About the Author

Karina Allen is devoted to helping women live out their unique calling and building authentic community through the practical application of Scripture in an approachable, winsome manner.

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  1. Karina,

    I’m recently retired and one of the best things is now I have more time to listen to God… Just to sit in his presence. It’s so peaceful. Of course there’s intercessions when we pray, but there’s lots of gratefulness.

    Sending you summer joy, Lisa Wilt

  2. I’m so grateful for God using the chosen tv show to turn me towards deepening my faith my relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I am doing the Bible recap to read the whole Bible in a year, I’ve skipped to the New Testament now but will return to the Old Testament in time.

    I have never read the whole Bible really studied it and seeing where God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are in the book not what is God trying to tell me. I am learning like a new Christian even though I have been brought up in church I fell away for many years. I have a small yearning all starting with the tv show.

    God is working …

  3. Dear Karina…..I thought your devotional was very inspiring. I have always thanked Jesus and our Lord for even the smallest thing that my Holy Spirit did for me. My Parents were very spiritual and church going people and started me in Sunday School when I was 5 years old. I loved it and as I got older I learned many things. Now I am 76 years old and in a facility as my husband has violent dementia. On Saturday morning at 9:30 – 10:30 am we have what is called “Prayer, Share and Care “. Just 2 weeks ago our whole hour was dedicated to always remember to Thank the Lord or Jesus. Many people there did not think to do that. The leader gave us a copy of a scripture that explains this and that we should not worry about ourselves, sometimes depending on what we are struggling with that can be difficult. I read that paper every morning. I help many people here as I am the youngest one here, but again, I truly loved your devotional today. Thank you Karina. The other thing that came out in that meeting is that quite a few people do not believe in the Holy Spirit. My Holy Spirit is with me all the time, helping me, guiding me and cheering me when I think of my husband. He does speak to me, but that is a long story that I will wait until another time. Blessings to you and your family ……………………..Betsy Basile

  4. I will admit to having my doubts. But I have been trying to be mindful and give thanks on a consistent basis. But I am blown away with how God has answered my prayers and the prayers of my friends and church who have been praying for me. I have been trying to find a house in a particular town so I can be near my church, my support system, my friends, and what I consider my home. Last night, I got a call from someone who is selling her aunt’s home and gave me the opportunity to purchase it. Not only that, it is well within my budget and walking distance to my church where I spend a lot of time and would spend even more if not for the long ride there at this time. Last Saturday, a new church friend put her arm around me, prayed for me and with me and I felt something so strong and powerful I knew God heard her and me! God is Good! And I haven’t stopped thanking God since I heard the news. I do not have any more doubts. So THANK YOU GOD!!!

  5. “Thankfulness is where God meets us.” That is going in my Bible as a good reminder that my life is one big blessing from Him.

  6. I want to be one who thanks and praises God with all that is in me. I want to have a thankful heart so gratitude is always my first response. I want my life to be worship for who He is, first — and for what He’s done, second.

    That is what I need prayer for and to feel Gods presence in my doubts.
    Thank you so much

    • Melinda, thank you for sharing. Jesus knows that we are sometimes prone to waiver between doubt and faith. He gives faith and is the One who builds it.

      Holy Spirit, remind her of Your past faithfulness. Let that water her trust in You. Give her hope and peace in her season.

  7. I grew up with my Grandmother setting the example of Christlike kindness in our home. I was taught that kindness is what Jesus showed from day to day. Forgiveness is what Jesus taught us to live by showing God’s Love to others. No matter what a person gives you, be very grateful and say so. We are not entitled to anything in life. Only God sustains our lives.

    I Pray for others who have to learn to be concerned about more than ourselves. We have to love and care about others also.

    Please Pray for the Provisions of others and thank God ahead of time even if the answer is not visible yet. Help others while you wait for what you need. God will make a way for you and your family also.

    Thank You Lord for my Daily Bread, Your Word. Amen.


  8. Katrina I don’t know where I found this saying on Thankfulness.
    But I thank God for this saying as it is a good reminder to give God thanks.
    It says “God gave you a gift 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say Thank You” how true a saying that is. Have we used one to say thank you to God. I say thank you God for waking me up to enjoy another beautiful day in your world. Amen Dawn Ferguson-Little Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland

  9. Thank You Karina…surely Thankfulness IS where God meets us & you’ve expressed it soo beautifully. Thank you. I’ve found that gratitude also helps change my perspective as I begin to see through His eyes as it were . God bless you & work in & through you. Love Sarla (Sri Lanka) p.s. starting a Gratitude Journal a few years ago helped me

  10. Thank you for this beautiful devotional. It spoke the words I believe and want to live by but fall short. I keep working to be my best and this devotional shows me that I need to keep trying.

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