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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. I would love prayer for my family (husband and children.) We’ve been going through a lot for the last couple of years and just last year my older sister had a couple of strokes. I’ve been left to take care of her for now while raising my own son with special needs. I’m exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated, discouraged and so many other things. Pray the Lord will open the door for her to receive ssi disability, and her to remain living with her son as I help her. More importantly pray that my husband, kids, and I will continue to believe, trust, love, and serve the Lord: making Him our number one priority. May the Lord’s will be done. Thank you.

    • My dear sister, this sounds like alot! Prayed for you. May God provide strength, encouragement and all you need. God please bring people around to support and walk with you and family. May all these challenges cause you to experience his lovingkindness and may suffering produce beautiful fruit and not be in vain.

    • Arnesia,

      Abba Father Please give Arnesia strength she needs to care for her special needs son & her sister. Help the sister receive SSI & remain with her son. Give Arnesia & family peace & calm as they endure these trials. Send people to help them in any way you know they need. AMEN

      Blessings 🙂

      • Arnesia, My HEART goes out to your family…may you feel the arms of Jesus holding you and walking with your family through this difficult season in your life. Please don’t be afraid to ask for help in your community because by doing so you are offering an opportunity for someone to be part of a BLESSING! You are in my thoughts and I’ll be lifting you up in my prayers. God Bless!

        • May you be refreshed by God’s grace! Whatever is ahead of you this week, your great big God is too! As you face the many challenges of daily living, family struggles, etc. “The task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you….AMEN

  2. No name’s mind is unfunctional. It’s been like this lately, I couldn’t think. I was having slow reflexes lately. Even writing, or clicking the computer’s mouse, it’s been taking too long– it sit there and it’s been like loading, seriously. Hmm, maybe, I have a calling (that was what I am meaning to head the call), not work in a call center.

    But in the short term, I would want to work from home because I don’t want to show up in the workplace. However, I also have a lot of stock up knowledge that some aren’t useful anymore, so I want to live in the moment.

    Seriously, it’s a serious work, the farming or orcharding. You see, there are so much competition in the workplace so I want to take the route with less competition. I’m not competitive. I want to take things slow as my mind is slowing down lately, it is this frequency that I couldn’t adjust and yes, skillfully. Thanks for praying.

  3. I want more compassion for others. To see them as God sees them, to appreciate what He is doing in their lives, to understand that each person’s sanctification is unique, and to be an encouragement in their journey.

  4. I may my myself be 70+, yet God seems to have given me a “ministry” to older ladies, especially widows or the divorced living alone. Not an official program of meetings which is advertised in the church bulletin, but a one-on-one, this week this lady needs a coffee & scone visit or a lunch outing “ministry”. Prayers that I can serve as needed and yet fit in all the other responsibilities that life presents.

  5. I like the linking things, sounds familiar and sounds good, where have you been reading from anywhere of the digital footprints?

    I really need a rest, a reset. You see, our brain or mind is as the CPU when it’s not functioning the whole of our body is controlled by it being the central processor and so every voluntary movement I want to command seems too heavy now. I really think I need a diversion from computer work.

    The area which I needed prayer is a good or sound mental health (I’m still sane), I don’t want to lose my mind. So, the parable of all things the Lord has thought, those areas I want.

  6. I’m going through a separation. My emotions are all over the place. I’m trying to stay strong but I have a deep sadness.

    • Dear Melissa, You are the person above me and I pray that God replaces your sadness with joy. In whatever form that comes. God knows your heart and He can fill your deepest need. God bless you!

    • Praying for you Melissa. God sees every detail.

      Loving Father, please be with Melissa as she navigates this tough season in her life. Surround her with your love and peace. I pray for a godly, strong support system to hem her in and strengthen her every day. Amen.

    • Praying for you Melissa. God cares and knows the depths of your sadness. Praying for healing and hope that He will calm the storm within and give you peace. May God work in joy through the sadnessun His time and give you hope while you wait, knowing He cares for you.

    • Melissa,

      Jesus be near to Melissa as she is going through a separation. Give her wisdom to handle her emotions. Help her stay strong & take away all sadness. Give her joy in the morning. AMEN

      Blessings 🙂

  7. I had epilepsy for 12 years. Five years ago I had brain surgery. I’ve been seizure free for 4 1/2 years. Yesterday I felt dangerously close to having a seizure. I seriously don’t think I could go on if I started having seizures again. Please pray that I’ll be free of this disease forever and that my anxiousness won’t overtake me. Thank you!

