Our family’s fourteen-year-old grandma-dog, Quimby, is lying at my feet while I’m writing this. She has been the best dog that a family could ever have, and I will tell my future dogs exactly that. I believe God led us to her when she was a two-year-old pup in the animal shelter. Quimby sat and stared at us without making a sound while dogs all around us barked and pawed for attention. She had picked us, so we took her home. Quimby was the glue in a broken family that was trying to put the pieces back together. Her glue was endless love, hope, and joy — except when it came to one thing:
Quimby was a jerk every time we took her out for a walk.
Our sweet dog turned into an absolute maniac as soon as we snapped on her leash and stepped out the front door. After a few weeks of us getting pulled in all directions and suffering hyperextended elbows, Dr. Google recommended a solution called the “Gentle Leader.” Deceptively simple, the Gentle Leader was not a muzzle but a loop of half-inch nylon that went over Quimby’s nose with two attached straps that would snap on top of her head. It was simple but highly effective. Whenever Quimby pulled on her leash, the tension would transfer from the Gentle Leader and tug her nose to the side. Since dogs can’t walk with their nose turned to the side, Quimby would immediately stop walking and therefore stop pulling. Problem solved. I appreciated the Gentle Leader because we were able to correct a troublesome, difficult, and at times painful behavior in a way that didn’t require any harsh punishment or shock.
Fast-forward to the present. You’d think that after more than a decade of wearing a Gentle Leader, Quimby would no longer need it. After all this time, she should know better and not pull her leash to check out that little squirrel or sniff every single bush, right? Nope. Bless that sweet dog’s wandering heart, she lives to pull, even though her pace is slower now.
But a very interesting thing happened after the first few years. Initially, Quimby would fight us whenever we pulled out the Gentle Leader and tried to put it on her. Now, however, Quimby comes over, sits down, and slips her nose through the nylon loop. While her zest for sniffing trees or going off on her own has never changed, she has adjusted to letting us lead her along the way.
I can be a lot like my Quimby, constantly trying to wander off on my own, oblivious to the dangerous paths I might be taking. Maybe you can relate. In Galatians 5, Paul teaches us to let the Holy Spirit guide our lives because God knows that we would confuse His lordship with the dazzling allure of other siren voices calling us to do what makes us feel good, to get what we deserve.
“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions.”
Galatians 5:16–17 NLT
We have a Gentle Leader in God’s Holy Spirit. Letting God lead us begins with realizing our need to be led every day and never getting to the point where we think we don’t need God’s guidance or correction. There are times on our path when we pull, and the Holy Spirit gets our attention by stopping us from charging ahead. This is not a punishment; rather, it is a kind and gracious act of God.
God offers gentle nudges intended to get us to pause, reflect, slow down, and align ourselves with Him again.
Submitting to God’s Holy Spirit isn’t easy, especially if you sense God calling you to take hard steps like offering forgiveness, turning away from certain desires, or trusting Him without being able to see the path ahead.
Being led by the Spirit doesn’t mean that you turn into a robot. It’s a choice and a freedom. God isn’t making you do anything. You choose whether you want to submit to His leading.
Here are a few prayer prompts for inviting the Holy Spirit to lead you:
- God, examine my heart and open my eyes to any area in my life where I am afraid or unwilling to wholly trust You.
- God, is there a step of obedience I haven’t taken that You’ve been waiting for me to take?
- God, is there a habit or pattern of behavior that is unhealthy for me physically that I need to submit to You?
- God, I give You permission to lead me today. I want to follow Your plan and purpose for my life.
The Holy Spirit’s leading is gentle, full of love, and always for our good. Let’s trust the guardrails and guidance He provides, and eagerly walk with Him today.
. . .
If you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, or discouraged as you try to hold everything together, today
is the start of a new day. . . and we have just the resource you need to support your soul.
Barb Roose’s new book, Stronger Than Stress: 10 Spiritual Practices to Win the Battle of Overwhelm, offers you 10 godly spiritual practices for combating chronic stress, burnout, and overwhelm no matter what life throws at you. You’ll also learn the four main stress triggers, and how to break your stress cycle and win the battle of overwhelm as you learn how to convert your stress to godly strength and peace.
Order your copy today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN a copy*!
Then join Becky Keife this weekend on the (in)courage podcast for a conversation with Barb about this important new book. Don’t miss it!
Catherine says
Thank you for the reminder this am, Barb, of checking ourselves to make sure we are not veering off-course.
So thankful for the Holy Spirit that gently guides us & keeps us on track.
