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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Melissa,

    My life verse is Isaiah 54 verse 13 “You are a child of God, Taught of the Lord, great will be your peace and undisturbed composure.“ My mother blessed me with that every morning and evening, and I in turn have blessed my children and grandchildren with it!

    Sending you autumn joy


  2. Excellent everything you said Melissa in today’s devotional. Even if we don’t understand what God up we can trust him for the bigger picture and that he is doing what he knows is best for us a followers of his. God I know does answers to all things we need him to answer in the way we want him too. But answers them in the way he knows best for us and in his time frame not our. I believe God can at times be putting us through a test to see how strong our faith is and no matter what we go through. We will keep our eyes on him keep looking up stand on the promises in his word and prayer to him first when we have a need. Then go to others know will pray for us if we need them to. God always knows the bigger picture than we do. Like the kids song that is good for us as Adults to. It is “Our God is a great big God.” So our God is. I believe a lot of the children Godly songs are good for us as Adults too. Like “Jesus loves all the children of the world Red and Yellow Black and White” How true that is even for us as Adults too. My key pillars are keeping my eyes on God no matter what. As the Devil would want us not to do that he would try to knock down our pillars. As they are the strength we have in God and the strength God gives us to walk in the way he wants us to. Doing as his words say. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. (I’d endorse checking out the spice aisle to see the size of mustard seeds – they’re usually 1-2mm, so they are small, just more of a pin-head than a pin-point.)(they do grow 6+ft, though, when they go to seed! Big plants from such a small seed. Mint seeds are a lot smaller – so small they’re legitimately hard to plant, as I found out two years ago when I tried to grow some from seed – though usually mint is propagated from offshoots and cuttings instead of by planting seed, so it is possible that in that area at the time the general population didn’t even know mint had seeds?)(also, mint may not be a ‘garden plant’ but instead an herb, in which case yeah, mustard probably wins – a lot smaller than bean seeds and I don’t know what all they had in their gardens at the time!)

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