Today is different from any other day I’ve ever experienced.
In just hours, my family will lay my dad’s remains to rest after a quiet church service. Eighteen months ago, I moved my parents from their small farming community to live near me in Kansas City. My mom needed help caring for my dad. Dementia stole his memory, while Parkinson’s disease stole his mobility.
He was confined to a wheelchair and his rugged Levi jeans were replaced with diapers. But, unlike many end-stage Parkinson’s patients, Dad was still able to swallow . . . which meant he was able to eat. We were so grateful for this answer to prayer.
His ability to eat was no small thing. Dad thought everything was better with bacon, which he loved about as much as he loved my mom’s chocolate chip cookies. In fact, the last thing he ate the day before he left this earth was an entire sheet of cookies straight from the oven.
Remembering this brings us joy, even on this painful day. Tucked between hard memories are these soft pillows of goodness, a comfort for our hearts as we grieve. The quiet minutes before I leave for the church offer more pillows of goodness — a chance to remember all God’s blessings during this hard journey.
Maybe you aren’t facing end-of-life issues for yourself or a loved one, but perhaps you’re facing end-of-marriage issues. Maybe you’re not physically sick but you’re worried sick over a wayward child. Perhaps you aren’t mourning the death of your dad but you’re mourning the lack of a dad for your children. Perhaps your father or your child’s father was, or is, absent due to separation, substance abuse, or health issues. Maybe it’s because of work demands, misplaced values, or mental illness.
At times, each of us will face something unbearably difficult. In John 16:33, Jesus says that we will all go through hard times. Yet, He also promises to give us everlasting joy, reminding us that He has overcome this pain-filled world. The loss of my dad? That qualifies as a trial — and so does whatever you’re facing today. Friends, I know this hard season may last for a while, and I know that I need to lean on my heavenly Father and His promises. So, I’ve bookmarked Psalm 136, and have welcomed its twenty-six verses to give me twenty-six reasons to give thanks for God’s faithful love. You’re probably familiar with the first verse: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:23 is my favorite verse: “He remembered us in our weakness. His faithful love endures forever.”
Throughout my life, my dad was a pillar of strength whenever I was a puddle of tears. Now that he’s no longer here, I’ve been feeling weepy and weak. Although, perhaps, “weak” isn’t quite the right word. I think the better word is “weary.” As I’ve kept myself busy with all the tasks associated with a loss like this — partly out of necessity and partly out of an attempt to distract my bruised heart — I’ve become worn down. Maybe you’ve been there, too, whether because of a death or a move or a job change or the end of a relationship. Between being busy and deeply sad, we can end up so shaken and weary.
When this happens, God invites us to lean on Him . . . to accept the peace that surpasses human understanding. This is what is promised in Philippians 4:6-7: “Don’t worry about anything; Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
When we feel weary, we need God’s Word to empower and remind us that we are more than conquerors. Those seasons when we feel weary with grief and exhaustion are exactly the times we most need to remember God’s promises:
- We are His children. (1 John 3:1)
- We are chosen and dearly loved. (Colossians 3:12)
Friends, if you’re in the middle of a hard season today, I encourage you to rest your soul and join me in thanking our heavenly Father for His love and constant presence. I pray we can remember His truth even when we are weary and our world is shaken. Let us thank Him for being our Daddy, our Abba, who invites us to rest in His love until we rest in His arms.
My condolences and prayers to you and your family, Lisa. What a compelling glimpse into the importance of rest during every season of our lives. Thank you for transparency. May God continue to bestow his best to you and your family. May our eyes be open to the people in our lives who need rest.
Lisa, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s been 26 years since we lost my Dad very similarly with Parkinson’s & Dementia. You are absolutely right it is our heavenly Daddy & His Word that carries us through the hard seasons! Tomorrow we gather to celebrate the life of a very close friend of over 40 years. We celebrate through tears & wonder just how best to support his widow when the family & busyness of end of life activities lessen. God’s Word, our hugs & our presence is the answer, leading with the love God has given to us. Blessings! (((0)))
Oh I am so sorry to hear that your dad also suffered from Parkinson’s and Dementia. You understand completely how hard days can be.
Just being there for your friend who lost her husband of 40 years is a beautiful thing. Words are not always required, I agree. Hugs from friends who care may be the best.
Thank you for your virtual hug and comfort across the miles.
And thank you for sharing.
Very well written. Thank you for your words.
You’re so very welcome. Losing a parent is hard. Life has so many hard things. God is faithful to walk alongside us.
Lisa – so sorry for your loss. Having buried both my father and father-in-law, I can empathize with you. Father’s Day is hard for my husband and me, but we’re grateful to always have our Heavenly Father! May you enjoy Him this Sunday along with sweet memories of your earthly dad!
