About the Author

Twyla Franz is a relentless believer in direction over pace and ripple-effect living. She plays worship songs loud and on repeat. Numbers her thanks to remember gratitude is a before, not an after. Her passion is helping others get close to Jesus and grow deep, missional friendships with neighbors.

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  1. It nice to stop and smell the roses and see the sunrise it reminds us of what really matters in the world the beauty of it all Jesus

  2. You captured the way I have been feeling as of late. I long for that run that will exhaust me, but also refresh my heart as I run toward God. Your words are such a beautiful description of what we all feel and should be running with endurance…towards God.

  3. Due to a recent knee injury, I can’t even take a long walk, let alone run. But yesterday, I had had enough and got out the lawn mower and pushed through. I am feeling it today but it was so worth it. To smell the grass, hear the birds and feel the sun made me ever so thankful. The monotonous walking behind the mower back and forth across the lawn became meditative. My injury has been a good lesson on not being busy and, yes, smelling the roses. It is amazing what I can experience if I take it slow and easy. I can rejoice in God’s creation.

  4. Twyla,

    Your writing gives me goosebumps. It’s beautiful how you describe our Creator who mirrors his majesty in creation!

    Sending you Summer joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  5. Dear Twyla…….I loved your story today. I am older than all of you and I don’t know about the age of people that reply to you. I am well past the season where I ran, did high impact aerobics, step aerobics and other things. I loved it and I did it every day, but I am 76 years old soon to be 77 and I have had 5 foot operations that one surgeon just made it worse on my right foot. I ended up with another surgeon who operated again twice on that foot to no avail. The only thing left and he said it was totally up to me was to have the toe next to my big toe amputated. I went with the surgery as I was in excruciating pain. However, it did not work very much. Now I have to walk with a cane and 3 doctors told me you can do all that running and all the other things I did, but it eventually catches up with you as you get older and I didn’t believe them until I hit my seventies. Things started to go wrong, but to go back to your story, I found that I started looking out of my windows every time I got up and praised our Creator for giving these beautiful things to us and that has taken the place of all my early days of pushing myself to do all these other things that felt great at the time. It really got me in great shape which in a way has helped my health in the season I am in now. Thank you for this lovely story, but I do urge you to think about your older days when grandchildren pop up and perhaps you can’t do what you always did. I had a high level management job in my 50 years of working and the stress was brutal, and I exercised all that time basically to help my stress and if you do get injured, please be careful not to make it any worse as sometimes it can’t be fixed to our sadness. Enjoy your weekend, Twyla and thank you so much for your story. It sure got my day off on the right foot. Love to you and yours……………Betsy Basile

    • Dear Betsy, I understand so well what you have been going through. I am 77, soon to be 78. I have been so healthy and strong all my life, but I broke my right hip and femur last year plus I have a debilitating condition in my back. And in addition to all that I suffer with seasons of depression and anxiety. But I thank the Lord for all His many blessings and promises, for my husband, our family and a few dear friends. Though I’m not able to do much physically anymore, I do pray for all my family and friends and neighbors. God bless you Betsy and may the Lord Jesus encourage your heart and be the Lifter of your head and the Healer of your body. He loves you and will never leave you or forsake you! He will see you through as He has me.

      • Dear Donna….Thank you so much for your reply. I am so sorry about your debilitating condition. I also suffer from anxiety and depression as my husband has violent dementia and almost killed me on 4/20/2023. It was necessary to have him evicted from our house of 40 years. He is still in denial after 6 years. The other heartbreaking thing is my 52 year old son (only have 1 child and 1 grandson) called me 2 years back and called me a liar and there was nothing was wrong with his father except old age and he told me he does not consider me his mother anymore and I would not ever again be able to see or speak to my 12 year old grandson and then he hung up on me. I collapsed in a ball of tears and thought I was going to die. He has yet to contact me and he knows now I was not a liar as he has to do everything for his father. So no contact with either of them for 2 years. Still praying and praying every day, but so far, no sign from God, but I know He goes on His timeline. Thank you and my love and prayers go to you, Donna………………Betsy Basile

  6. Beautifully expressed message of your moment of pursuit and engagement with the supreme presence that is God. You deftly captured so much awe packed in the stillness of every element of His creation that morning … the breath, the sight, the taste, the smell, the sound, and the feel of Him everywhere in the moment and in you as you became one with your surroundings, lovingly prepared for you and He (and readers) to (in)joy together. I was right there with you as your words walked, then ran, then stilled themselves across the digital landscape … I am so grateful, as one among many silent yet honored guests, to experience the grandeur of Yah(weh) with you in this now from your then. Thank you!

    • YOUR words, Dawn, are stunning! Thank you for walking us through how you experienced this piece. Honored that it spoke to you!

