For years, I struggled with feeling abandoned, rejected, and unworthy. It was my parents’ constant neglect and ultimate abandonment that left a mark on me as a child. I have fought hard, with the help of prayer and therapy, to find healing from it all.
The thought that I was never wanted has been my biggest struggle. I felt like my birth was an inconvenience to two individuals who didn’t want me and were now faced with the added burden of raising me. I often wondered explicitly about my mother’s thoughts and emotions around her pregnancy with me and my birth. She was just a teenager, and I couldn’t help but wonder if there was any part of her that wanted me or if I was the worst thing to happen to her.
A few months ago, during a visit with my mother, she shared a story that touched, inspired, and surprised me.
(Note: My relationship with my mom is layered and complex. There have been seasons where we didn’t communicate at all — either because of her choosing or mine. But I’ve decided that, with boundaries in place, love wins. I want to love my mother well now despite the heartache and grief in our past.).
So as we sat across from each other at her beautifully decorated dining room table enjoying a soda, without any prompting, she opened up about her struggles with miscarriages and her strong desire to have a child, specifically a daughter. Against her doctor’s advice, she was determined to make her dream a reality. She shared that many years ago, during a Wednesday night women’s prayer meeting back in rural Guatemala, she was prayed for by another woman who stood in faith with her for a child.
That night, my mother received a prophetic word promising her a daughter with many plans and purposes for her life. My mother shared that it was the best night of her young life. A promise, a blessing.
A few weeks later, she confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. Months later, I arrived. A daughter.
As she shared her story with tears in her eyes, she looked at me and said, “Ligia, you were prayed for, believed for, and wanted.” Those words echoed in my mind for weeks.
I was prayed for, believed for, and wanted. I was a promise kept.
In the weeks following this healing moment, the Lord brought me to some life-changing realizations. The Lord helped me understand that I was not only wanted by my mother but also by the Creator Himself. Before I even existed, I was in His plans, and He had a specific purpose for my life (Ephesians 1:11-12).
I also realized that the devil had used my mother’s mistakes to label me with a false identity — one that I accepted because I failed to recognize that I am not defined by my experiences or others’ decisions towards me. Instead, I am defined by who the Lord says I am: a child of God, His daughter (John 1:12-13).
Lastly, I came to understand that even though my abandonment as a child was heartbreaking to God, it did not catch Him off guard. Our God is so intentional that He even knows the number of hairs on my head (Luke 12:7) and has collected all my tears in His bottle (Psalm 56:8). He is also sovereign and, even though He has the power to spare me from pain, He chose instead to step into my pain with me and through it gifted me a story that speaks to His salvation, healing, and redemption.
We will likely encounter things we may never fully understand or find answers to. Pain and heartbreak can be so intense and profound that, at times, we feel like we can’t move forward. We may even feel like the world would be better off without us. I have been in that place, my friend, and I understand what you are going through.
However, I can also confidently proclaim that Jesus is greater than all of it.
The Creator of the universe wants you. He has plans and purposes for your life and wants to heal your pain. Please remember that your past does not define you, nor do your mistakes and failures or the mistakes and failures of others. You were bought at a price and are loved, seen, and heard by Jesus.
You, too, are a promise given and a promise kept.
Dawn Ferguson-Little says
Liga I love your story. It speaks to me. I felt left out in life my late Birthday Mum as so good to me. But I still today struggle with the fact I have not many friends. As the two best ones two sisters. They used to live only 12 miles away from me. They now live 86 miles away from me two sisters. I have another friend I don’t know if I call her a friend. But she when we do meet up. She only lives 7 miles away from me. I hardly ever see her. I times I say to her we must meet up. But she says that would be nice. Then she will let me know when suits her. Or she busy doing something and can’t meet up at the moment. But when we do meet up. She is lovely and we have lovely time together. I went of her but didn’t tell her that because she make excuses about meeting up or say I let you know when free or busy at the moment. It is ages and ages before she say does this Saturday or Sunday suit you at such and such a time to meet up. Then one time I tried to make friends with my two friends that live 86 miles away from me a friend of theirs. This person only lives 3 miles away from me. She didn’t want to know or be friends with me. I don’t know why. I told my friends that used to live where I live that now live 86 miles away. They didn’t know why she didn’t want to be my friend. They were sad for me. So the best friend I have is Jesus and my Husband. I go weeks wishing I had friend who I could meet and go for coffee even once a month or once every two months. My Dad he done a few things wrong. I only that I am saved my Dad is not knew it was the right thing to forgive him in Jesus name. If I hadn’t done that. I would not be doing his Home Help today Monday to Friday. I do for my elderly Dad 83 now. For the love of the Lord and the Love of my Dad. I pray for his Salvation. God has shown me how to love my Dad and put all his wrong in the past. I done that even though not saved. I love him like I have never done before and enjoy doing his Home Help for. It says in Psalm 139. Scripture about we are wonderfully make in our Mother’s womb. Plus other stuff about us. How true all that. The song it speaks to me. What a friend we have in Jesus. That also makes me know Jesus is a true friend to all of that he loves no matter what. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Cx
Ligia Andrade says
Not only is the Lord our friend, but you and I get to be His children. You are His daughter and He deeply loves you. My prayer is that you will find a community where you can connect with others who can walk alongside you in this journey. I am so grateful that you are part of our (in)courage community. Many of us are praying for you!
Dawn Ferguson-Little says
Thank you for your reply. It so lovely what wrote. I look forward to more readings from you soon. I pray for all incourage. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
Madeline says
Too much to get into but I understand feeling like an unwanted child. I am 70 but it wasn’t until the last decade I finally have a strong relationship with God. And I understand the distance with my parents, my mother especially. How wonderful to know that God loves us no matter what, will never leave us and values us.
Ligia Andrade says
Isn’t it wonderful to know that He will never leave us? My life verse has been 27:10: “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.”(NLT) I share it with the hope you will be reminded that He holds you close!
Amada (pronounced: a.m.a.TH.a) says
Ligia Andrade says
Yes, praise Jesus!!! says
I was in tears reading you post. It gave me such insight into the barriers I felt were between God and I. I’ve never felt worthy of His love and grace. Thank you for opening a door I feel like I’ve been knocking on for years. Bless you and your journey.
Ligia Andrade says
Oh friend, know that you walk with God as you walk through the door that has been opened before you. Go with confidence, knowing that His healing awaits on the other side of that door.
Betsy Basile says
Dear Ligia, Your story made me sob as I had something similar as a 20 year old and I was date-raped and was pregnant within 3 weeks. I thought I was too young to have a baby. I had no idea what to do, but because of your story, I think for the first time in 55 years, I believe that this was part of my plan from God. At the time I just couldn’t figure out, Why did this happen to me? Turned out, I loved my son and I thought that I turned into a good mother, however the story doesn’t end there. My husband has dementia, is in denial for 6 years now and blames me for all. He was very violent and I suffered abuse every night for years until he really hurt me and I had to take action. Back to my son, he kept telling me I was lying about his father. It was only old age he kept saying even though I read the report from the psychoneurologist. He called me a week later and just said to me..”No longer tell anyone you have a son, because you are a liar and I do not consider you to be my mother anymore”. He hung up and took his father’s side and he has not spoken to me or seen me for 15 months now. I also have a 13 year old grandson and my son and his wife have alienated him against me. This has really been a heart-breaking thing for me. I love him with all my heart. Thank you for your story and I pray all the time that somehow they will come back to me, but Ligia, sometimes I just get overwhelmed and wonder why God is punishing me. I know that is wrong, but I am 76 years old and it scares me to think that something might not happen in a positive fashion before I leave this Earth. Sorry for rambling on. I will save your story and read it every day. May you have a Blessed Day…………Betsy Basile
Ligia Andrade says
Betsy, your words and story moved me to tears this morning. Thank you for your vulnerability and for sharing your heart. I prayed for you today. Though I don’t personally know you, our Father does. He isn’t the cause of our pain, but He will certainly redeem it and use it for His good. I stand in faith with you, believing in restoration between your son and extended family. Big hug!