Yes! I’m so grateful for my Heavenly Father… For our Heavenly Father! We are so blessed with Faith to know that someday we will be with them again. Until then I’d like to think that they are looking down on us. The funny thing is my dad always wanted me to be a pharmacist (which I did become). I always wanted to write. It’s no coincidence to me that on the day that he was buried, this devotional that I wrote was selected to be shared with others.
Thank you for inviting us into this me of the hardest days of your life. Your honesty and vulnerability is a gift and the way you point yourself (and us) to God’s blessings in the midst of trial is an example we can follow. I’m bookmarking Psalm 136, too!
Christina , your words make me smile! Someone 36 is a favorite because it’s easy to remember too. Burying dad, was a hard day yet I have to smile because he knew I always wanted to write. I can’t help but to think that he is smiling even now as others are reading what I wrote the day we laid him to rest.
Thank you, Lisa for this reminder to give thanks at all times and in all situations! Our suffering has redemptive power. The world needs to know that real joy is found in union with God, even when we are carrying heavy crosses. He never promised we would have no pain on this pilgrimage called Earth, only that He would accompany us through it, uniting ourselves with His perfect will on our own journey to everlasting life. May your Dad rest in peace and May God grant you the grace one day to be united with him in Heaven forever.
Thank you, Marcia! Your words are comforting for sure. I too know that suffering has its place and is redemptive even though it’s hard. When we’re on our knees, there’s no place better to be than with God in prayer. The hard days I believe give even more heights to our joy. Today I feel like dad is smiling from heaven because he knew that I always wanted to write and this is the first piece that Dayspring (in)courage is sharing is one about him! How perfect is that?
He was a good Earthly father and we have a good Heavenly Father as well. I’m so grateful in the midst of grief.
Yes Lisa let thank Our Heavenly Father for his love. Our God has helped show love to my Elderly Father. No matter what. As Days his memory good and days it not. It can be hard as you have to not let it annoy you he likes that. Or it hard looking after him. As you can get frustrated with him. As you go to help him. When he can’t do something. He will not let you. You got to have patience and keep on showing him love. Like Jesus shows us love no matter what. Do what you do for him in love. God told me that. Plus I know people would say it kids song. But it so true for us Adults as well. It is “Jesus Love Me This I Know For The Bible Tells Me So” How true that song is for Kids and Adults alike as it is true Jesus does love us and we have to thank our God for that ans thank him for giving me thr only one saved in my family. Even though I pray for their salvation all of them even my Dad’s who is 83. The strength to love them all no matter what and I thank God for that. As I do my Dad’s Home Help for the Love of the Lord and the Love of my Dad. Love today’s reading. Thank you Lisa. Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xxx
Dawn- bless your soulThank you for sharing. My heart goes out to you as you are in the midst of the hardest part right now. Dementia steals so much. And those with dementia need our help but… You’re so right… It can be very frustrating. Especially when they’re confused and angry and don’t understand and you’re just trying to help. Please know that I only sympathize and empathize with you, but I’m praying for you. You are doing the right thing, honoring your earthly father. That’s the first commandment with a promise “that you will live long life in the land.”
I will tell you that when my father did pass, we had already started the mourning process. And I think because we had cared for him hands-on every day through thick and thin, we had no regrets. Regrets can be heavy. You won’t have any regrets either. Keep on loving your father as unto Christ and I’ll keep on lifting you up in prayer.
Thank you Lisa for what you wrote. You given me lots to think about to do with my Dad. He 83 now. Not saved. I pray for his Salvation. Days he is ok days he not. Doing a lot of sleeping. You have him talking to you half when you half why through saying something he falls asleep. Only hid carer takes him out. I do his house. He be lost and he needs to get out to try keep his memory good and see his friends for coffee sometimes. I could go round to do his house. He say what day is it. What are you doing here. I have to tell him the day and why I here. Thank you for the bottom of my heart for what you shared. To do with your late Dad it has been God send to me and helped me so much. I will pray for you. Even though your Dad not hear any more. You as family can be thankful on God for all you did for your Dad. I say to people saved or not saved. I am doing my Dad’s Home for the Love of the Lord and my Dad. Because I love them both. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen. Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland.
Lisa I know you miss you Dad. I got this one time. If saved from God. The person no longer Here is saved. Remember all the good times together. Keep all them memories in your heart and thank God for them. Then look at this way because they where and you are. You may not have them on this earth but you have something to look forward to because they were saved. That when your time up on earth you will see them again with Jesus. You have that to look forward to. If died of illness. Or just passed away. Next time when you leave earth to go to Glory you will see them with a brand new body no more sickness or suffering. That keeps me going for all the saved that I know that are no longer here. So true that is. Yes I miss them like you do your Dad. But look at it that way. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xc
Thank you so much for your thoughtful words. I am so grateful that I will see my dad again in heaven someday. That promise takes the sting of death away!
