Earlier this year, I decided to do something new and something that required courage: I went horseback riding in the mountains of Colorado. I am the direct opposite of a risk taker or adrenaline junkie. I cherish safety so for me going horseback riding was a big decision.
As I waited with my group to get my assigned horse, I prayed to get the old and tired horse who wanted a slow stroll. But God is funny at times and I met Copper, who according to the instructor “has beef with a lot of other horses.” Copper and I started at the back of the line as we exited the stable but Copper shoved the other horse and pushed past them all the way to the front, right behind the instructor. I just held on real tight and prayed the whole time that I wouldn’t fall off and die in Colorado.
The instructor would stop periodically to look behind and check on the group or to teach us different riding skills. As he talked, Copper wandered to a nearby patch to graze on the grass. The instructor noticed his behavior and told me to pull up on the reins and not allow him to snack. I obviously came to Copper’s defense, “I think he is hungry.” But the instructor quickly responded, “No, all these horses are well-fed. He is just grazing because he is bored and it is bad for him.”

Recently God reminded me of Copper and the Holy Spirit impressed on my heart that it is often the things that we do in our boredom that are actually bad for us, causing us to drift away from God without realizing it.
It is the long commute home from work when I am bored that I rehearse the hurt I have experienced from people and gossip about it with a friend on the phone.
It is when I binge-watch a television show that leads me to fantasize about a life I wish I had instead of being present and grateful for the one I am living now.
It is in the hours of scrolling on social media before bed, seeing all the brokenness and division in the world that makes me angry and sad as I end my day.
What we do in those quiet moments, when our hands are idle and our minds wander is what shapes who we are becoming.
What do you do when you are bored? It matters. We see this so clearly in the life of King David:
In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.
One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful.“
2 Samuel 11:1-2 NIV
Instead of doing what kings are supposed to do, go and fight to protect their people, David napped all day. David sent everyone else to work and he stayed home. Then when He was alone, he was bored. And what David does in this moment of boredom leads him to become an adulterer and a murderer.
David’s poor choices escalated quickly, but it started out so subtle that David, a man after God’s own heart, didn’t see the degree of damage that he had caused.
David told the messenger, “Say this to Joab: ‘Don’t let this upset you; the sword devours one as well as another. Press the attack against the city and destroy it.’ Say this to encourage Joab.”
2 Samuel 11: 25
But the chapter closes with the truth:
But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.”
2 Samuel 11:27
David is essentially saying it’s not a big deal, but to God, this was a big deal.
It’s easy to discount the bad habits or the casual things we do when we are bored, like Copper grazing on grass. But friend, it is time to recognize that sometimes those are the very things that lead us away from becoming who God is calling us to be.
So let’s take inventory of our hearts and be intentional with every moment, even the boring moments of life. Let’s pay attention to what we are watching, listening to, thinking about, and reading when we are alone and bored.
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom in every choice you make — and a willingness to turn away from what’s most comfortable or pleasurable if it does not honor God and others.
The little moments matter. May God take the reins of our lives today and lead us in habits that work for our good and His glory.
What a great reminder! I love this so much I shared it x2. Use your bored moments for what brings God glory, and others good!
Sending you summer joy!
Lisa Wilt
Thanks so much!!
It seems that God has a sense of humor in bringing this devotional to my attention this morning. With not being on the schedule at my part-time job for over a month, I have more discretionary time than I’m used to. I’ve tried to use my time productively to volunteer, to help those I know in need, to spend time with friends and family, and to listen to Christian radio/podcasts. I do admit that when I’m bored, I “graze” not necessarily pigging out on junk food but eating extra and watching reruns of old TV shows. I’ll try to reflect on this devotional today and in the days to come.
I think we are all guilty of grazing around, but hope this will help us become more aware when the grazing causes a drifting away from God.
This reminds me of a decade ago when I decided to fast from “the bread of idleness” (Proverbs 31:27) for Lent. Social media that year was the “bread of idleness” for me and the “bored grazing” metaphor is another one I’ll remember. Yes, I have to rest, but mindlessness isn’t real rest. Lord, help me!