    • Heavenly Father, I lift up Dianne to you. Please protect her body from seizures and her mind from anxiousness. We ask this in your name. Amen.

  8. Areas: that is two dimension, it is squared.

    So my prayer requests:
    1. Having a sound mind
    2. Not having a rebellious.

    That is really all for now. And it is everything.

  9. Pray for close family relationships that have become very strained and distant. Pray for a resolution and God’s guidance please.

    • I pray for healing for you and your family. I pray for better understanding of what is causing the strain in the relationships and I pray for acceptance.

  10. I have a lot of time and I cannot keep my mind from thinking.

    So to write a review from all else said and written here those are far too much more heavier than what I have that is a realization.

    My prayer is this, in the past I have live trying to prove myself and worth in previous work experiences (not currently, even before, those all gives us traces of worthy learning experiences to maybe refine the craft, if any)

    So to put it shortly, I have tried to prove myself, now I pray to prove or have the Lord prove that indeed he is always good, o taste and see that the Lord is good. No eyes have seen what He has prepared for those who feared him.

    Again and seriously, if you are the CEO or the CFO you want serious staff. This days the digital world make everything less of a thinking and pondering and doing bec all are instant, I pray to be the contrary of instant. I pray to be deep, silent, and rooted. That is all.

  11. I’ve read many comments and have prayed for prayers to be answered.

    My heartfelt prayer is for my sons’ hearts to be healed and to embrace the peace and love which awaits them. Amen.

  12. Prayer for my children who all have adhd and for me in dealing with their different personalities each day as I have adhd as well. Which can cause anxiety and feelings of overwhelm for me, which comes out in anger and frustration when dealing with various situations at times.

  13. Dear Lord, I ask that you would come and meet each person that has posted here today. Send them Your peace, Your hope and surround them with Your love. I ask for healing, both physical and emotional/mental. Give them rest, strength, wisdom and discernment. Father, when things get overwhelming, give them a vision of crawling up into Your lap, and being held safely as they rest in You. We love You, Lord.
    My request is that we are supposed to take a group of young people to Houston tomorrow—prayers for safety and wisdom.

    • Heavenly Father I pray for safety as this group of young people travel tomorrow. May your love surround them. Amen.

  14. Oh heavenly Father, only You know the depths of my grief today. I have lost another person – that makes 11 this year! Only You know the sorrows that my children are going through. I am gritting my teeth today but I am also leaning into Jesus! Please God, help me and my family to see your glory and joy again in our lives. Amen

    • Heavenly Father, I pray Terry will see your goodness in the land of the living. I ask that you walk with her family through their grief. Help them cling to you and to trust that joy is coming! Amen

  15. This season of walking in grief and gratitude is going on much longer than I anticipated or wanted. I long for love in my life and to move beyond past hurts. There are so many good things happening in my life and I pray for someone to share the many blessings. It is getting harder to stand still while waiting for God’s promise to be fulfilled.

  16. My heart is praying for all those who have commented here today. We all have such tribulations to deal with…may we look to You, Father God, for we know that with You, all things are possible. May we trust Your Will to be done, not ours. We praise You and glorify You, for Your answers to our prayers, in Your timing and Your Will. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

  17. Please pray my 2 adult daughters would soften their hearts to God most of all but also to me. They have estranged themselves (and my only grandchild) from being around me. They are far from God and it is heartbreaking. Thank you!

    • Dear Heavenly Father,
      I lift Laura’s grieving, yet hopeful heart to you. May you shower her with your grace, so she may walk in strength and looking to a resolution and reunion with her daughters, as you walk by her side step by step. Amen.

  18. Dear sisters,
    Thank you for your beautiful message and Scripture. I am personalizing over my current situation I lost my husband of 31 years, almost two months ago, and I miss him so much. I am going through the grief process and trying to sell our home and move across the country. I need the Lord’s strength and wisdom to make good decisions. I am also going to have a MRI on my leg next week- praying I don’t have to have surgery. Thank you for your prayers, God bless you all.

  19. My prayer is that through God’s love at work in me, that I would believe all things, hope in all things, and endure all things that he has. Life can stink and I don’t want discouragement to derail me from trusting my Shepherd.

