When our daughter, Faith, was eight years old, we learned she had a broken vertebra. At the time, one of the best pediatric neurosurgeons in the country lived in our town of Colorado Springs, so Faith’s surgery to correct the malformation happened on our home turf. My husband, David, and I soldiered through the emotional day of her surgery relying on God, the prayers of loved ones, and each other. When we received word that the surgery was a success, we all but collapsed in exhaustion and relief.
The following day, our friends, Ryan and Rebecca, asked if they could bring their own two children to visit Faith in the pediatric intensive care unit. We replied, yes! rather enthusiastically. With no extended family in town, we were thrilled at the prospect of visiting with supportive friends.
While we waited for them to arrive, Faith watched a Barbie princess movie—her choice distraction from the pain and limited mobility. As I filled her water cup, my cell phone rang. Seeing it was Rebecca, I answered. She proceeded to explain that she and her family were in the PICU waiting room, but the nurse on duty wouldn’t let them through.
“Hold on, I’m gonna talk to somebody. I’ll be in touch.” I said before hanging up the phone.
Chock-full of exhaustion and clean empty of civility and patience, I marched up to the nurse’s station and said exasperatedly to the nurse behind the counter, “Excuse me, I’m Kristen, mom to your patient in room 204. Can you please explain to me why our friends can’t visit my daughter?”
The nurse sighed with her own exasperation.
“Only family of patients are allowed into the PICU, ma’am,” she answered without looking up.
I leaned in, ever so slightly. “Ma’am, with all due respect, that’s not a helpful rule.”
She then looked up.
Continuing, I said, “We have no extended family in town, and these friends are our local family. They’re all healthy, fit as a fiddle. Our daughter would be mighty happy to see them, and a happier patient makes for a better recovery, right?”
On the outside, I smiled just a tad. On the inside, I prayed that God would move her to consider reason over rules. After a moment of silence, the nurse acquiesced and let our friends through.
As they walked into the room, Faith smiled as big as Texas. She thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and get-well gifts they brought. By the time our friends left, Faith showed more spunk and spirit than she had in days. What’s more, all five of us Strongs felt buoyed by the bit of normalcy brought in from outside the hospital walls.
These friends are just one example of what I like to call my “framily.”
Framily is a term for friends who fill in the gaps left by an absence of family, especially when you don’t live in the same area as your relation or when they choose not to be actively involved in your life. In no way do these friends replace your family! My extended family is very important to me. But for most of my adult life, I’ve not lived near them.
When that is your reality, you understand that you still need help when life gets tricky. For example, when surgery knocks you out of commission, you need someone to bring you dinner. When you’re sick as a dog, you need someone to watch the kids. When you go on vacation, you need someone to water your plants or feed the cat or bring in the mail. Framily helps you (and you help them!) with middle-of-the-night emergencies and broad-daylight necessities.
More than that, they’re soul-sisters who help you persevere in the faith.
Framily is a great idea because it is God’s idea! Proverbs 18:24 tells us about a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 27:10 says when hard times come, it’s better to not travel far for help, but to get help where you are.
When life throws a lot at you, framily is your in-person help — like our friends were for us.
To honor the framily in your life, I’ve written a small but mighty gift book, called Friends Are Family We Choose.
It would be the perfect gift to honor your own framily on occasions such as:
National Friendship Day (August)
Galentine’s Day (February 13th)
Pastor Appreciation Month (October)
Military Spouse Appreciation Month (May)
Specifically, it would be the perfect gift to honor the:
Adopted Aunt or Grandma
Pastor’s Wife
Military Wife
Bible Study Leader
Small Group Leader
…or Bestie in your life.
If you don’t have the words to tell that friend you love like family what she means to you, I’ve come up with the words for you through this book! It’s a poignant-with-a-side-of-humor hardback that’s also beautifully designed, and it’s for any gal you want to thank for being the friend you love like family.
This world is a divisive one, and plenty of words get thrown around that tear others down.
Here’s to using our words to build up and bless.
Here’s to friends who model the love of Jesus in our lives.
And here’s to buoying the spirit of the framily you couldn’t live without.
If you want to tell your friend what she means to you but don’t quite have the words, Kristen Strong is here to help. She is an (in)courage writer and an author whose books include Girl Meets Change and Friends Are Family We Choose, and she writes as the friend helping you get in your friendship groove. Her gift book, Friends Are Family We Choose, is a small but mighty book that’s just the thing to bless the bestie or good friend in your life that you love like a member of your own family.
Order your copy today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN a copy*!

Then join Becky Keife this weekend on the (in)courage podcast for a conversation with Kristen about this sweet new book. Don’t miss it!
What a great gift book! I’d love to win a copy to give. ☺️
Thank you, Jen!
Framily! I love it. I have no family nearby. I’m in Maine, my son is in VA, my daughter is in CO, my sister in NY. My friends are my family here, my support system, my helpers when I need it. I am going to start using that term. And I know my framily will embrace it.