Condolences on the loss of your precious father. Many years ago I walked this journey with my dad and we laid him to rest 4 days before Christmas. Thank you for sharing tender moments and for pointing our gaze upward to hope.
Nida-Thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry that you had to bury your father around Christmas time as well. The crazy thing was here in Kansas City, it was subzero weather. It was so cold that even the national news picked up on people at the Chiefs football game getting frostbite. I’ll never forget that week. Hard but in many ways, very tender. God is good. He provided soft pillows.
Praying for you today. That He will give you a generous portion of peace and strength, grace for the journey of grief. Thank you for sharing your heart and giving encouragement from His Word.
My husband of 55 years died last year, so now I am a pastor’s widow. Grief has been known to our family for many years, having buried my parents when they were 49 and 51, and a granddaughter who was 8.
He is faithful, so very faithful. But it is a tough journey, even tho we know they are safely in heaven.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband. 55 years is a long time. Two become one flesh.
I’m shocked and so very sorry you lost your granddaughter. I can’t imagine. I have a 1-year-old grandson whom I babysit. I know that God would give me strength, but I just can’t imagine the pain.
You are a strong woman with a strong faith. ((((hugs)))) Thank you for your prayers. Some days I really need encouragement.
Dear Lisa………………..This story today perfectly tells my story of my life the last 6 years. I am in a season of grief and exhaustion. I don’t have a printer or I would print this one off and post it right by my side. My husband has dementia and has been in denial for six years. The grief comes from my only child, who called me one night a year and a half ago and told me that my voicemails to him to update him on his father’s condition were all lies and he no longer consider me his mother and I would not be able to see my 12 year old (at that time) grandson or be able to even talk to him and he just hung up. My heart broke in pieces and no matter how much I pray and how many times I tell Christ Jesus how I feel. The whole thing has brought me down. I continue to pray and I certainly will get my Bible and look up those Bible references you gave to us. I have to divorce him as the doctors told me I could never live with him and the dementia rages he gets that are really violent because he drinks way too much. I have no other family so the place that I live in, they will not help you with anything. I am always just weary. I don’t sleep much so that doesn’t help and I am 76 years old soon to be 77. I know that Christ Jesus is there for me, but I don’t know if I am doing the right thing. Both the lawyers are dragging their feet with getting the Property Settlement done and our house was sold back in October, 2023. Thank you so much for your story. I really do think that you are an angel sent to me from God to help me. Love and a Blessed Day I hope you have……………….Betsy Basile
Betsy – I wish I could (((hug you))) and just sit with you. No advice. Just company together with Jesus who is always beside you.
I understand what you are going through with the dementia.
It is so lonely sometimes.
It is terrifying other times when they are out of their head.
It’s sad and frustrating at the same time. IT’S JUST SO HARD. Add to that the other issues your husband has with alcohol. That makes everything even harder. When other family members don’t understand or don’t help, it’s incredibly unfair and frustrating.
Betsy – I am so sorry you are experiencing all this at once along with the legal and monetary stresses. Please be gentle with yourself knowing that you are doing your best. Don’t add any additional weight of guilt to what you are already carrying. I am praying for you and will continue to. I’ve go lots of hours I’ll be driving this week so know that I will lift you up during that time. I pray our Heavenly Father’s comfort for you during this tough, tough times.
With Love and Peace,
Dear Lisa……..Your replies really helped me. I wasn’t thinking of it, but you are absolutely correct about the loneliness even though I know God is always with me, Sometimes I just feel like getting a hug from a person standing right in front of me. Your words are so special to me and I will continue to try and take one small step at a time. Hope you enjoy wherever you are traveling and most of all, thank you for the reply and the prayers. That is what I really need. Blessed Day to you and your family.
Love also to you………………..Betsy
You said something that reminded me of something my dad would always say…”Put one foot in front of the other.” Such sound and wise advice. With God by our side, we can take the next right step, can’t we? His strength is made perfect in our weakness. And in the midst of bad, he provides “pillows of softness” and joy. God works all things together for our good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his plan. (Romans 8:28). This promise keeps me LOOKING for the good like flowers popping up between the bricks on my patio.
Sending you love and peace from across the miles,
God has sent so many blessings to bring comfort. I appreciate you.
Such encouraging words from a sweet sister in Christ! None of us escape trials and hardships, but they are beyond bearable with the promises and hope found in our heavenly Father. Thank you, Lisa, for the beautiful reminder!
YOU are so welcome.
I’m so grateful for the body of Christ for all the soft pillows of comfort.