  20. I love this prayer for today. It makes me feel absolutely wonderful that my Holy Spirit connected me with your group. He does so much to help me. I am 77 years old so I have stopped going on social media due to being scammed out of $30,000 that I did not get back. My husband has Violent Dementia and last 4/20/2023 he almost killed me. I was the one that noticed it and stayed with him for 3+ years trying to get him out of denial, to no avail. The worst part of this is that my 54 year old son kept telling me that I was lying about Jim. He hadn’t even seen us for close to a year. Next thing, I got a phone call from my son and all he said before he hung up on me was “You continue to lie. I do not recognize you as my mother and Carter (my 12 year old grandson) can never talk or see you again. It still to this day breaks my heart. He knows now how sick his father is, but he did not call to take me back as his mother. I don’t have any other family. They all have left this Earth. Thank you for the prayer and I will try to do better with my emotions……………………….Love, Betsy Basile

  21. I would love to have more patience with, and appreciation for, my husband of 50 plus years! You ladies might pray for that.

    • Irene, 50 years of sharing your life with another is amazing. I pray that your and your husband’s hearts and spirit are open to love in the little things, new as well as old ways or memories of cherishing each other
      God bless.

  22. Blessings on all in need.
    My prayer request is for my mother and daughter, and the strength and the right words and actions to support them as they struggle with their faith. Thank you for your prayers.

  23. Jane—I pray the Holy Spirit will guide you!

    I live in physical pain–please pray for my strength through Jesus,

    Pray I do not give up!

  24. I pray for all of you dear sisters that our Lord Jesus will bring peace and comfort, that He will meet every need and be very near to you, encourage your hearts and the Lifter of your heads. The Lord hears and sees each of you. May He answer each prayer and do what only He can do. I need prayer for the Lord to deliver and heal me from this season of depression and anxiety. I am 77 and also have a debilitating condition in my back. God bless you all with every blessing, more than you can contain.

    • God bless you Donna! You are not alone. Praying for your healing and deliverance from depression and anxiety. Jesus, please hold Donna tight in Your loving arms. Thank You Jesus! Amen

  25. Please pray for me. I am struggling with being single, family issues and hating my job. Thank you for your prayers ❤️

    • *hugs* to you! That is a stack.

      Lord, please heal Stephanie from the inside out and from the outside in; please abundantly provide love, support, and peace. (and either fix the situation with her current job so that it is more doable, or send her a job that she won’t hate!)

  26. This may seem unimportant to some and I apologize if it is. Please pray for my 45 yr. old son whose wife is leaving him for a younger man and trying to keep my son from having joint custody of the 3 children. He lives 1500 miles away and has no family support system there. Please pray for the Lord’s/Spirit’s Guidance for him as he is really struggling with this situation. He’s also had some health concerns this past year that he’s trying to navigate along with his loss of family. Thank you for your understanding of my request-I am very grateful.

    • That is not at *all* unimportant! We lift his struggles to God, who is the source of all wisdom, and who has peace beyond understanding, and we lift you to God’s hands as well as you see your son in emotional pain and turbulence. Please bless these three kids as well; cushion them from disruption and anger, and give them light and peace.

  27. I pray for all the needs above. I ask for prayers for myself and my family. My 82 year old had a stroke in May and will need surgery soon. My 30 year old son who is living with us and going to outpatient health for addiction and trying to help me with all household issues while battling a social Services caseworker because his health care is not in our county, but the one closest to us. I was just Diagnosed with basal squamous cancer ( for the 2nd time in my life) and I will need surgery. And the 2nd year anniversary of my sister is 2 weeks away. I do have a mental illness and anxiety disorder and am blessed to have a caring Dr. Yet, I feel overwhelmed by life. I know God is in control. I’m just not sure how much more I can do. Thank you for your prayers.

    • Dear Mary, I am so sorry about the very difficult circumstances that you are going through, praying for you and trusting God with you.

  28. I need prayer for a difficult decision that needs to be made. We need Gods clarity and certainty to be revealed. Thank you for praying!!

    • Dear Father, please give Rebecca clarity and direction and wisdom for this decision, and perfect peace as she waits on You. In Jesus name, Amen.

  29. I would like to ask prayer for focus and grace as I aim to finish my last years of studies, it has been quite challenging thusfar and I feel a bit discouraged.

  30. I have 3 prayer requests.
    One is for my little sister who is starting the driving portion of Drivers Ed tomorrow. I ask for prayers of wisdom, clarity and peaceful, calm heart and mind as she starts this journey of learning a new skill.
    Secondly, a few of us in the family have a cold or just overall not feeling well. So I pray for healing in that need.
    Also, I still have some ongoing issues with my health and have to go see another doctor soon to see if there is anything that they can do. So, I pray for healing, clarity and comfort and strength in that regard.
    In Jesus name.