May it bless you and yours as it’s blessed me and mine!
This sounds like a helpful read & an an encouraging gift! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I do believe it’s a very encouraging gift!
Thanks for this message and the opportunity to win this book! Indeed, friends don’t replace family, but they sure do “stand in the gap” when family isn’t available. They are God’s gift to us!
Amen, Judy!
❤️ your new word! I have many framily that I love dearly in my church and neighborhood.
You’re a blessed one, Sharon! And thank you so much!
Family and friends, Framily are the gift from a loving Father.
Indeed they are!
I’ve experienced in my life the gift friends who fill the void of missing family. Such a gift that has taught me much about ❤️ love
They are God’s gift to us, aren’t they? 🙂
I can’t wait to read and gift this book! I loved When Change Finds You so much that I gifted four family members with it!
Donna, that blesses me to know end. Thank you for the kind words and for encouraging me right back. Sending lots of love!
I love this idea. Most of my friends are family!! Thank you for this opportunity! I always love what you write, Kristen.
You’re so welcome and you’re so kind, Sharon. Thank you so much for the encouragement, too! Sending lots of love!
So love this!! So TRUE!! I also live far from Family, have some Dear Friends/ Framily in other states, & some dear Framily here close. It makes a world of difference! Especially when our Children grow up and move on to follow their own paths in this life. Thank You Thank You, Kristen! God BLESS You & Yours!!
Thank you SO much, Rachel. And yes…indeed it makes a world of difference! God bless you and yours too!
I would love to read this book! Even more I’m going to get a copy for my son and family because they are moving to the other side of the country in 2 weeks and will no longer have any family nearby.
I’m praying your son and his family find their framily in their new location, Aimee! Sending lots of love!
Thank you for the lovely devotion and opportunity to win this book. I consider my dearest friends as framily.
Dear Kristen…Your story was very touching and I am so glad that your excellent doctor was right there when you needed him. I also praise God for the surgery on your daughter was successful. So often we hear sad stories, but this one was really relateable to most anyone that reads it. Actually, I would like the book for myself so I am going to order it and I would love to have a chance to win one for a friend or even my minister who is a wonderful woman. I wish I had time to tell you my story about having no family that will accept me, but I have physical therapy. Thank you again Kristen for your very uplifting story. It is exactly what I need today. Love and prayers to you and I will pray that your daughter is feeling fine or still recovering…….Betsy Basile
Hello, dear Besty! Thank you so much for sharing part of your story with me. And thank you so much for your prayers. My daughter has, praise be to God, fully recovered since her surgery, but I’ll never turn down prayers for the benefit of our kiddos. 🙂 Sending you lots of love, Betsy!
First, praise the Lord your site is back to it’s normal format! Second, as you get older it’s a true blessing to have framily.
I am so blessed to have more than one friend who is as close as family to me. I feel so blessed that God brought them into my life. I would love to be able to read that book and to be able to send gifts of it to them.
I definitely need some framily in my life – I’m in the process of “divorcing” myself from my toxic extended (not immediate) family – after 60+ years of toxicity, it’s time to move on and be happy.
Friends ARE so important! Sometimes it’s hard to talk with family about particular things, but a friend can listen without knowing all the details of your life. This book will be a wonderful gift for Some friends, or should I say some framily
Thank you and God bless.
My husband and I just moved from Maine to the south. No friends yet, sadly left family back in Maine. We’re also retired Air Force! Lots of military families around where we are but so much younger. I sure would love to win your book Kristen!
Here’s to meeting some framily here in the south. My birthday is tomorrow,9/11. I’ll be missing my family but grateful for my husband to celebrate with me.
Your post is perfect timing! Experiencing major open heart surgery and feeling the love and support of so many friends. Your book would be a perfect way to say thanks to those amazing friends! Thank YOU.
Being 4000 miles away across the Pacific Ocean gives me opportunity to count on friends who are family in absentia. Thank you for sharing your experience.
There is such a great importance to friendship and the support that comes with it.
I live in a pretty good neighborhood with a lot of great neighbors. One neighbor family in particular my family has been friends with as long as I can remember. I’m so thankful for them and all my friends.
My neighbor is definitely framily! She and her husband have adopted me as well as my elderly mom! They mow her grass and help keep her large yard up without ever being asked. We are there for each other with prayer and encouragement for whatever we are facing. We are truly sisters of the heart!
“Framily” I love it!!!
Thank God for “framily”!! 🙂
What great ideas. I read this and knew I needed to visit a friend who lost her husband 2 months ago. I just sat and listened to her but knew that is what she needed.
If you lived next-door, I’m sure we would be friends! I loved this podcast, so I shared it to encourage others with friendships!
Sending JOY,
Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.
What a wonderful post, and I can’t wait to read the book. 🙂 It will make a perfect birthday gift for my best friend.
In His grace, Kay