You’re right. Hardships and trials are more bearable when we know our Heavenly Father is right beside us.
Blessings and peace sprinkled with joy,
I’m writimg soft pillows of goodness on the front of my daily gratitude journal!
First of all, I love your name! I had a dear friend growing up in Mattoon who shared your name. So lovely.
Yes – God does provide soft pillows of goodness between hard things.
I pray you have “soft pillows” to comfort you always,
Sending you the peace that passes all understanding,
Losing a father is so hard. May the memories of happy times together and the love of your Heavenly Father sustain you.
Thank you and bless you. We each have hard trials and having friends in faith sure helps us get through!
Sending love across the miles,
Both my father and mother had dementia when they passed into heaven, but I remember so dearly that it was my Dad who talked to me and encouraged me with so much kindness and love even when he had to correct me or discipline me. I miss them both so very much, but especially my daddy. I was his first born and he loved me and guided me with love and wisdom. God bless you all as you remember your dad’s and God bless us all for our heavenly Father who never fails and will never leave us nor forsake us!
I am so very sorry that both your parents suffered with dementia!
I never realized how bad it was until dementia stole my earthly father from me. Like your father mine was always so kind and supportive. It was privilege to honor him by caring for him in his final years. My mom was the real superhero. I was just supporting them both.
Now my dad I feel is smiling down from heaven. He’s himself again and your parents are too. (We don’t want to remember how their minds were crippled with all that went with dementia.)
Being the first born, it sounds like YOU had a VERY SPECIAL place in your earthly Father’s heart. And I can tell how much you love your Heavenly Father. Keep walking in faith until you walk straight into His heavenly arms.
With love,
Thank you Lisa so much for your very kind words and understanding! You are so encouraging! Thank you for being so honest and open about your experiences. That helped many of us to open up and to know that we’re not alone. That alone brings healing and restoration and freedom from feelings of failure.
I love reading anything and everything written by my friend Lisa. Very uplifting God is good
Yes! God bears us up on eagles wings when we are weary. We can rest in his arms!
Thank you for your comments and love across the miles.
Sending you joy,
Lisa’s devotion gives us hope and encouragement when our wings can’t fly
Oh, I love how you said that. When “our wings can’t fly”, our Father lifts us up!
Thank you. Your words are a blessing, pressed down, shaken together and flowing over!
With joy mingled with sorrow,
Oh Lisa this made me sad and scared I am fortunate to have not lost my parents! However this gives me hope and peace to savor the time we have together knowing I will never be alone! God is good even in the darkest days! Love you friend
Yes…”God is good even on the darkest days.” You are right.
And you are so wise to enjoy your parents while you have them. And thank God for their health if they still have it…and their minds if they still have their memory.
I believe God wants us to delight in the good. He is with us in the hard providing “pillows of softness.”
Sending you heavenly JOY,
This devotion touched my heart deeply. I lost my dad almost 5 years ago and Father’s Day is approaching which is a hard day as I was daddy’s girl and he was my “go to” through everything. I lost my mom 9 month’s ago and the entire year from May 5, 2023 when she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, passed away in 4 month’s, until now has been a horrible year dealing with family. Psalm 136 will be my go to and lean on my Savior for comfort until the chapter is final. Lisa, your inspiration and on fire for God is amazing so thank you!
I am so very sorry for both of your losses. Not having your parents can leave us feeling orphaned.
Multiple Myeloma is so hard! Any cancer is difficult but myeloma is particularly grueling. I will lift you up in prayer.
Isn’t it comforting to know that we can rest in our Heavenly Father’s arms?
This has been a year of mourning for you. After such a hard year, I pray you will have good that rains down as your parents smile from heaven.
Sending you peace mingled with joy,
I am sorry for the loss of your dad. You are so eloquent with your words, and inspire many through your own experiences. May God continue to give you His peace in this time.
Angela –
Thank you for your comforting words. I have to smile because my dad wanted me to become a pharmacist so I did but…I always wanted to write. This piece is the first to be published by (in)courage. I think my earthly father is smiling down from heaven happy that I can now write in retirement.
God is good.
Much love and tender mercies,
Dad was such a good man and will be remembered deeply in our hearts forever. He’s in heaven right now looking down upon us and still giving us his amazing guidance. We were certainly blessed to have him as our earthly father…God bless his soul. Amen.
Yes – He filled the BIG shoes of being our earthly father so well showing us unconditional love like our Heavenly Father. We were blessed to have such a strong and faithful father who cheered us on. I believe he is still supporting us from heaven. It makes me happy that this first devotional picked up and shared by (in)courage is about him.
With much love,
Thank you Lisa. I’m sorry for your loss.
