About the Author

Jenny Erlingsson is a speaker and author of romantic fiction—like her debut novel Her Part to Play—and creative non-fiction who currently makes her home in both Alabama and Iceland. When she's not ministering alongside her Viking husband or mothering her adorably feisty kids, she can be found writing and reading...

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  1. I can’t comprehend the depth of the thoughts. Hmmmm, it’s like Snow White in wishing I’m wishing to follow… singing in front of well to echo her own voice.

    I will review when my mind is clear for comprehending.

  2. I re read again and maybe so. I don’t have any first fruit. But maybe so, who can tell. The pilgrims in the journey ahead of us some may have died has me as the fruit but not in the spiritual dimension, but if I can rightly comprehend it, it means when we have Christ, He gave us ability that now can hold water so others can experience the thirst quenching power of the lamb in us.

  3. Thank you so much for this! It’s a perspective I hadn’t considered in all my times reading about the woman at the well, Zacchaeus, and many other scriptural accounts. There are many times where I feel like my ministries aren’t really making a difference, but as you so beautifully said, God may be working in them in ways I will never know.

    • Yes! I’m definitely thankful for visible and immediate fruit, but this gives us a more birds-eye view of what God may be doing even when we can’t initially perceive it. There are so many things we won’t see the outcome of on this side of eternity but that is where faith and trust and steady obedience shine.

  4. This is a powerful post. Wow! I got the chills reading and rereading it. Thank you for sharing with us today, Jenny.

  5. Thank you, Jenny! For those of us who serve in the operational areas of church, we may spend hours each week in prayer and preparation for worship services, special events, etc. We willingly pour ourselves out to provide a place of spiritual comfort for others to meet with Jesus and be transformed.
    Yet, even within the routine of serving, I need to be refilled with living water too. May we make much of Jesus wherever He leads. 🙂

    • I definitely feel that! Sometimes I am the one leading and speaking but most of the time, I am working within an administrative role. Those parts may not seem as fun as the most out front ones, but over the years I have delighted in the part my role plays in helping others encounter God. There has definitely been frustration, haha, especially when others perceive that work in a certain way, but my hope is that I continue to choose delight in the midst.

      And your last sentence “May we make much of Jesus wherever He leads.” Yes and amen!

  6. Jenny,

    Thank YOU for this new perspective with the focus on the well rather than the woman.

    We are each called wherever we are!

    Blessings to your for answering the call!

    Sending you Summer Joy…in Iceland!

    Lisa Wilt

    PS _ I shared your post x 2 because I believe it will help others too with a new perspective!

    • Thank you for the shares and for sending some warm summer my way! I definitely hope women are encouraged about the impact they are making, whatever what they do looks like! Blessings to you Lisa!

  7. Wow.. interesting post . Thankyou for this perspective.. it made me see that I might be the well . So I need to be filled up constantly fully engaged in The Lords Word.. I volunteer In The Senior Community Coffee Shop here in British Columbia Burnaby Canada and I get to chat with many folks as I serve them coffee and treats every Friday . So many needs out there in our world today and Jesus Christ is definitely the answer for hurting lonely wondering hearts. The living water I. That well is the answer. The Lord bless you and your ministry dear sister.

    • I love what you are getting to do! Who knows how many ways you have carried Jesus into every person you serve. As you get filled up, you continue to overflow. Blessings to you as well as you interact in what seems like a very cozy coffee shop!

  8. Your message is a powerful one! As we live our lives with the Lord, we are sent to go and tell others and that looks different throughout our lives.
    My husband is a pastor for a small church in the Central Valley of California. This week we will have been here 30 years! Many years ago we began to include a blessing at the end of each service and we all know it by heart now and live it daily.

    “You go nowhere by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you. Wherever you are, our Lord has a purpose for you being there. Christ who indwells you has something he wants to do through you where you are. Believe this and go in His grace and power.” (This was the blessing by Richard Halverson, former chaplain for U.S. Senate)

    With this in mind, we interact with others and know that God had big plans that we cannot understand…and in His power, we go and share with the world.

    • Yes! And that blessing is incredible. Thank you for sharing that with us here. And congrats on 30 years of pastoring! That is an amazing accomplishment and I’m sure a steady source of nourishment and encounter for the people of your community.

  9. Jenny,

    We are only asked to plant seeds. Almost every Friday I spend about 3+hrs. volunteering at Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry. We have made an impact on many lives. Some people have actually made commitments to Christ. Once a month my church cooks for Recovery Soldiers (men) (Christian addiction recovery program). Some of the men come over & join us for church on Sunday. A couple have become pastors. You never know how your actions will affect others. Working hard to shine God’s light in this world.

    Blessings 🙂