Ligia Andrade says
One more thing, Betsy,
“I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14-14
Betsy Basile says
Dear Ligia……..Thank you so much for your reply. I am glad that someone finally knows this awful story as I still can’t believe it myself some days. Thank you also for your advice. Other people just don’t know what to say to me anymore. Also, I really appreciate the prayer you said for me. It truly means a lot to me. Blessings to you always and may I send you a big hug too. I don’t have anyone anymore, but I know I have Jesus. It is that just sometimes I would like a hug from someone I know and is standing there with me. I feel you were here and I felt your hub…………………..Betsy
Dawn Ferguson-Little says
I got this verse from God for Besty 1 Joshua verse 9. It says Have I not commanded you? Be strong do not be afraid not dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.NKJ. That is true the Lord is with you Besty. You are to be strong and not afraid. Not dismayed by all that has happened to you. God is with you wherever you go. That is so true. I said a prayer for you asking God to make the Family forgive for everything and you to forgive them what they believe. Make Friends with you. Get saved. If not saved. I also got for you Colossians 3 v 13 for you. It says Bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has complaint against another even as Christ forgive so you also must do. And verses 14&15 of same chapter. As what you wrote touched my heart. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Betsy Basile says
Dear Dawn….Thank you so much for your email. I reads it and will get my Bible out to read the scriptures you gave me.The problem I have with them is they have no faith. My husband dater-raped me 55 years ago and 3 weeks later I knew I was pregnant. I fought like H*** but I was no match for him, just graduated from College and was a football player. Back in the 60’s, when this kind of thing happened the woman was blamed for it so I had to marry him in a Catholic church because of the Baby and sign a paper that he would be brought up in the Catholic faith. I did but I said, I am Protestant UCC so he will have to take care of that and he did. My son did not like church and when he went away to college, there was no more church going for him. When he got married, I begged, pleaded, cried, yelled, to both of them that they should join a church so that the baby could be baptized and make his way thru Sunday School, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. They would not do it. I was so upset that my grandson was not going to be baptized, I cried for days, as in our church and I believe in the Catholic church there are 2 main covenants. 1) Baptism and 2) Holy Communion.I have forgiven them but my husband is still in denial about his Dementia. They will never make friends with me or get saved. I am not permitted to talk to my husband as he almost killed me and I had to serve him with a PFA or the doctors and the support groups I used for the Caregiving said that would be the next thing he would do and 10 minutes later, he would not remember that he did it. Thank you for caring enough to send me an email. For the last 15 months I have been trying to get this divorce finalized, but both Attorneys are dragging their feet and now my Lawyer is in Italy for two weeks. He is 81 years old and should have retired years ago. I did most of the legwork as my husband never told me how much money we had and where it was and come to find out, he never wrote down any user ID’ s or passwords. This isn’t the end of what I have been going thru, but I have already bother you enough. Thanks again. Love………..Betsy B
Lisa Wilt says
Thank you for sharing your story. We each have times we feel unwanted. I remember feeling this way in grade school. I’m so grateful your wound from childhood is healing. God is good.
Ligia Andrade says
God is indeed good and very kind! I hope you have also found healing from your grade school years and are reminded today that you are deeply loved.
Hope says
A timely reminder of God’s grace in my perceived rejection(s). Thank you, Ligia. God bless you for sharing your touching story.
Ligia Andrade says
Bless you, friend, thank you for reading!
Rebecca says
Thank you for this. I know but it is difficult to remind myself. I have been depressed on and off for years and back on a medication but I felt like being depressed and taking a medication to help would be a sin.
Ligia Andrade says
Rebecca, I pray that this reminder and these words will be imprinted on your heart and mind. May you never forget how deeply loved you are by the Creator of the Universe.
Beth Williams says
Praise God your mom told you the story & helped start the healing from childhood. God has plans for each of us. He places us on a journey through this life. I was an (oops) child. My parents were 40 when I came. They already had three girls 13, 9, 7. Mama wanted a boy so bad, but God had other ideas. Years later I know exactly why I was put here. My parents’ dementia got bad & I ended up their caregiver. Psalm 139:13-16 really speak to me. It talks about God knitting us together fearfully & wonderfully. He has plans ordained for us before we were even born. Thanks for sharing your story.
Blessings 🙂