I too have bookmarked Psalm 136. When seasons are tough it’s nice to be reminded God never leaves us…even when we feel so alone, sad and don’t want to be grateful or joyful…He will wait \0/
Janet – Your words ring true!
Our Heavenly Father is always there waiting…listening…comforting…supporting…providing peace that passes understanding.
And I love the \0/. so perfect! Praise be to God.
The JOY of the Lord is our strength.
Much love,
What an appropriate devotional for this Father’s day weekend! My father has also passed – 13 years ago this Sunday….. Your words are so encouraging! I love “pillows of goodness”! Which reminds me to rest in His blessings and to be grateful for His mercy and goodness — especially in times of trial. I know that your Dad is proud of you! Thank you for sharing your story!
Even though I have not lost my father due to death, I lost him when I was 11 years old. He chose not to be a part of my and my brothers’ lives. It is always reassuring to read a great devotional like this to remind me that God, our Heavenly Father is always there for me. Thank you!
Losing a dad at that young age under those circumstances could be devastating. I’m so sorry. Our earthly fathers are supposed to be an example of our Heavenly Father…those are BIG shoes to fill. You have done well, even in this hard trial.
Thank the Lord we are never left alone to find our way. Even in the hard there are “pillows of softness.”
Keep shining and radiating joy dear friend!
Sending peace,
As always your words are uplifting. I am going thru struggles myself and this reminds me to hold on He is with me. Even in the bad-God is near.
Thanks for your insight.
Keep blessing others !!
Yes even in the bad he promises to bring good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His plan.
You are called!
Sending strength through prayers right now,
So beautifully articulated!! I’m facing my first Father’s Day without my dad too. My heart is also weary, but I take comfort in all the wonderful memories that caress my heart
It’s so hard to lose those we love. Prayers to you and your family for strength and peace in the weariness.
Here’s to finding “soft pillows of goodness” during this Father’s Day weekend.
Sending you peace,
It’s so wonderful to know that we have a heavenly father, who never leaves us! Even during hard times he provides pillows softness! I absolutely love that your dad got to eat an entire plate of warm, chocolate chip cookies, fresh from the oven. How yummy! And what a wonderful memory. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for this tender post. Losing a parent is so difficult. Remembering God’s promises in the middle of the pain does provide those pillows of goodness.
Lori –
You’re so welcome. I’m grateful for all the good years I/we had with my Dad before dementia set in.
I hope you had a wonderful father who loved you like our Heavenly Father! Earthy fathers have such big shoes to fill modeling unconditional love to us.
Have a blessed Father’s Day!
Sending you JOY,
Lisa, I’m so sorry for your great earthly loss…but so happy for your dad’s great heavenly gain. What a loving tribute this is to him!
Yes! That’s a great way to look at loss. My dad is surely enjoying heaven. In fact, I think he is smiling from heaven. He was such a good earthy Father. I pray you know the unconditional love of an earthly dad?!
Have a restful weekend,
I love this girl!!! Thank you Lisa. This tribute to your fathers in heaven are perfectly timed this Father’s Day weekend. Thank you for reminding us of whom to turn through our universal trials and tribulations. Many of us face the trials that go along with aging parents and the cycle of life! No one escapes hardship on this earth. Thank you for normalizing the every day struggles that we face. God bless you in your writing. I hope everyone finds your books As inspirational as I do available on Amazon!
Your words are so comforting. Isn’t it amazing how God always returns to us more than we give…pressed down, shaken together and flowing over?
I am so grateful that we have the unconditional love of our Heavenly Father!
You are so RIGHT. This world can feel so WRONG and hard; it’s such a blessing to have God on our side.
“If God is for us, who can be against us?”
I appreciate your insights, Shelly!
Sending Love and Joy for those hard moments,
To my Mom,
You’ve carried our family through many trials, but we’ve always known the truth: God carried you so that you could carry us.
Elijah and I love you very much,
You are so very right… God has carried us through. I dont know where I’d be without him. And he always shows up in wonderful ways.
It’s easy to become so busy we forget to look for him. But he always brings soft pillows of goodness during hard times. He works all things together for good.
I am very grateful for you!
Thank you for your encouraging words!
YOU are so welcome. it’s wonderful that we can encourage one another in the body of Christ.
Sending you Joy!
My husband and I listened to this devotional together and started crying at the same because were so moved by its depth and beauty. It is the perfect Father’s Day gift, and any-day-gift, to share with those you love.❤️
I’m grateful that it ministered to you! God is so good to come alongside us in so many ways. One of the ways that I’ve always felt tremendously blessed is by others in the body of Christ. We are on this life journey together. I am grateful for sisters and brothers in Christ.
Sending you His Joy pressed down, shaken together and flowing over!
