Drive around neighborhoods today and you might see the haze from backyard cookouts lazily permeating the clear, summer sky. The aroma draws you in, and memories of past July 4th grilling events flood to the forefront. (It’s amazing how our God-given sense of smell holds memories as well, doesn’t it?)
Fireflies flicker, friends gather, watermelon seeds are spit, and children sit on the blanket waiting in anticipation of the first explosion of fireworks.
The Fourth of July holds many traditions for Americans. It’s a holiday that represents freedom, courage, and sacrifice, and yet possibly, burgers and sparklers have taken the place of its true symbolism.
Whether you celebrate July 4th or not, embrace the opportunity to take the conversation to the next level and engage family and friends in a discussion of what true courage really means. It doesn’t have to be organized, forced, or stressful, just a time of intentional sharing about the deeper meaning behind this week’s celebrations, and why we have some of the traditions that we do.
Many years ago on the Fourth of July, it started pouring as soon as we arrived at the high school stadium where fireworks were going to be launched. Our family raced to our van and waited for the storm to pass. Instead of letting the kids moan about our wasted evening, we preempted the complaints with some soul-searching discussion on our definition of courage. We used the time to share examples of people who we each viewed as courageous and why. We asked our kids to think of one person who was still living that they feel symbolizes real-life courage, and then share one person that exemplifies this from history.
The rain never did pass, and the fireworks were canceled, but this evening holds more memories due to the lasting impact in the hearts of our children as we shared life – life to its fullest, packed like sardines in a minivan.
This established a new tradition for our family — one that you can do too! You can even take the courage conversation one step further by recording the answers from your kids. Cut out paper stars. The older ones can write on their own stars and you can have the younger ones dictate their answers. On the top of each star write, “I love my country because…” or “Courage means to me..” and then leave space for the wonderfully spontaneous answers you will collect over the years.
Every year, read the answers from previous years to see how the meanings, modeling of life circumstances, and examples have changed and matured. You can use these patriotic declarations to decorate the tablecloth at your Fourth of July barbecue or collage them into your Fourth of July Album with your annual picnic photo. (Or post to Instagram if that’s your modern version of a digital scrapbook.)
Since our children are getting older, the discussions keep getting better. This year, our family is going to ponder these quotes.
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill
“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at its testing point.” – C.S. Lewis
Why don’t you join us?
Since building traditions into our family’s tapestry is a high priority, I love trying to meld the fun with the inspirational. Check out my 4th of July section on traditions for additional ideas.
Let’s inspire each other. Do you have any special Fourth of July traditions that your family does each year?
Beautifully said! So many children and even adults give no thought to the precious freedoms that so many have courageously fought and lost their lives for the freedoms we so take for granted. I pray God, in His mercy and grace will open the hearts that have closed to Him and the true meaning of this July 4th holiday.
Thank You, for your uplifting and encouraging post. Blessings to all who will visit here today. Have a safe and Happy Independence Day, Jen. Blessings always!
Thank you for your encouraging words, Kathy. I hope you had a wonderful holiday week.
Jen 🙂
Hi Jen and Happy July 4th. We used to have many traditions back in the day. My one cousin was born 7/4/1948 so his family always had a big situation, but now I am alone, so nobody to celebrate with, but I must say I love Winston Churchill and the quote you gave us from him is perfect for the day. Independence Day is what we should be celebrating and not just a day off. Also, Jen, I am on the outskirts of Philadelphia. Did you know that the Congress is actually going to do 2 sessions at Independence Hall, very soon. Hope they stop this rangling and start really listening to each other. Hugs to you Jen. I always love your devotionals that you give us……………Betsy Basile
I didn’t know that interesting fact about Congress doing sessions at Independence Hall. Thanks for sharing that. Now I want to do some research. I’m sorry you didn’t have anyone to celebrate with this year but maybe for some future holidays, that will change. I bet others would love to have your company. Have a marvelous Monday, Betsy. 🙂
I love these ideas! Think I will try them today. Thanks!
Hope you had a wonderful holiday week, Gail. 🙂
Hi Jen,
My father-in-law fought in WWII earning a Purple Heart. He is no longer with us but the flag the soldiers presented us at his burial along with a 21-gun-salute is proudly displayed directly inside our front door – the centerpiece for the holiday! We remember his courage and sacrifice as we say grace over our hamburgers and hotdogs.
Thank you for sharing your cool tradition, Jen, that was birthed while being sardined in a minivan,
Lisa Wilt
PS-I’m sharing on socials x 2
WOW!! LISA! A purple heart is something younger generations can’t wrap their brain around. Honestly, I can’t even imagine all they went through in fighting for our freedom. Thank you to your husband’s family for all they sacrificed as well. I’m sure the stories you all share around this time of year are unbelievable. Many blessings to you this July.
The younger generations have no idea the sacrifices made each time we went to war. Most think of the 4th of July as simply a day off work, punctuated with hotdogs, hamburgers & fireworks. They don’t know the daring determination it took to leave England & start a new country. My father-in-law was in the air force for twenty years. We now have the flag soldiers presented us at his funeral.
Courage is fearless fortitude in the face of danger or trials. True grit & determination to achieve or accomplish something.
Blessings 🙂
I will definitely remember this “Courage is fearless fortitude in the face of danger or trials.” Many thanks to your father in law for his service (and in turn a huge thanks for your extended family who sacrificed as well.)