Looking forward to hearing more about your book! Stress & overwhelm are no respecters of people & are so widespread right now. I am sure your book will be a much needed, well-received gift & tool for so many.
Ruth Mills says
Congrats on a new book, Barb! Our fur babies teach us so much about our tug of war with wanting to go our own way yet wanting to be obedient! Someone said that’s why dog is God spelled backwards. God’s truth speaks throughout ALL His creation even if I am solidly a dog person. Blessings (((0)))
Barb Roose says
Hi Ruth, high five to another dog person! Thank you for joining on (in)courage today and sharing your comment. Good luck on the giveaway!
Lisa says
This was a great, relatable devotion. How beautiful that each day God’s Spirit does a gentle lead- may I be as willing as Qiumby to allow it
Barb Roose says
Amen, Lisa. Amen. Agreeing in that prayer for all of us.
Dawn says
Wow, did I need this devotion today! I am so like Quimby (love the name!) wanting to go my own way and God is such a gentle leader pulling me back to where He wants me, even when I don’t want to go! Thank you so much, Barb, and I love forward to reading your book.
Barb Roose says
Dawn, I love your reflection. We are all like my sweet Quimby, including me. Thank you for your comment and good luck in the giveaway!
KathleenB says
Your words bear repeating…
“The Holy Spirit’s leading is gentle, full of love, and always for our good. Let’s trust the guardrails and guidance He provides, and eagerly walk with Him today.”
I look forward to reading more of your loving wisdom.
Barb Roose says
Hi Kathleen, thank you for joining us on (in)courage today and I love that portion of the devotion as well. I’m glad that it blessed you.
Kim says
Such a lovely devotion for our world today when it is full of chaos. I struggle in hearing God’s voice and tend to go my own way. Your book would be a great resource to have…to teach me to listen for the Holy Spirit.
Barb Roose says
Hi Kim, thank you for entering the giveaway – and good luck! I’m glad that today’s devotional ministered to your heart.
Betsy Basile says
Dear Barb…………….I already bought your book and I have just started it and I love it. So I can’t try to win one as I already am using it. Love your story about Quimby. I love dogs and I had Lucy who was a Vizsla and even though my husband kept saying she was the runt of the litter, that is the dog I wanted and I know my Holy Spirit led me to her as there were 10 puppies. Vizlas all look the same, but here is my point, my Holy Spirit led me to her for a reason. Two years after we got her, I got very sick and had 5 consecutive very serious operations and when I go home from the hospital each time, she was right there just licking my face until I thought I could not breathe. During my long recuperation, she never left my side and I thank God for that as I was in a very bad marriage. During these times I connected with Jesus and my Holy Spirit. Doctor gave me the wrong medication and I coded. Much after this I only know what my husband told me and that wasn’t much. I ended up in ICU and the Doctor sat with my husband all night as he said I would not survive the night. They had me in a drug induced coma for 2 weeks and while I was unconscious I actually saw Jesus and heard much from my Holy Spirit. Jesus said to me, I am giving you strength and you need to fight, Betsy. You have too much to give other people for it to be your time now. My Holy Spirit stayed with me the whole time and kept whispering to me encouraging things. Well, as you know I did survive, but what I experienced was something that changed my life. My husband has violent dementia and once again one of them saved me from him killing me and then not remembering he did it. He is in one facility and I am in another. I had to sell our house of 40 years which really upset me as I had to get rid of so many thousands of dollars of things I had accumulated, but I donated everything to a place that served poverty stricken or homeless people. Barb…..I am 77 years old and really don’t need to be here but I have no other family. They are all gone from the Earth. This place has many spiritual, churchgoing people in it, but here is the odd part. Almost no one ever speaks about the Holy Spirit and many of them don’t even think that he exists. I don’t quite understand why, but He is always with me guiding me down my path. You have to pay attention to things that pop up in your mind that you never thought of and listen closely as it is probably what God wants you to do through your Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for this devotional today. It is something that really uplifted me today. Because of you, it will be a great day and I will be working on your book. I just loved your story about your dog. My love and prayers for you and your family come with a big hug to you…………………………..Betsy Basile
Barb Roose says
Hi Betsy, thank you for sharing your story and I pray that God continues to comfort and heal your heart. I pray that you enjoy the Stronger Than Stress book and that God uses it to bring His peace to your life.
Irene says
This is really great, Barb! I am definitely going to use these prayers! Thank you!
Barb Roose says
That’s wonderful! Thank you for sharing your comment with us, Irene.
