“I can’t take my eyes off them,” I said, staring at the sea. The roar echoed off the nearby mountains, reverberated off the hotel walls, reached a crescendo, and then began again.
She followed my gaze, watched the crashing waves, and we stood still, silent, frozen, and amazed.
I’m no stranger to waves – literal or metaphorical. I spent the first 18 years of my life in Florida, and every summer we return to the same stretch of sand for our annual family reunion. Last year, in less than two minutes, the sky changed from baby blue to a deep gray as rain fell in sheets. The waves that gently splashed began to slam the shore, and I couldn’t help but laugh as I gathered beach chairs and turned to dash inside, only to walk straight into a wall of wind. Inch by literal inch, my cousins and I shuffled toward shelter, soaked through and shocked by the strength of the sudden storm.
After drying off inside, I stood on the balcony of the rented condo and noticed the small speck of a bird riding out the crashing waves. As if we switched places, I watched the bird from above and I told the One who walks on water, “That’s me right there and I’m exhausted.”
It was a tsunami of a year, and honestly, all these months later, the waves continue to rage.
Yet there I stood, on a different balcony on the opposite side of the country, another coastline before me and a friend beside me, shocked into silence by majesty.
Hours later, with sand squishing between our toes, we got as close as we dared and then we simply stared. Wonder. Awe. Beauty. A healthy fear, too, of what could be… and yet, as the water soared to heights above our heads and then crashed down before reaching our feet, what grew inside me was an unexpected peace.
I turned toward Tasha and said, “All year, it’s been one difficult thing after another. Every time I thought I saw a break in the waves, the storm picked up. But there’s just something about the strength of these waves. I think… maybe… God is inviting me to look at waves through another lens. Not to minimize the terror or the trauma or the terrible-ness of it all, but to remember that even the wild waves can be beautiful, too. They might keep on coming, but He’s greater than even THIS, so I’m going to be okay.”
Her eyes danced with delight as she exclaimed “We have to take a picture of you still standing, brave, and walking toward the water!” I slipped my phone into her hand, turned to face the roar, and walked forward, my words lost to the wind:
“God, You’ve heard every desperate prayer, but here’s one more. This storm, God… You know I never saw it coming. You know I’m weary and I’m heartbroken and I’m waiting for You to do what only You can do. Like the ocean in front of me, there’s no end in sight. But You’re mightier than even this, and I know You won’t let me drown. Teach me to dance in the deep. Help me see beauty, even here, before the storm stills.”
Sometimes, it seems like the waves will get the last word.
Sometimes, it feels like we’re gulping air — doggy-paddling and desperate and just trying not to drown.
Sometimes, years go by before the winds hush and the waters calm, their roar silenced in obedience to the One who says, “Peace, be still.”
My circumstances didn’t change as I stared at the sea, and watching the majesty there at the water’s edge didn’t make my own still-raging storm suddenly look beautiful. But I was reminded of a beautiful promise from the Maker of those mighty waves:
“The sound of the water is loud; the ocean waves are powerful, but the Lord above is much greater.” Psalm 93:4 NCV
His never-ending love is mightier than the waves of the sea, more powerful than the waters that crash, stronger than the fiercest storm, and greater than anything we face.
God is good and constant and constantly working all things for good. Love does not leave when waters rise, does not abandon us to the waves, or stand by wishing us well as we sink down deep. Oh no, Love Himself stays with us in the storm and says, “I’m mightier than even this, and so is My love for you.”
Maker of the waters, we ask You to speak peace over the chaos that is raging. In the Name of Jesus, the One who walks upon the storms that threaten to overtake, we declare that we aren’t going to drown. Instead, You’re teaching us to dance upon the waters, holding us up and holding true to Your word: You are greater than anything we face. You see the other side, and You will see us through. Help us hear Your voice above the roar, Your never-failing promise behind every wave: mightier than this, and this, and yes, even this, is Your love. Amen
If it feels like the waves just keep on coming and you’d like extra encouragement as you ride out the storm, Kaitlyn’s book Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between will help you choose hope for tomorrow when today feels like a question mark.
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I’m writing a devotional book currently called RHYTHMS OF REFRESHMENT and it talks about waves. Thank you for sharing your story.
Sending autumn joy,
Lisa Wilt
Cheering you on as you work on the manuscript!!
Such a wonderful message, Kaitlyn. I can relate on so many levels.
Thank you for reading, Madeline!
Thank you for sharing this. I’m sad that the waves have been what seems relentless for you. What you wrote in this post was real and raw, and I feel connected to your pain. I wrote down Psalm 93:4 to keep right next to me to remind myself that he is greater! The prayer you wrote helped me to shift my focus off of all the scary, hard, and painful things happening right now.
♥ Christine
It’s such a good reminder to keep right at hand isn’t it?!
Hi Kaitlyn,
Thank you so much for sharing. The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.” Keep trusting in him.
Thank you for this reminder. I’m thankful that He is with us through every storm and reaching out to us with His love, strength and peace.
Kaitlyn thank you so much for your excellent word. I know I only sharing a comment not. Just meant to but was so busy tiredness set it. We can have the waves as God’s cleansing water over us. Making us clean if we have done something we shouldn’t have that wrong in God’s eyes. When we go to God and truly repent of it to God. God is there also through the waves of anything we are going through in life that we need help for from God. The waves of our lives seem to get higher and higher. They don’t seem to cam down. But if we go to Jesus he can calm them down. Not be scared. Wonder will it ever came down. Look at the disciples in the boat that day that Jesus fell asleep. The waves got that bad the disciples got scared. Then woke Jesus and said to not care that we’ll die. Jesus said ye of little faith. Jesus calmed them down. They look in amazement. Said to either even the wave obey him. We can have that when we put our trust in Jesus. When the waves of our problems see to be never ending. Jesus will calm us down not to worry trust him everything will be ok. Not like the disciples who had no trust when the waves got higher and higher they through they were going to die. So we are to stand on his promises from his word and prayer. Leaving all in his hands. I say Amen. Can’t remember were that to do with the disciples in the boat to do with the waves on the boat is. But it a good example. We are human when things happen we can go and most do into panic mode. Forgetting to go to Jesus in prayer and stand on the promises in his word. How many times have we been told to do that. Thank you for your excellent message loved it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx
Kaitlyn, this moment and our conversation that day was a sweet grace to me. Love you, friend.
Thank you Kaitlyn for your reply to my commitment. I love what you wrote to do with the waves. I loved it and it spoke to me. God also spoke to me as I said about the disciples in the boat with Jesus. Keeping you all ready incourage in prayer. As all you that write the reading what you right is just brilliant. I pray for your lives outside these reading. Thank you for them all. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx