I want to know how Elizabeth stayed in seclusion for five months when she was pregnant with John the Baptist. What prompted her to disappear that long? What empowered her to make a decision such as that?
I wonder how the widow with oil willingly let her sons go into the town, knocking on doors and asking neighbors, known and unknown, for empty jars. How did she find the faith to follow Elisha’s advice? How did she push past the grief of losing her husband and the simultaneous guilt of nearly losing her sons? How did she find that sudden surge of strength to sell jars and jars of oil and pay off her debt, though there was much to despair of?
And, was it surrender, or strategy, or the Spirit of God when Jochebed, mother of Moses, set her baby boy in a basket along the bank of the Nile, only to watch him be seen and soothed and saved by Pharaoh’s wife?
I want to know . . . have to know.
Because, when I skim through Scripture, I see story after story of what seems like women making definitive decisions in the middle of difficult dilemmas. I know, just as well as the next woman, that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to making courageous choices amid life’s complex circumstances.
What will I tell my sons, one week from today, when all of our boxes and belongings are packed up and stacked away in storage? How will I convince them that all will be well, even though the decision to move came from merely listening to a nudge?
A notion.
A knowing.
An inkling.
A feeling.
How do I tell my kids — and the curious, caring family and friends surrounding us — that we are stepping out in faith and risking rootedness, routines, and relationships for a good ending that isn’t even guaranteed?
I am between a rock and a hard place. Bills are begging. My marriage needs mending. The future for my family feels far and unsure. We need rest, we need a reset, we need restoration. Still, while I wait on God, I am moving forward in faith and trust. Daily, I am desperately seeking His guidance — but also? Best believe I am making decisions that feel right in my gut.
I am the widow with oil, unreservedly stepping into new skills. I am Elizabeth, unapologetically retracting and releasing the fear of my motives being misunderstood. I am Jochebed, torn over letting some beloved things and people go, and yet somehow still trusting in a promise I can’t yet see or say for certain.
Seven months ago, when the air was cold and frigid, my friend, Kate, preached an Advent sermon that arrested my attention and sank deep into my bones. Of the Annunciation, she preached about the moment just before Mary says, “I am the Lord’s servant… May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38 NIV).
What comes in the moment just before Mary’s compliance, however, is a question: “How will this be,” asks Mary, “since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34 NIV).
Mary asks a quintessential question, one quite like our own — not simply a why, but rather a how. Not merely a want to know the probable, but a need to know the practical.
The answer to this question, and all of life’s how questions? My friend Kate says this: “It will always, still, ever and only be . . . the Holy Spirit.”
Want to know how Elizabeth did it? She was filled with the Holy Spirit. And the widow with oil? She listened to Elisha, a man of God filled with the Holy Spirit. I have to believe Jochebed was filled with the Holy Spirit because she had a supernatural power to really see and save her son.
Want to know the way you and I will know how in all we say and do?
It will always, still, ever and only be . . . the Holy Spirit.
Someday, a year from now, when I pull our boxes out of storage and settle into a new home, I will look back and remember how courage and clarity came when I chose to listen to the God-whispers stirring within my heart. I will remember how divinely God intervened in every desire, decision, and dilemma. A little nudge here, a messenger and a promise, or two, there. . .
There won’t always be a roadmap or guidebook giving all the right answers. There won’t be writing on the wall or a blueprint mapping out the intricate details of God’s plans and promises.
But . . . there will always, still, ever and only be the Holy Spirit. He, my dear friends, is how we will do every hard and holy thing.
Pray This Prayer:
Teach us how, Lord. Not simply how You’ll do it — but how we can and should. Teach us to listen to our hearts, Lord, where You humbly make Yourself at home. Teach us to listen to those nudges and notions. Those rooted knowings. Those fleeting feelings. Those inexplicable inklings. You are ever leading as we lean in and listen to You. Amen.
Friends — I’d love to hold space for any pressing situations or difficult decisions you’re currently facing. Comment below and share a little bit about what you’re going through — I’d love to encourage you.
Today I am walking into a firestorm in my job.
I know what I’m standing up for is right. But I don’t know that leadership stands behind me. And I don’t know I get to keep my job for being the person to call the issue to attention.
I’m scared. And I also know God gave me a voice for a reason.
A year ago today he had me in a hard place too, and we pulled through.
What a perfectly timed reminder this read was of where I’ve been and where I am going with Him by my side.
Praying for you sister.
Courage and peace be yours today, Elizabeth, as you walk into your job to speak up on what you know if right. God goes with you and before you. So humbled these words encouraged you today — grace to you.
I will pray hard that God was with you on Wednesday. The Holy Spirit was with you & helped you stand up for what is right. Someone has to be the whistleblower. God is on your side. Prayers that everything came out alright.
Blessings 🙂
I am currently learning how to hover lightly not smoother a friend/heavenly sister who lost her husband 19 days ago. I truly cannot live & support her without the Holy Spirit’s leading! Thank you for sharing your story & wisdom with us today, Rachel! Blessings (((0)))
Moment by moment leaning in and listening. It’s like a balancing act. Good thing we don’t have to worry about “getting it wrong” — so much grace. Your friend is gifted to have you and your care in this season.
Your friend is blessed to have you for as a Christian friend. Take it day by day. Pray for her constantly asking God to send comfort & peace as she grieves. There is no fixing this. It takes time to grieve a loss. Love on her but give her space to be alone.
Blessings 🙂
Today I am struggling with so much!! I am the caretaker of my adult son with specials. About a year ago I became the caregiver of my older sister who had several strokes. Thank God for my husband and daughter who helps, but we all are EXHAUSTED!! I am going through my own changes in my body (fatigue from long Covid) and fighting against depression every single day. I need wisdom in doing what’s best for my sister and where she should live. I just really need the prayers of the righteous.
Lord, I pray for your strength for Arnesia, and for her family, for your guidance as she makes hard decisions for her sister’s care. And for your peace covering her heart.
In moving back home, I’m now helping out with my older brother who has special needs. I understand the exhaustion and the need for wisdom that comes along with that life. You are seen and led and filled, Arnesia. God be your strength each moment by moment.
Prayers for you & your family as you make this transition. May God give you the strength you need to assist the family. Asking God to provide peace & comfort as you make this big move.
Blessings 🙂
I am praying for you my dear sister. Your steps are ordered by the Lord! You may not know the way, but He does. And He makes a way where there seems to be no way. I also suffer from seasons of depression and anxiety and a debilitating back condition. But the Lord always brings me through! For He alone is my strength and He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us!
There are many options out there for you. First check and see if you could get some home health. Depending on how “bad off” your sister is hospice or palliative care might be another option. Hospice is not just for end of life. It truly helped my dad take care of mom. Assisted living facilities might also work out. These are suggestions to help you & your family out. I’ve been care taker for my elderly parents & I know how hard it can be. Prayers for rest & healing.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your faith and heart with us today. I’ve had a disabling progressive neuro pain disease for 23 years. But the last 2 have made me basically a shut in,relying on my family or friends to go anywhere. And now we are treading the vicious waters of my mother in law’s early dementia and “How, Lord?” Has been the question and prayer that my husband and I have been saying,some days hourly. So, thank you for the reminder that we had the answer all along, the Holy Spirit is with us. I want to keep reminding us of this beautiful truth, because I know that the days when there seem to be insurmountable moments, I will not always have this as my first thought. But pray the Lord will gently nudge me in that direction. Thank you and God Bless you and your family ♥️
I forget often, too, yet I’m learning how to listen in the quiet moments . . . and in the loud, chaotic, kid-filled moments. Moment by moment. Even as I write this reply, I’m sitting outside watching the kids play. The wind is blowing, my Mom is pruning her flowers. Inside, I have one millions “How?” questions that want to well up within me. But then I breathe and let go. All will be well. I’m wishing you peace in the midst of those insurmountable moments. Especially those that involve your health (which I also understand that). Tread lightly, and grace be yours.
I am currently struggling financially – trying to dig out of a hole that feels never ending. There are days it feels easier to give up but I am trying to keep it together so my family has what they need. Thank you for this very timely read – it will inspire me to get through another day knowing I need to simply listen to the Holy Spirit. Blessings to all who commented before me – my prayer for you is that you hear the message you need to hear today.
You and I are like the widow with oil, desperately in need of provision and a miracle that seems impossible. Wishing you eyes to see every opportunity laid before you . . . a spirit of gratitude, which will get you through this season (however long it is) with grace and grit. May God continue to provide and surprise you.
I am stepping out on God’s voice from a few months ago while on a fast to divorce my narcissistic husband of 17 years. I am scared to death of him and what he is capable of doing from previous abuse. I need God’s protection like never before! I know I cannot make it without my God!
Lord, I pray for Jenny, that you would be her protection,… her strong tower, …her place of physical, and emotional safety.
Give her wisdom as she proceeds with this divorce. Help her find the right lawyer, that will give her the right advice.
Give her a clear mind and thoughts…that she KNOWS come from you.
Please prevent the evil one from confusing her thoughts, and telling her lies.
Remind her, daily, that she is fully loved by You.
Thank you for hearing our prayers.
God sees you, God knows you, God leads you, God speaks to you, God is your vision, your strength, your strategy, your source. Trusting for safety, hope, and healing for you in this next season as you step up, Jenny.
Today, as it seems, you had the perfect message for me. I am in the middle of boxing my things up, headed for storage and will be staying with people until I know the where to go. And until I can make enough money to find my new place. My last of five children just graduated and will be enlisting in Army, where her two brothers before her, have gone. I have decided to leave a 28 yr marriage that has been riddled with abuse, and the home I have created; albeit never peaceful. I have been led to take a leap of faith as nothing beyond leaving is sure. I am leaving with debt and now car repairs costing far beyond what I could even pay. Which may also serve as my portable home as well. I’m excited for peace and what the future holds, I am afraid that I will fail. Ladies, I need y’all’s prayers.
You will find your way, in time. May you find and know peace until you do. Ride gratefully on the hospitality and gifts of others in this season. Happy to hear you have shelter and covering. The rest will fall into place, one day and moment at a time. Grace to you, Joanie. May God provide every thing you have need of.
Such beautiful words Rachel! Such a sweet reminder of relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and peace. I’m battling my desire to fully embrace my singleness with peace contentment and joy and wanted to shed any desire for a husband so that I can focus on all the good He has for me, my work, ministry, and creative life…. But then there’s those natural desires, my longing for love, and grief over lost motherhood as I prepare to turn 40 next year… that haunt. And I also realize there are other ways to mother and am praying about foster care too, so I’m desperate for Holy Spirit leading on starting to pursue that… thanks for these words and your heart for your readers! Praying for YOU in this big transition!
Such a powerful and truth filled message. We all have what we need. The Lord resides in us. Your words are a power house and yet so simple. Thank you for the reminder that we don’t have to look very far to know the answers and the choices to our decisions.
Gods blessings to you and to all here!!
What a gift and what grace that we don’t have to look very far. Peace to you, Susen.
Praying for each of you! May the Spirit guide you and protect you and bring you much needed peace. ❤️
Amen, amen.
Prayers for all who have commented here this morning. I pray that God will meet you right where you are and lead and guide you in His way. Thank you Rachel for this message! Sometimes we don’t really understand the workings of the Holy Spirit, but that’s ok— if we are obedient to follow His directions, He will lead us to where we need to be. This article is such an encouragement! Blessings on this new chapter in your family’s life.
Thank you for these well wishes, Judy — deeply encouraged by all of you!
Dear Rachel……Finally a story talking about The Holy Spirit. My Holy Spirit has helped me and nudged me so many times in the years. He is the one I depend on and He is always here for me. I am 76 years old and in a very difficult season of my life. My husband has dementia and I stayed with him for 3 and a half years to try to talk to him about getting out of denial. He has the worst kind of dementia because he can fool you for 10 or 15 minutes, but then he completely does not remember he even talked to you. Also, his is the violent type and he drank too much and every night went into what they call “Dementia Rages” and I was abused every night over those 3 and a half years until finally on 4/20/2023, he really hurt me and I finally got the 911 call through. The police were there, the 911 dispatcher had the whole thing taped and he didn’t even look at the phone to see the call went through. His doctors told me I had to start thinking about MY safety. They told me the next thing he would do, is kill me and 10 minutes later, he wouldn’t even remember that he did it. I needed at that point to have him evicted from our house of 40 years. It was difficult, but my Holy Spirit also told me, ” you know what you need to do. Please do it ” I need to tell you one more thing which is actually the most heartbreaking part of the story to me. I have 1 son and 1 13 year old grandson whom I love with all my heart. My son called me one night well before all these other things happened and just said, “You are a liar and it is only old age, and I said no and read him part of the psychoneurologist’s written report. He said I no longer consider you my mother and you cannot see your grandson anymore or talk to him even on the phone and he hung up. I collapsed and cried for at least 2 days and still have days of emotional terror. My Holy Spirit is always here to cheer me up and help me to get through the day. I had to sell the house for money and I am in a facility that I don’t need to be in, but I had nowhere else to go. They don’t like me here because of the way I dress, my hair, my jewelry because they don’t make the effort to get to know me and see that this is just me. I am sorry for rambling on, but my friends also don’t connect with me anymore as they don’t know what to say. So Rachel, there is more to this story , but I am not going to hold you up anymore. Again, Thank you for doing this story with so much in it about the Holy Spirit. I will save this and keep re-reading it. Have a Blessed Day, Rachel for you and your family……………Betsy Basile
Whew Rachel, I feel this deeply. Thank you for sharing these words that are water and witness to me.
I think of you from time to time, knowing we are in parallel seasons. Keep listening, sister, and following the Spirit’s leading. Deep down, you know exactly what those next right steps are. So glad to know you and be getting to know you.
Rachel, your words are like poetry floating on the screen. Thank you for sharing what’s in your heart with us.
Honored by your kind words — thanks for showing up here today.
Thank you, Jill, for showing up here today and sharing these kind words.
What you wrote is powerful. I’ll share it with the folks in our Bible Study here at the senior facility where I live. I am 81. I have few responsibilities. I definitely have time to be still and quiet before our Lord and listen, sense, be open to what the Spirit of God is suggesting to me. I am
grateful for your writing. I need to be reminded of all the things I can be and do so my relationship with our Lord is a strong one.
Rachel love your reading today. I know by the Holy Spirit of God I can do all things every day. As Lamentations 3:22-25 say in one of the verses. His mercy are new every day. How true that is. Philippines 4:13 I think it. I might not be saying this verse right. But hope you know what I mean. It is “I can do everything through Christmas who strengthens me.” How true that verse is. Psalm 118;24 says “This is the day the Lord has made” I stand on these promises every day. No matter what going all around me. Even if I am left out and my Family do tell me anything. I know I have a saver who will be there for me and will not leave me out. He loves me no matter what. “As the songs say. People see it as Kids song. But it true for us Adults. It is “Jesus loves me for the Bible tell me so.” Rachel thank you again for reading love it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Xx
Sorry for my mistake in Philippines 4:13. It came us a Christmas. It is my phone. I don’t know how to work it properly. The verse says”I can do all things through Christmas who strengthens Me” forgive my mistake. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Thank you for sharing Rachel. Praying for you and your family and for the new season that awaits.
Faith in God includes faith in His timing….for my husband and I, it’s the “out of our hands” timing that is the hardest!
He got hurt on the job and for the last year we have been waiting. He’s had dr appt after dr appt and we wait. The paper work from the doctor’s have been submitted and we wait. The insurance company has had questions he’s answered and we wait. Then another dr. appt we wait….. OMG!!! My husband trusted (and still does) the feeling in his gut to go this route. He knows God is there, but when there is silence it’s really hard!
Praying for everyone \0/
I am praying for all of you my dear sisters! The Lord is our ever present Help in times of trouble.! And He puts His angels in charge of us to guard us in all of our ways! God’s richest blessings to you all!
Ever present help in times of trouble — what a truth-filed reminder. Thank you, Donna!
What a beautiful encouragement you’ve already shared with us!
Thank you for reiterating what many already know: the Holy Spirit is our “How.” A Helper, Advocate, Teacher, Spirit of Truth, Comforter, Intercessor, Strengthener, Counselor … and so much … promised to be in us and with us … forever.
A promise — for today and forever, indeed. So honored this piece spoke to you, Deborah.
I shared your devotion on both Twitter and Pinterest as I believe it will encourage others who are on their faith journey.
I love how you are learning from other women of the Bible who have walked before us, stepping out and stepping up in faith. Thank you for sharing those examples in today’s devotion.
Life is hard. God gives us enough light and illuminating faith for the next right step. I’ll be praying for all those “steps” you’ll be taking over the next weeks as you situate your family in a new place.
I’m so grateful we have a gentle Savior who loves us dearly.
Sending you JOY,
Lisa Wilt
Ever encouraged by your tender words, Lisa — thank you for not only showing up here but for sharing these words. I know you are a woman who l i s t e n s . . .
I’ve been married 20 years, and 19 of those years we were both definitely Christians, and now I’m trying to figure out how to hold on to faith while the person I’ve leaned on [probably too much] for faith is doubting. (Also, he has good points re: how many “Christian” politicians in the US – and their ‘Christian’ followers – care more about ‘winning’ than about sticking to the truth, whereas Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and the Holy Spirit is supposed to lead us into all truth? Anyway. This does not make it easier to hang on! But vitally important.)
Please pray; this is hard and I do not have as much strength as I thought I did.
I’m not in the same boat, but in a similar position. My husband and I are finding we don’t exactly see eye-to-eye on many things concerning our faith, or what it’s come to be. I think this is where and when cultivating that intimacy with the Holy Spirit becomes so vital. There is a peace that comes when we are confident from hearing the Spirit. No one can take that away, nor can we ever thrust it upon anyone else. We just . . . listen and obey. The rest is up to the Spirit.
Thank you, Rachel, for the freeing reminder that we are invited to participate with God in His plans, but we are never expected to conduct miracles. Or know the future. Or have it all together. We can rest in His loving hands.
Such joy to partner with such a strategic and sovereign God — thank you for these kinds words, Pearl.
My husband has received a cancer diagnosis.
Angie, my heart goes out to you. Peace and strength be yours in this next season ahead. I’m sure there are many “How?” questions. May there be comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit both goes before you and is with you.
I noticed I am one of only a couple you did not respond too. I am sorry for the long Email, but I can’t do Social Media of any kind as I have already been scammed for $30,000 through Social Media. The police told me to stay away as these scammers target seniors. (I am 76 years old)…Sorry to have bothered you…………………..Betsy Basile
I live in scarcity, raised in abuse, worked 40 years in abusive environments, just got out of an abusive 20-year marriage.
I have nothing to give, no love, no encouraging words to share with those hurting. I’m empty, my heart feels like a desert.
I wish I could be the one sharing love, kindness and hope. Instead, I am envious of the recipients of those gifts, envious of the givers of those gifts. I feel terrible that I’m so self-absorbed, so sad that my life became the exact opposite of my hopes and dreams. Tired of the fight to not go under, to not give up. Despair.
What a beautiful, heartfelt post. Loved this, Rachel. Thank you for sharing vulnerably and in such a relevant way. I am walking with a teenager with chronic illness and many unknowns about the future. Thanks for the reminder that the Holy Spirit is the way and the how. It often feels like a dark cloud is over us.
First off, I just want to pray for all the needs ahead of me. Lord be with them.
I also ask prayer requests for me because I’m still dealing with some soreness after some really bad falls. I have Cerebral Palsy and I’m used to falling but these falls were up there in the bad category.
Also, I have been dealing with some secondary health issues for the past 3 years and I go to another doctor next week that is going to hopefully point me in some answers. So I pray for the release of uncertainty and that God will bring out a calm and restful heart, along with letting go of the overthinking.
Im really struggling to stay humble and wait for God’s direction,my situation is very difficult I would like to stay encouraged in His word but it’s hard please pray for me
I’m currently unemployed and dealing with health issues. I’m praying whether or not to return to looking for employment and the timing. I do not want to settle out of fear and desperation. I want to go only when the Holy Spirit shows me.
This post got me thinking about ALL the courageous women in the Bible. They stepped out in faith knowing that God would be there with them. The Holy Spirit surely was leading them. Thank you for a thought provoking post.
Prayers for you & family as you move & make this huge transition.
Blessings 🙂
I pray for healing for some health issues I’ve been facing.