  31. I would like to Thank you all for being in prayer with me concerning my son & daughter father/ex husband who still have a stronghold of drugs on& in his life. Where God has removed me out of his life, my adult children, it is now taking a toll on them. As a mother no matter how old your children get you still somewhat feel responsible & concerned for them. So, If you would be in prayer with me that God comforts them as well as strengthen them, along with delivering there dad In Jesus name..Again, Thank you for keeping them in your prayers.

  32. Thank you beautiful Incourage! Your emails are so encouraging.
    Please pray for my family, husband and 3 teenage kids. That they keep growing in their knowledge and love of Jesus. It often feels like a battle but my prayer is they truly know Him and his love for them.

  33. I’m struggling with my emotions today, I just spent a glorious week with my mom and dad. Time at the beach, time being loved, memory making as we celebrated Mom’s 75th birthday. They are coming in a month to help me pack for an overseas vacation, yet I found myself blinking back tears. Deep breathing helped clear my mind. I arrived home and texted them I was home. My mom answered back. “ Glad you are safe and sound on home turf
    Miss you already.
    Walked around the big block and got very sweaty. Enjoy some down time.
    Thanks for making my birth week special.”

    I miss her too. I asked God to bless them both this next week.

  34. My husband is severely depressed. And he will not get help. He is not taking any of his regular medications & he sleeps through most of the day.

  35. Appreciate your prayers, as I grieve for three hugely important, beloved people in my life. I’m feeling some hopelessness, along with fear of future circumstances, loneliness, etc.
    Messiah bless you.

  36. Please pray for Andre who is in prison with bipolar and depression.

    A desperate situation. We need a breakthrough.

  37. Praying for an attorney that can advocate for Andre in prison with depression and bipolar disease. He needs a mental hospital.

  38. Praying for you all incourage. For God to bless you. Give you what he wants you women that do the readings to write in them what he wants you. I pray for you hear his Holy Spirit speak to in this. So we women are blessed by what you write. We will learn from what you right to apply it to our lives to live as you want us to live. Thank you for all you do for incourage. I pray that you will be blessed in this work you do for the Lord. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  39. Grieving the loss of my young niece recently, still grieving my mom from two years passing. I feel lonely, I don’t have no emotional support from husband. Our connection is getting more distance. Marriage problems. 🙁

  40. I am so thankful for you all :). I am usually zooming with energy but at this particular moment, I would cherish your prayers. It has been a year since our daughter with Down Syndrome was “taken” by a woman proposing to clean for her and she did, sorta, for 2 0r 3 weeks. Then the next thing “they” were moving…. its a long story but it seems there is a road block each time we gain hope for a change. Our daughter is smart, tech savvy to a degree and very literate verbally but only comprehends bits and pieces and is easily swayed either for “good” or “bad”. We finally have some hope in an investigation through the Ontario Public Guardian Trustee Investigation. We are getting wore out with this and covet your prayers for a glimpse of hope from our Heavenly Father in a break of this using our daughter for others rent etc.

    ” You are my hiding place, whenever i am afraid… I WILL TRUST IN YOU!!!!!! Psalm 32…. ” Kathryn

  41. I am trying to get on Instagram ? to be able to connect with the women from (in) courage. I am having problems with that as I don’t have an account with them, but I would like to be able to talk to you through there, but they keep telling me it is a protected site. My name is Betsy Basile and I have been receiving your devotionals at my gmail for about a month and I would love to join. Do you have any suggestions? I am 77 years old and don’t know much about these techy things so right now I am lost. Betsy Basile

  42. In Courage,

    Jehovah Rapha please send your healing touch to those needing it here. Give them strength to deal with their or family’s illness. Jehovah Jireh provide the needed money or supplies that people need. Send peace & calm to all who are dealing with any issues. AMEN.

    Pray for Reva who just lost her last sister suddenly. For Tanya who lost a sister also. MIL not doing good. Her BP is up & she just lays around. Pray for our nation. That we can once again be One Nation Under God. Pray that we can have a big revival.

    Blessings 🙂

  43. “Thank You” In-courage team for providing (Colossians 1:9-12) scriptures/prayers to encourage us daily. LOVE never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstances…1 Corinthians 13:7. We are all TREASURES made by GOD!! Let’s SHINE our Light…Matthew 5:16.