Mindlessness is not rest, amen. Love that.
Dear Simi………..In the situation that I am in right now, fortunately or unfortunately for me at times, I am so busy I never get bored and if I do, my Holy Spirit guides me to something or I am so exhausted at 77 years old, that He allows me to relax and get a quick nap. In my 55 years of working, all my jobs required me to constantly be doing what my job title was. I always speak to Jesus and to God to make sure that it is OK to do this. My Holy Spirit lives in my heart and always is there to be sure that I am on the right path. I enjoyed your devotional today, Simi as I always do with the (in)courage community of women. All of you are much younger than me, but we older women have problems where we need your kind of help, advice, prayer or suggestions.
Have a blessed day and it is the first thing that I look forward to after I am dressed for the day………………Betsy Basile
You are such an encouragement, thank you!
Betsy you are amazing! I appreciated your comment about speaking to God and making sure it’s ok.
I loved this! First I can totally relate to the horse back riding hesitancy! I’m not a fan but have done it!
I have never really thought of board grazing and what we do in our downtime and how that may not always be good for us so thank you for sharing this in a perspective that is very relatable. I am certainly going to be more conscious of what I do in my idle time thanks to your sharing.
You are so welcome, and that was my goal with this article so that makes me so happy!
Simi so true what do we do when we are board. Is it pleasing to God. Would God wants us doing are looking at it or saying it. It reminds me of kids song. It so good for us Adults too. The song is Be careful little eyes what you see. I don’t know the words of by heart but it s so true. Not just for kids this song. Us Adult as well. It then goes on to say Be careful little ears what you hear and be careful little feet were you roam and be careful little hands what you do. All this so true of this song. As it goes on to say because there is a Father up above who is watching. That is so true God is the Father and he sees everything we do and says. With our eyes feet ears hands and mouth. So we that are saved have to make it is pleasing to God. Like a good friend of mine that was saved alot older than me said. Who is in Glory now. Bidden or not Bidden God see all. So make sure it pleasing to God. As Satan the Devil like he tempted Eve in Genesis. Ton sin and eat of the tree if good and evil. That she was not supposed to do. Then gave some to Adam. So the Serpent Satan as we all know his as. God Eve to sin and make Adam sin with her. So we have to be every careful. We don’t let Satan the Devil when we are board. Tempt us to sin like he did with Eve. As God as I said see everything we do. Like that saying my good friend who is in Glory now said Bidden or not Bidden God is watching. So we have to careful not when especially board let Satan the Devil make us sin. As he doesn’t care if we get in trouble with God for doing something God wouldn’t want us to do. He just smiles and says yes I got a follower of Jesus to sin. Then laugh at us for giving into the temptation. When afterwards we shouldn’t have. Then we feel guilty. Simi thank you for todays reading. Love it what you said was so true. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little God bless cx
Yesss… we have to be aware of the sneaky serpent and his schemes.
Great post‼️ … iPads and iPhones are too handy in those bored grazing times. let’s use them to Glorify God by using them to encourage someone or take a walk and pray for the neighbourhood , or drop a note off to a missionary or ..be still and listen for God’s loving voice.
Your post is right on..even adults don’t realize they are bored and hence don’t take time to “smell the roses”.. let’s praise the Lord.
Yes- time is such a gift, we can’t waste it!
Wow what a great reminder of the song! I used to teach vacation bible school music and remember teaching my kiddos that song many years ago. I will take this with me today as a reminder.
As a comment earlier, the timing of this post is something I needed to read and hear today. Thank you for sharing what the Lord placed upon your heart.
You are so welcome!
I can so relate to Copper–when I am bored–I graze! Your observations about boredom are spot on. Thanks for sharing.
On my commute to work I often use that time to pray or simply be still with God. Coming home I listen to Christian music. When I’m home on weekends I listen & dance to Christian music, read Bible, & pray. Trying to keep myself focused on God all the time! Most Fridays you will find me volunteering at Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry helping out the less fortunate in our area.
There are times when I scroll to much on Facebook or watch HGTV & bemoan my life. Then I take a quick inventory & remind myself of everything Jesus has done for & given me.
Blessings 🙂