You inspire me to keep my eyes on Jesus!
Together, we can fix our eyes on Jesus. He can fix anything!
We may not know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future!
Beautifully written and many verses to cling to during the trials we’re facing. Thank you, Lisa.
Elaine-Blessings to you. I’ve heard it said that we may not know what tomorrow holds but we know Who holds tomorrow. This is so true, especially in grief. I pray you have a blessed Father’s Day weekend however you celebrate.✝️ Peace to you.
I love this reminder, Lisa, though I’m also so sorry for your loss. Going through a difficult season over the last few years, I’ve only survived because of God’s constant loving presence. So grateful!
I find so much comfort from fellow sisters in the body of Christ like you.
I’ve heard it said that while we may not know what the future holds, we know Who holds the future.
I pray that you have a blessed holiday weekend with your family!
Sending JOY across the miles!
You bring truth and wisdom to the forefront.
We all experience hardships, death, trials and tribulations, but if one embraces the love of God and allow Him to guide us, we will be able to move forward.
I too lost my biological father at the age of 7 and although I was too young to grasp the concept of death and eternal life, I have grown to accept the plan God had for my father, my mother, and my siblings.
Thank you for your perspective! It’s refreshing and inspiring.
Thank you for sharing. I can’t imagine being seven years old and losing your earthly father. They fill such huge shoes teaching us how to love ❤️ unconditionally like our heavenly father.
Blessings to you and your family during the Holiday weekend! I pray that you’re able to celebrate with those you love most!
Sending you joy across the miles,
This was so nice to read. I lost my dad on June 13, 2013 right before Father’s Day. Reading your post today was very healing for me. Your dad sounds like a great man who carried himself like most of his generation did.
We could all do to raise our children to be like him.
Lisa, what a beautifully written homage to your father and your love for him. This devotional made me pause and reflect on the love of my earthly father, how much he meant to me. I still miss him so much, but it also reminded me of the hope we have in Christ, as He brings us before our Heavenly Father to be loved and cherished by Him. There is no greater peace on earth than experiencing God’s great love and grace. Thank you for reminding us just how awesome that is. I’ve so enjoyed reading all of your books too. You write with such grace, humor and empathy that your works “speak” to me and I always leave feeling enlightened and encouraged. Please keep up the good work and may God bless all of your efforts as you teach others of His great love.
Your words are so meaningful and bring me comfort. You have reached so many people and I appreciate all you do! Thank you for making a difference for Christ!
When you’re reunited with your father in heaven, I imagine along with Jesus he will say “well done though good and faithful servant! “ wherever
With joy and peace,
This is such a beautifully & brilliantly written message & just the words of encouragement I needed to read today!! Thank you for your inspiration that has given me peace today!!!
You are so very welcome. We each need one another in the body of Christ.
It’s such a blessing to be able to bless others. God always returns to us pressed down shaken together and flowing over.
I’ve heard it said, we may not know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow!
With Love
I am so sorry for your loss.
Your words are offering me peace tonight as I am watching my father deal with Parkinson’s.
Very hard.
I’m so very sorry to hear your dad is stepping in with Parkinson’s. Does he have the dementia component?
It’s such a hard progressive disease. My heart goes out to you, and you are in my prayers!
Blessings to you on this holiday weekend,
I love the reminder that even in hard times we have to remember that God is always with us and will strengthen us. I love that your dad had homemade chocolate chip cookies at the end of his earthly journey. Thank you for your inspiration and devotion.
Barb –
Yes! That was such a blessing and it still makes me smile to remember that he ate a whole plate of my mom’s cookies. And a reminder to all of us to enjoy every day!
Blessings to you on Holiday weekend!
Lisa, I am so sorry for your family’s loss. I am so grateful that he is whole and complete at the feet of his Savior. Your words reminding us of God’s forever promises is food for the soul. He does go before us and peace can always be found in Him. Thank you for this beautiful reminder and sending prayers to your mom and your family in this time.
Thank you for your kind words. Like you, I do find such comfort in knowing that will be reunited with our loved ones in heaven. I’m so looking forward to hearing my Heavenly Father say “well done thou good and faithful servant!” And knowing that my earthly father helped me along the way!
And I’m so grateful for the body of Christ as we uplift one another. I’ve heard it said that we don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow! We can rest knowing this!
Sending you Joy,
In life we experience all different types of losses. This is true no matter what chapter of the journey we are on. Thank you for the reminder that we need not bear it alone. God provides the support and strength needed when we cannot.
You said it perfectly. We don’t need to bear these hardships and losses alone. God is with us.
Blessings to you during this holiday weekend!
This devotion applies to all of our lives. Pain is always with us in one form or another but knowing we can share it with God makes it bearable.
