“I am leaving you with a gift — peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
John 14:27 NLT
If the world was trying to sell peace, it might give us a brochure with sunset beaches and umbrella drinks. We might see a commercial depicting happy families, big homes, and successful careers followed by tranquil music and towel-clad women receiving spa treatments. The world’s version of peace in the form of financial security and tropical vacations might be enticing, but that temporary pleasure is not the same as true peace.
When the doctor calls with a devastating diagnosis, when the one you thought was trustworthy betrays you, when the stress of regular life simply pushes you to your limit — only one person can provide peace in the midst of it all. His name is Jesus.
How have you experienced the peace of mind and heart Jesus gives? Or where do you need to encounter the gift of Jesus and His peace today? We’d love to hear.

Need more peace in your life? Check out our Create in Me a Heart of Peace Bible study.
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I agree Becky. Secular never trumps sacred!
I shared x 2 as this is a message worth repeating!
My initial response to my doctor telling me I had high grade uterine cancer took my breath away. I was halfway across the country at a training with no support. I knew what I needed at that moment. I picked up a phone book (yes, they still had one at the hotel) and found the nearest church of my denomination and called. They sent someone to pick me up to attend their Wednesday night prayer meeting. I was covered with prayer and good wished. One elderly lady approached me at the end and said, ” Just remember cancer starts with a little “c” but Christ starts with a big “C”. Those words went straight to my heart and were my mantra during my treatment. From that point on I had total peace that the Lord had everything under control. I found that fear and the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in your heart at the same time. That was 8 years ago, and I will never let go of the One who gives me peace.
I pray for peace in my recent health battles. There is just a lot of uncertainty around them and I’m not sure how to handle it best. I’m just trying to lean into God for His comfort, healing and peace.
In Courage,
I used to think that having a bunch of stuff, nice house, car, etc. would make me happy. Sure I might be happy for a short bit. Long term happiness wouldn’t last. There is always something or someone better out there. The only true peace one can have is with Jesus. As I’ve aged that truth seems more & more real to me. On my days off you can find me listening to Christian praise music singing loudly to God. It fills my heart with more joy than anything ever could!
Blessings 🙂