Look! The cry of the people of Israel has reached me, and I have seen how harshly the Egyptians abuse them. Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt.”
But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?”
God answered, “I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain.”
But Moses protested, “If I go to the people of Israel and tell them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,’ they will ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what should I tell them?”
God replied to Moses, “I am who I am. Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.”
Exodus 3:9-14 NLT
Moses repeatedly responded to God’s call with a response that resembled, “Please don’t pick me. You’ve overestimated who I am.” Moses was aware of the abuse his people, the Israelites, had endured. He deeply feared Pharoah and didn’t want to have to be the one to face him, especially with so many lives hanging in the balance. His insecurity was drowning out his ability to hear what God was really saying — “Moses, I Am!” In other words, God was fully aware that Moses felt too small, too weak, and too incapable to be the man for this job; however, Moses’s life is a wonderful example of a powerful truth — God can use anyone to accomplish His will. His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Did you know that Moses classified himself as being “slow of speech and tongue”? The very weakness that was a root of insecurity for him became the thing God wanted to use to redeem His people. God also told Moses that his brother Aaron, who was a good speaker, could accompany him and help him when he felt afraid. This story reminds us that God not only uses our weaknesses to glorify His name, but that He also provides practical help along the way.
Wherever God is calling you, and whatever He is asking of you, let this story bring you comfort. You are equipped for the role. He is aware of your struggles. And His power is made perfect in your weakness.
Get Renewed in Prayer
Hey Jesus,
Thank You for always listening to me when I pray. When I talk to You, I feel myself relaxing as I remember that You are already near. Will You help me remember this story of Moses as I respond to Your voice and discern what’s next? Remind me that my weaknesses don’t scare You, for that’s precisely what You want to use to further Your Kingdom. Thank You for not getting frustrated with me when I reiterate my worry or tell You why I’m afraid; You already know what’s on my heart and mind.
Thank You for providing people in my life who are strong where I am weak. Humble my spirit so that I can recognize and receive Your provision in these places. When there is someone around me who I can help encourage, strengthen, or support, show me.
Like Moses, sometimes my insecurities speak so loudly that I struggle to hear Your voice above them. Help me remember that You are the Great I Am. When I focus on You, I regain my footing and can respond in faith.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
We often think our lives should look a certain way to others, and we have the same idea about God. We try to bring only our best and hide the rest, a process that can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and disillusionment. But God hasn’t asked for our best; He’s asked for our everything.
In her new interactive Devotional Guide, Unfiltered: Living Raw, Real, & Redeemed by Jesus, author Cleere Cherry Reaves encourages us to dispense with pretense and meet with the God who sees all, knows all, and loves us anyway, to the end of our days and forevermore. Through Scripture, reflective devotions, processing questions, quizzes, and more, Cleere helps you get to the heart of the matter — the unfiltered self that Christ desires to connect with.
Order your copy today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN a copy*!

Then join Becky Keife this weekend on the (in)courage podcast for a conversation with Cleere about this new devotional guide. Don’t miss it!
This is such a great reminder. God is God; can do whatever He wants and pleases, and there is absolutely nothing too hard for Him!
Thank you!!
Yes I’m insecure in New situations. But God always send help from himself and others. I see him working everyday.
Praise God.
I’ve found your message to be so true in my life! He provides both the strength and the courage!
Sending you summer joy,
Lisa Wilt
Thank you
I am always inspired by Cleere Cherry Reaves’ writing, and I’m looking forward to adding this devotional to my collection.
Such a wonderful reminder this morning Ordering the book now
This devo met me where I am! Ty!
Would love to win this book!
Dear Cleere…..This devotional came to me at the right time. Yesterday my story is exactly what you said in your story and in the scripture about Moses and God, it told me exactly what happened to me yesterday and now I understand how this situation was solved and made me much less scared and upset. I usually am not like that, but this one was very emotional as my husband has the violent type of dementia and I had to have him evicted from our house of 40 years, sell the house and also file for divorce as all the doctors and support groups told me the next thing he would do was kill me and would not remember 10 minutes later that he did it. He has been in denial for 6 years now. I stayed with him for 3+ years and kept trying to convince him to do what the doctors told him, which he said he never went to a doctor, but I took him to a neurologist and a psycho neurologist who both provided me with a written report that his brain was damaged and he did have this awful disease. This has been going on for 17 months and yesterday, finally he or my son said they were ready to sign. I thought I could breathe a sigh of relief, but instead my emotions took over. My Holy Spirit and Jesus were there with me, but I just couldn’t get myself calmed down to make the drive as I am 77 years old and don’t like to drive places I have never been before. I won’t bore you with the rest of the story except to say that (and I watch many Hallmark movies) as I was going out the door 2 people here where I live just happened to see me crying and asked if they could help. Both of those people know my whole story so this is where the God-Wink appeared. They said we will pray over you and they did just that and I know that it was a divine intervention which if you don’t know is what Hallmark calls a God-Wink. By the time I got to my car, I was calm and ready to drive and not scared anymore. I signed the papers, drove back to my apartment and said a very long pray to God. I really want to get your book, but for some reason I don’t seem to be able to do it on my computer. I did call Dayspring and tried to get help. Thank you Cleere for your devotional. You women from incourage are like Angels to me sent by God. I read and reply to almost everyone I get and I am going to try again to buy your book as I know I will love it. Have a Blessed Day and Love to you and your family………………Betsy Basile
I ordered the book on Dayspring and would love to have a chance to win the Bonus Book. Your books have made me see things so much more clear. Thank you………………………Betsy Basile
This sounds so encouraging and true! Thank you!
Thank you for your reminder to Bring our authentic selves to our Lord. I am hoping to build a more real relationship with God, and your book might be just the thing. Thank you and God bless.
Would love to read this devotional
Cleere, the devotion about Moses was good to read and it gave me an encouragement in my life. I realized that when I feel like going to do something for someone then think about that if I really need to it, as in Homes For Our Troops event? I prayed. Next morning I read a scripture verse that pops up every morning through Klove radio. Of course God wanted me to go there and I’m glad I did. It’s been one of my good experiences in my life and being with people that are good to be with who I’ve never met before. God hears our thoughts and prayers as the holy spirit lives in my heart and soul. He’s the best God that cares for His people and wants us to share His word.
Blessings to you,
Enjoyed your blog. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read this story of Moses and watched the movies. I shy away from public speaking and you don’t realize that a man like Moses would have such a problem. Your book sound interesting and I’d like to get a copy. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your encouraging words. “God hasn’t asked for our best he asks for our everything “
He is our strength!!
Great read! Would love to win one!
Thank you for the opportunity to win your book. I enjoyed the bonus episode.
Sounds like an amazing read!
I love this saying “God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.” If Jesus wants you to do something He will be there with you & provide the resources you need. Look at Mary & Joseph. She was asked to become pregnant with Jesus at a young age. Regardless of cultural norms she and Joseph said yes.
A few years ago our church music director asked me to do sign language to music for special music. I don’t know a lot of sing language-just a few signs. Not one to get in front of people I said yes. It was nerve racking the first few times. Then God calmed my nerves & basically qualified me for the job.
Blessings 🙂