I’m so grateful for fellow sojourners like you and I look forward seeing loved ones again in heaven.
Yes, I agree. We’re not alone as we face hardships.
Sending you JOY,
Lisa, reading all these comments today, your post obviously touched so many! And with me, also. I also was a came giver to my beloved mom, who passed from a brain tumor at 63 and my precious dad at 67, who passed four months later, with lung cancer and a broken heart from missing mom. My life has never been the same, but I am thankful that God blessed me two such loving and wonderful parents, for as long as I did have them. It was a blessing and honor to care and be strong for them in their time of need. They passed in 2001, and I still miss them every day. But God made a way for us to all be together again someday! Praise God, for His amazing grace and tender mercies. I am so sorry for the loss of your dad…I know the journey has been weary and long, but could we, as daughters, have lived this chapter any other way? As much as it all hurt, I was so blessed to be with them “for a time such as this.”
I am so sorry to hear about your mother and your father. It breaks my heart that your father died so soon after your mom from a broken heart.
You’ve done well since they’ve been gone. And you did well to care for them.
I’m so grateful that in the body of Christ, we can lift one another up, and even more importantly that we have the promise of heaven to see them again someday.
Sending Love and (((hugs)))) across the miles,
You’re so right! We have to hope of heaven. I’m so grateful God stays with us through the hard stuff providing “pillows of softness.”
Down by the landfill so grateful for the body of Christ that we can support each other through hard times.
With profound gratefulness,
This was an incredibly encouraging post! So thankful for loving earthly fathers that provide a real-time yet small glimpse of what God our Father has for us regarding love and steadfastness.
You are such a light to all Lisa! ⭐️ I enjoy your words ~ your messages always come at the right time, when I need them the most! Truly God Moments!
Thank you for your kind words and condolences. I’m so grateful that we have the promise of heaven. Hope keeps us afloat, doesn’t it?
Sending (((hugs))) across the miles,
Thank you for this message. I have experienced this many times,the latest yesterday. You have expressed this beautifully.
Oh my gosh, you lost somebody just yesterday. Our losses are hard. I’m just so grateful to hope of heaven so that we can be with our loved ones.
Blessings to you during this difficult time,
Thank you Lisa for Godly encouragement and faithfulness!
You are so very welcome! Have a wonderful holiday Father’s Day weekend no matter how you celebrate, Lisa
Beautiful ❤️ Thank you, friend, for sharing. As we miss our Daddies in heaven “ we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18
You’re so very welcome Noel! I love that scripture verse too that you shared. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, He can fix anything. We may not know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow!
Have a fantastic holiday weekend, Lisa
Lisa, thanks for sharing these inspirational thoughts. Transitions are hard, and we get weary. But GOD is strongest when we are weak.
That words of wisdom… When we are weak, he is strong. He carries us.
I’m so grateful for his love and the promise of eternity!
Sending you Joy
I appreciate how easy your writing is to read and comprehend and to the point. Thank you for your inspiration and I am glad you were able to find some comfort from our Father in heaven.
God is so good… He tucks the beautiful in with the bad, always providing comfort when we open our eyes to see Him.
Grateful this devotional spoke to you. Sending you joy during this Father’s Day weekend,
Great memories I have of Uncle Cliff and Aunt Rose go back so far and are deeply a part of me…
Losing both my parents now leaves a big hole in my heart so I know how hard it is to lose a parent. But memories never leave my heart and I am grateful for them.
Hope to never lose track of my cousins and the past we share
And I have such good memories of aunt Martha and uncle Don. I’m so grateful for you, Nancy and so grateful for family! Hard to believe that only bill is left in mattoon. I’m so grateful for Facebook and other ways to keep in touch. Recently, I really enjoyed seeing a picture of Amber. Gosh she looks so much like the Nale family!
Many blessings to you always, especially on this holiday weekend as we celebrate our fathers both here and those fathers that wait for us in heaven!
Love Across the miles
Lisa has a talent for constantly finding ways to point us toward Jesus in our trials and everyday living.
Thank you for your kind words! I’m grateful that Jesus always meet us in our trials. My prayers that I am always alert enough to see Him in his gentleness.
Sending you Joy on this holiday weekend,
You are shining example of how to Walk beside Jesus, through thick and thin!
This is so encouraging. I haven’t had my dad’s earthly presence for six years now, and Father’s Day is a reminder of the loss and all of the “lost things” that went with him. It’s comforting to have you put it into words and even connect it to other hard things, other losses and trials. Thank you. I didn’t realize how much I needed to read that until I read that. Grateful.
You are so very welcome.
In my own life hard things come clustered together and just wear can just wear me down. That’s when I most appreciate God who lifts me up!
