow next worries me.I pray that the blood of Jesus pours over our family. Please pray for healing

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