About the Author

Kathi lives with Roger and a bunch of chickens in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. There they host writer retreats, and Kathi writes about how to do life with God a little closer today than yesterday. She’s a best-selling author and absolutely loves her Clutter Free Community on Facebook.

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  1. OH. M. GEEEE. THIS is a lifesaver!!! Like…you just saved my life! Thank you for your insight, honesty, scripture, and the practical list! I’m going into the holidays with a fresh wind in my sails!

  2. Dear Kathi,

    Such a meaningful article!

    As someone who loves welcoming others into my home and life, you offer such great reminders and practical tips. I just wrote my my first book on this exact thing “The Imperfect Welcome” so I LOVE reading what others have to say about hospitality. Thanks for sharing! —Alysa Clark

  3. Kathi,

    I’ve always done everything myself so your devotion this morning open my eyes. This reason, I shared it.

    Sending you autumn joy,


    • Oh Lisa – me too! I’ve always done it all myself. No more. Sharing the load and the love.

      And I love the words “autumn joy”! Sending it right back to you!

  4. Dear Kathi………………WOW, what a great story and idea. Wish I had seen this some years back. I am 77 years old and there is no one left to have all the big holiday celebrations. My husband has dementia and tried to kill me due to this awful disease. I was forced to have him evicted from our home of 40 years and also ended up selling our house as we both needed money. Both those things were heartbreaking. I used to take the week off from work so I could prepare everything everyone requested. I could do it then as I was much younger, but I as you experienced the pre-party weariness. One year I was really sick and told my husband I did not think I could do it. He said, ” we are not cancelling and you will do it. At that time my son was home from college for Thanksgiving and my mother-in-law lived with us for 16 years, but that is a story for another time. Not one of them offered to do something to help me. I was lost. My mother always used to do Thanksgiving, but she had told me she did not think she could do it anymore so I took over and we had a large home so there was plenty of room for all the relatives (adults) and 2 (kids tables). Our relatives did not realize the work that goes on to do something like this. A month ahead, I would start my list and times and which days I wanted to do what. I did really love to do it, but all these other matters have stopped it. My husband lives in one facility and I live in another. I am not permitted to see him due to the safety issue. Now again and this is the second year, the holiday season is upon us and I have already begun to cry. My son dismissed me as his mother and told me I would never be able to see or talk to my now 14 year old grandson again. This was all due to him saying I was lying to him about his father. Why would I do something so awful? We had been married for 54 years. So now, I can’t have the celebrations and all my relatives have left this Earth and are with Our Lord. I have friends, but never once did they ask me to join them. Almost everyone here where I live have friends, relatives, family that not only come to visit them at least once a week, but they come here and take them to their homes for the holidays. I have those 3 people as my once family, but I am not invited to their gatherings. It puts me in a very sad mood and at my age, it seems even worse. Thank you Kathi for this wonderful story and ways to still do it but with help. Your Scripture from Ecclesiastes and the last line, “But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” That is me so this will be a very rough time for me again. I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving and the other holidays upcoming. I am not jealous about other people and enjoy hearing about their celebrations, but truth be told, when I go back to my apartment I cry and pray the rest of the day. You women from (in)courage are what keeps me grounded and I don’t know what I would do without all of you. I feel you were all Angels sent to me by Jesus to help me get up. Have a Blessed Day!!~~~~~~~~Betsy Basile

    • Dear Betsy,
      My heart aches reading your story, and I want you to know that you’ve been heard. The multiple losses you’ve endured – your husband’s illness and the necessary separation, your home of 40 years, your relationship with your son and grandson, and the cherished holiday traditions you nurtured for so many years – these are devastating wounds that anyone would struggle to bear.
      Please know that you are not alone, even in these dark times. Your vulnerability in sharing your story touches me deeply, and it’s clear that you have so much love to give. I’m grateful that you find some comfort in our (in)courage community, though I know it can’t replace the family gatherings you miss so dearly.
      What strikes me most is your gracious heart – even in your pain, you can still wish others well and rejoice in their celebrations. That speaks volumes about your character and faith. You’re right about that verse from Ecclesiastes – it’s particularly poignant in your situation. But please remember that while you may feel alone physically, you have a family here in this community who cares about you.
      Would you feel comfortable sharing what brings you moments of joy, even if they’re small ones? I’d love to pray for you specifically during this holiday season, and I’m sure others in our community would as well.

      With loving concern and prayers,


      • Kathi…………..I am just getting ready to try and get some sleep, and decided to read your devotion again. Thank you so very much and with much Gratitude from me to you on your reply. You can’t know how much it means to me. I know my comments get long, but the situations are so complicated that I usually some background information. I would love to share any joy with you during this Holiday Season and it touches my heart that you don’t even know me but you reached out to me this way. Maybe I will get some sleep tonight, but I promise I will tell you anything that happens. I hope some things will as last year was awful. Thanks again and you Woman from your (in) community are I believe my Angels that Jesus sent me to help me deal with all of these things. I will go now and say my prayers and also for you and your kindness………….Betsy

  5. I love this, Kathi! My oldest daughter has taken everything over and has Thanksgiving at her house. Maybe I can send her this and she will let us help more!

    • I love it. I think saying, “I would love to bringxxx. Would that work into your plans?” Is a great way of offing specific help. I love that you care about your daughter so much!


  6. Thank you for this Kathi, like you, I’ve always tried to do all the things. The last few years I’ve noticed that while everyone loves great meals, they might rather have me in a relaxed frame of mind instead of stressed and exhausted. Your ideas have given me a way to spread the work (and the joy)! Even though I have all boys, they can cook! I’m also enjoying your Sabbath Soup cookbook.

    • YES – and my boys and their girlfriend, love to help when asked for specific things. Thank you so much for telling me about how you’re enjoying Sabbath Soup. It means the world to me!

  7. Excellent ideas… ‼️‼️
    I was in charge of a group at the church for years and I would go early with a list of duties I pit up on the door of kitchen for the helpers as we catered for weddings, funerals, etc. I never had a problem getting helpers as my theme was..first come gets to pick the first thing they love to do..those helpers always arrived early to get their pick. It’s so much fun to work together ‼️‼️‼️

  8. Thanks for the inspiration- we have slowly transitioned into a more cooperative holiday kitchen, but your approach is more intentional and I think I’ll give it a try!

  9. This! This is me. I’m known for my hosting abilities and how I make people feel loved and welcomed. I feel pre tired and become exhausted.
    This is the last time… I’m taking your suggestions. This is going to be life changing. This is going to be wonderful!! Thank you!!!!

  10. Kathi,

    My ex-pastor & his wife host a friendsgiving each Thanksgiving. They supply the meat & some sides. Each family/person brings a side to share. Everyone gets to take some food home after we help clean up. We all get to have fun & fellowship with each other. They also do this for Christmas & Easter. She does this so no one has to be alone for the holidays.

    Love your suggestions.

    Blessings 🙂