I think every Father’s Day will be a bit sad but sprinkled with the joy of knowing that we get to see our fathers in heaven again someday. In fact, I picture them being one of the first ones to greet us at the pearly gate.
Lisa- Thinking of you, your mom, and family as you celebrate Father’s Day without your dear father this year. My dad has been gone 18 years. While I know he is in Heaven, he is very missed here on earth. May God be close to comfort you during your grief.
Philippians 4:9 NIV
“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
Thank you for your continued encouragement.
That’s a beautiful verse from Philippians and a beautiful promise!
I’m so grateful that we both will be able to see our fathers in heaven and until then we have the hope of heaven. And that’s enough!
Thank you for your faith and friendship! Have an incredible Father’s Day weekend whatever you do
Sending you (((hugs))) and across the miles,
That’s a beautiful verse from Philippians and a beautiful promise!
I’m so grateful that we both will be able to see our fathers in heaven and until then we have the hope of heaven. And that’s enough!
Thank you for your faith and friendship! Have an incredible Father’s Day weekend whatever you do
Sending you (((hugs))) and across the miles,
What an inspiring man and rock of our family. He will be missed!
Yes. We do miss him dearly but are so grateful for all the years we had with him. Moreover, we’re grateful for the hope and promise of heaven to come!
Sending Father’s Day joy,
I appreciate you reminding us that God is always here for us and holds us during times of weariness. We are in the process of losing my Uncle to cancer. He is currently in hospice house.The roller coaster of emotions can be overwhelming, and I need to remember to always turn to God first and rest in Him and His love.
I’m so sorry to hear that you are losing your uncle to cancer. Those last days are always so hard, especially if they’re in pain.
It’s wonderful that you can find comfort in your faith. And isn’t it so incredible to know that we will be able to be reunited with him in heaven again?
Sending you (((hugs))) and Hope,
Lisa, My heart still aches for you for the loss of you father. Mine has been gone now for 13 years, and the sting still remains. I know God has bigger plans for us, so we much wait patiently for our time to reunite.
Your words truly are a reminder that God, the Father is there for us. Especially in these times of our weariness. We are so blessed and so loved, how can we not see that he is with is through everything! I’m so thankful for you and your writings, you always know when we need them.
God bless!
Lisa, thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry that you lost your dad 13 years ago. I’m so grateful that we have the promise of heaven honestly, that takes the sting of death away. My dad suffered a lot with Parkinson’s disease and the dementia was the worst part of it. I know he’s at peace now and I’m reassured that I’ll get to spend eternity with him! So very grateful! Whatever you’re doing today for Father’s Day I pray blessings upon you!
(((hugs))) Across the Miles, Lisa,
Lisa, what a gift your heart is to so many, myself included. I’m so very sorry for your loss. My dad passed away 13 years ago. He liked bacon and cookies too. And hamburgers, pie, and a big plate of spaghetti. 🙂
I’m smiling thinking of them enjoying a heavenly meal together — whole in every way. The waves of grief never fully go away, but I can tell you they do change. Let the Good Father hold you when they swell big and you are weary from their crash (or weary from running away). He’s got you. He’s right there with you. I know you know this. Praying you also feel it today in tangible ways.
Such a gift to host your words here on (in)courage.
Thank you for your kind words. You are so right. There are waves grief with underlying calmness, knowing I’ll have heaven to reunite with my dad and I’ll have no more dementia.
It’s been an absolute blessing to be able to share with readers.
With Love,
Lisa I love your words. I’m blessed to still have both my father and father in law in my life but this encourages me to hold tightly and praise God everyday for them both!! Thank you for sharing!!
Parents are such a blessing. I’m so grateful that you still have yours. Enjoy them. Honor them. It was an honor to help care for my dad and helped make the grieving process easier.
I pray you have a delightful Summer,
I’ve been in your shoes. Mom had dementia was bedridden for two years before God took her home. Six years later my dad’s dementia got worse. He moved into one assisted living. Later on we put him on hospice & then the psych issues started. The problem was hospice took dad off ALL his meds. He spent one month in gero psych ward. I learned hard on Jesus during that time. Many tears were shed & prayers lifted up Moved to a new,, closer assisted living. He did fine for about 1 year. Then I think he had a stroke. Back to gero psych ward & that is where God chose to take him home. That was years after mom passed. I was happy in that their suffering was over. God saw me through those 10 long years.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for sharing! As you described what your mom and then your dad went through, my heart remembered all of my dad’s hard struggles. And like you, I thank God that he’s at home with his heavenly father… With our heavenly father! And I’m so grateful that we have the promise of heaven to be united as a family someday.
It sounds like you did your very best to honor your father and mother also. We have no regrets.
Many blessings to you!☀️