Lori says
Thank you for this devotion! It was something that I really needed today!
Barb Roose says
Lori, I’m so glad! May God continue to remind you that He’s caring for you all day today.
Jenelle says
What a great devotion! I love those prayers. It is so easy to let ourselves become overwhelmed by stuff and feel stressed. May the Holy Spirit continue to gently lead us to Jesus’ healing power! Thanks!
Barb Roose says
Agreeing with you Jenelle! Thank you for your comment.
Sharon A says
Thanks for this reminder and for this opportunity! Bless you
Barb Roose says
Hi Sharon, you’re welcome! We’re so glad that you’re a part of our (in)courage community!
moonsprite13@gmail.com says
Barb, this came at a God ordained time. I am dealing with stress in my life, that has caused some physical issues. Thank you for the reminder of letting God lead me. I am working on this right now, and would love to receive your new book. I appreciate you and that God led me to your devotion today. God bless and keep you!
Barb Roose says
Hi Heather, thank you for joining us on (in)courage today. God sees you today, my friend. He knows that burden of stress that you’ve been under and He won’t let you down.
Heather Edwards says
Sorry, I forgot to put my name in instead of my email address.
Barb Roose says
We got you!
Jillian DeBritz says
I’m so excited for women to have this resource to combat the chronic stress that we’ve come to accept as normal. Thank you for offering us another way forward! (Loved being with you at WTP in June, too!)
Barb Roose says
Hi Jillian, so good to hear from you! Thank you for joining us on (in)courage and entering the giveaway.
Lisa Wilt says
We met before the pandemic when you spoke at Church of the Resurrection “Inspired for Life.” You continue to inspire me because you share God’s precious Word in such a way it speaks to women. I’ve shared it x2 on Pinterest and Twitter.
Sending you end of summer JOY,
Lisa Wilt
Barb Roose says
Hi Lisa, yes! I absolutely remember. Thank you for sharing this and I pray that God uses it to encourage others. Blessings to you and your ministry as well.
Rachel Collier says
Thank You so much for this truly encouraging devotional this morning! & once again, perfect timing 🙂
Barb Roose says
So glad that you were encouraged, Rachel! Thanks for joining us today.
Jane says
Thank you for the reminder to talk with and listen to the Holy Spirit. I think this book will be helpful for so many! A friend and my daughter come to mind. God bless you.
Barb Roose says
Hi Jane, thank you for joining us (in)courage.I’d love for you to all read the book together and talk about it with each other. Good luck with the giveaway!
Janice Simpson says
Beautifully written and so on point. I love the dog story. And I love your relating it to us, because it is so true. I can offer the day to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to guide me with His wisdom and discernment at 5:00 AM and be off to the races by 8:00 AM or earlier!. Thank you.
Barb Roose says
Well said, Janice. May we all invite God’s Spirit to lead us all day long – even though your day starts pretty earlier – ha!
Heidi says
How interesting that my pastor preached about searching our hearts on Sunday morning and now I read this. Yikes! Is God trying to tell me something?! Thank you so much for this and for providing such a valuable resource for us!
Barb Roose says
Heidi, isn’t it wild how God works sometimes?! Always, always for our good. I pray that this devotional added your sense that God sees you, loves and and wants to lead your life.
Anna says
Thank you for this, I have tears running as our 13 year old best dog ever, went to be with the Lord last week. She also needed a gentle leader until her last year or so when she would contentedly plod along behind or beside us. What it would be to contentedly plod along behind or beside Jesus. I’m afraid I still pull at that leash. Those prayer prompts at the end of your devotional we’re especially helpful. Thank you Barb.
Kris says
Beautiful word picture using your sweet Quimby.. so true as we are prone to explore in areas that can lead us astray.. how we need our own gentle leader.
Karrie Ingalsbe says
Loved the practical prayer prompts! Submitting to God’s will & direction is crucial! Thank you for this reminder.
Nadine says
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this book. I am among so many that this could help.
Michele Lynleigh Johnman says
Love the title of your book, “Stronger than Stress” because we all need to be reminded that God is stronger than whatever daily stresses we face. He will walk us through it and bring us out of it as we lean on Him.
Beth Williams says
Congratulations on your book!! Thank you for the prayer prompts. They are exactly what I need. Animals teach us soo much. They tend to wander & do things they shouldn’t. Like we do. We love them anyway. The same is true of God. He loves us so much no matter what we do. He will give us gentle nudges like the gentle leader for dogs.
Blessings 🙂