  7. Thank you! This is just what I needed to read this morning. We all rush through life – then wonder where the years went. I drive a friend to the airport yesterday morning at 5:00 am. On my way home I saw the most glorious sunrise. I drive all around the neighborhood until I could see it better and snapped a picture. A moment I’ll not forget a glimpse of His Glory.

  8. Twyla I love what you wrote in today’s reading. When you said you go out running. Taste and see the Lord’s goodness. God spoke to about the verse Psalm 150:6. It says :Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” Yes let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Even the birds let them as well us humans praise the Lord. You when out doing a run. Can look around you see all that praises God. Even the fish in sea and the beautiful sky with it’s morning sunlight. It is good to praise the Lord. As you say God instant distance. God is right beside us. When we praise him he hears us. It is good to praise God. As God has been so good to us. Especially when he wakes us up to enjoy another day in his beautiful world no matter what part of it we live in. God never leaves us or forsake us. I broke my Ankle to a couple of years ago and had to get pins in it. Boy it was sore. I was walking on the grass it was wet and I slipped on it. I knew it was broken. God was distant then. He was by my side through the operation and healing process. I have alot to thank God for in that time. Plus when I was 7 years old my appendix burst. Old this Doctor I think has passed away. Decided to come visit my Parents. He was good friend of theirs. I am saved. To this day. Since getting saved. I know God sent the Doctor to visit my Parents that day they burst. As he asked were the phone was. He told the Hospital to get theatre ready on the phone. He told me Mum to pick me up and hold me in her arms. We went to the Hospital in car for my operation. I was taken to theatre right away. If I not I not be hear today. So God knew what was going to happen that day. For her had the Doctor call to visit my Parents. I do am very thankful for God doing that. As I am now Married to a beautiful Husband called Raymond. I never be Married to him today who is also saved. Even though we have no kids. So I thank God for his care that day. God is not dry and does not care. Like people think. Especially when they pray to him. God doesn’t answer then as quickly as they like. I believe God is testing them. I been there too. To see how strong our faith really is in him. Will we. Trust him no matter what. Keep looking up to him and praying. Not looking to other people to help us only God. For him to tell us what to do. Then God will know we really trust him. As God did with me once. I kept my eyes on God and did as he said. God answered my pray request. I had to wait. I didn’t get it answered as quickly as I have liked. But when it was it was the perfect timing. I say Amen to all that God has done for me. Thank you again for today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

    • God is always perfectly on time, isn’t He? Thank you for sharing your story and the ways you knew He was there with you the whole time. So encouraging!! I love that Psalm too 🙂

  9. Oh his I love the music of your prose. So clear and concise but so beautiful, nothing like a textbook that tells the truth but in a manner that makes me reluctant to read.

    I really love your whole article, but this especially. “It’s me, not Him who forgets to pursue. Me who stops responding to His standing invitation to be found.”

  10. But where is he at when I can’t sleep and call out to him for help? I don’t hear him.
    I want to go to church but I can’t sleep, I don’t hear him. I’m exhausted and too afraid to drive in the highways. Do I don’t go can’t get there I thought he wanted me there. Then I have OCD and it’s really bad and I ask him to help me but hear nothing. Why?

    • Dear Sue, my heart goes out to you. That’s a hard place to be. I think of King David and how often he was awake in the middle of the night. As one who has trouble sleeping too, I find it comforting to know that David gets it. Often he was awake and not resenting it, and I’ve got much to learn from him. Throughout the Psalms, I find times David’s desire for God is what kept him awake, as if daytime hours couldn’t contain the depth of his longing. That’s my prayer for you, when you can’t sleep or fear is loud, that you would keep calling out, keep seeking, keep knocking. God is near, even when we can’t see Him. He cares. He sees. He knows.

    • Sue,

      Is there no one in your church who could drive you there and back Don’t be afraid to ask. People love seeing others in church. If that doesn’t work out then you could watch a service on TV. I like Greg Laurie. When you call out to God He hears you. We must wait on God’s perfect timing. My friend that is hard. Praying for you.

      Blessings 🙂

  11. Yes and thank you for this! I have been taking photographs for four years, retired in February and since then I have been watercolor painting from photographs. Both of these things in their own way have made me really SEE the magnificent beauty of creation God has gifted us, especially when I use my macro lens and see the minuscule detail of God’s artwork!

  12. Twyla,

    It’s taken me many years to become the mature Christian I am today. God used a country preacher to teach me about a relationship with Jesus and prayer is just communing with God. Now I see & praise God for ALL His goodness.. He isn’t distant to me anymore. When I awake at night I pray about situations. Nothing in life gets me down for long. He has allowed me to live among the Smokey Mountains, to see the ocean waves, & shown me many a great sunrise & sunset.

    Blessings 🙂

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