I wake up and stretch my legs under the high-thread-count sheets. The luxury cotton feels good on my slightly sore muscles, a reminder of yesterday’s five-and-a-half-mile trek along the lake. The cabin is quiet. I tip-toe upstairs to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea. It’s nice to warm my hands on a hot cup in the chilly mountain air.
Back in my bottom-floor room, I open the blinds to reveal early morning blue skies and a glimpse of deep water in the distance. But the trees are still my favorite. Towering pines dot the view, a reminder that the best things grow slowly with wide branches and deep roots.
It would have been nice to sleep in on this rare morning away from the demands of school schedules and hungry boys. But I’m now the kind of “old” that apparently can’t turn off my internal clock.
My eyes are bleary and I keep yawning. Yet I admit I’ve learned to love the early hours. The joy of being still. Quiet. Not rushing into the day ahead but savoring what is and expectantly waiting for what is to come. Plus it’s easy to linger without someone asking for socks or sandwiches.
So I linger in the Word and with the Word.
Soon my heart turns to gratitude. Thanksgiving overflows. I’m spending the weekend in Lake Arrowhead with three of my dearest friends. It’s Kyan’s 40th birthday and her husband arranged for us to celebrate in a family friend’s gorgeous home. Four bedrooms for the four of us. A beautifully appointed kitchen and ample room to relax. Walking distance to the village and the lake.
It’s a gift for Kyan – but it’s a gift to us all.
I smile thinking about the slow morning we enjoyed the day before around the table, sharing hearts and stories and Ky’s amazing cinnamon rolls. I smile thinking about the conversation and laughter that accompanied us on our long walk along the lake — the freedom to be silly or serious, chatty or chill. I smile thinking about the tender afternoon tears shed and the encouragement given, friends who see and are willing to be seen.
I almost laugh out loud recalling how we ended the evening with ridiculous facemasks sticking awkwardly to our foreheads, cheeks, and lips like wet old-man skin. I almost peed my sweatpants it was so funny.
How freeing to be in the company of true friends.
The magnitude of the gift is not lost on me.
I gaze out the window and up at the evergreens. The words of Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) bubble up in my heart: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…”, and with this promise, a memory.
The pine needles ripple in the breeze and I think back fifteen years. I remember being a new mom in a new city. I remember loving my baby boy and yet feeling swallowed by loneliness. I feel the memory of how quickly baby boy number two, then three, crashed onto the scene and how the relentless days and exhausting nights and pervasive loneliness nearly crushed me.
I remember how I cried out to God… over and over, again and again… Just give me one real friend.
Now I’m the mom of teens, with body aches and eye wrinkles and the best friends a girl could ask for.
Kyan, Kimberlee, and Sara are my immeasurable more, I say to God.
Truly, I could not have imagined such friends.
Then like a movie montage, the last decade flashes in my mind and I see hundreds of moments stitched together in a tapestry of God’s faithfulness. The first time we met at a mom’s group. A neighborhood walk pushing strollers. A muddy backyard playdate. The first time we had dinner. A summer book club. Serving together on a ministry team. Celebrating birthdays and graduations and births. Mourning aging parents and job losses and health scares. Swapping childcare and sourdough starters.
Hours and hours and hours over years and years and years of life together.
Yes, this is often how God answers prayers.
And now I am keenly aware of the sheer grace and goodness of God’s abundant faithfulness after years of loneliness and desperate tear-filled pleas.
This I know: God is the same God in my dreamy girls’ weekend away as He was in my sadness and solitude. God is the same God in our abundance as He is in our lack. It’s quite a truth to wrestle with.
Today I see so much beauty and purpose in the slow answering of my good desire for good friends. Though at the time, the stitch-by-stitch unfurling of God’s faithfulness was often too incremental to see, too slow for my comfort.
But now? Now I wouldn’t trade His intentional weaving for anything.
I hear the shuffle of feet above me. Sara must be up and about to go on her morning run. Surely Kimber and Ky will be awake soon and ready for coffee. I’ll put a pot on.
But first I wonder where else in my life and yours does the slow stitching of answered prayers seem like no answer at all? Where does loneliness feel heavy and community impossible? Where are we tempted to give up hope that God has heard our pleas and cares enough to respond?
This morning in the mountains is one of my Ebenezer stones, a reminder that God is always, always listening, and always, always still writing the story.
I am going through an INCREDIBLY dark time in my life and the future absolutely terrifies me. My husband is so bogged down he can only pray silently and I feel so all alone. Thank you for the reminder that I am NOT alone…
Sending prayers your way dear sister and for your husband…let all that I am wait quietly for the Lord, Psalm 62:5. He sees.. He Knows.. He hears…
He heals.. this I know firsthand and claim for you ❤️ bless
Sending prayers your way dear sister and for your husband…let all that I am wait quietly for the Lord, Psalm 62:5. He sees.. He Knows.. He hears…
He heals.. this I know firsthand and claim for you ❤️ bless
Thank you Sadie! We try to start the day counting our blessings and by being thankful. The world is a harsh place!
Susan… words fail me but I trust the Holy Spirit to groan on our behalf, knowing exactly what you need. I am so sorry the darkness feels consuming. Praying the Light will break through and as it does you will see even more clearly that Jesus was with you all along.
Father God comfort Susan & her husband. Give her a peace that surpasses all understanding. Take away any anxiety they have about the future & help them trust you alone.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for these transparent reminders Becky. Looking back now as a “Nana”- I too can see the slow weaving of my story – which – at the time- I was unable to embrace.
Sandy, what a gift it is to look back. Thanks for reading today and letting me know that resonates with you too.
God is good all the time. All the time God is good. I don’t have kids. But God has given me good friends who are even if I don’t see them that often. Who are there for me. Love me for who I am. Plus wonderful Niece’s and Nephews. To spoil and love. God has bless me so much. Yes at times I do get lonely which my Friends didn’t live 86 miles away from me. I wish I could visit them more often and they me. But God has told me you have me. Your Friends do keep in touch with you and ask you how your doing plus pray for you. Even if you don’t see them in person that often. You don’t have close friend in person where you live. Remember you always go me. Friends that care about you even if don’t see you that often because live so far away. I thank God for that. Plus the wonderful Husband I have. I thankful for him and that he saved. Plus my Friends are saved to that I don’t see that often. Just to know all care. It speaks to me. God is good to me. I thank you for todays reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
He is good all the time! Amen, Dawn!
AMEN! Pray for me please. I feel The Lord trying to tell me something, but I’m not hearing clear enough yet to know exactly what I’m supposed to do or in this case not do.
Praying for you now, Amada. Surely God delights in speaking to His children. Surely He will lead you and guide you in His timing.
Good morning Everyone.
I am so taken by this article. I can now confirm that time belongs to God. We think we can plan our lives but we belong to God. Our lives are already etched out divinely if we have surrendered our hearts to God.
I read recently that we complement one another by God’s Timing. He allows people to come into our community in order to add to our lives and remove any negativity that hinders our growth and development. I thought I was choosing when to send a text message and when to share a Prayer and an email with someone. Only God is the Navigator of our Christian Journeys.
Thank You Lord for how You Care for Us (Your Children).
Time belongs to God. Yes, Brenda! I’m so grateful for that truth with you. Indeed He is working ALL things for the good of those who love Him.
Needed this. Thanks for sharing Becky ❤️
I’m so glad it was for you today, Stephanie.
Becky – I love reading your descriptions of God’s grace and faithfulness. My morning time as a recent retiree is a testimony to his “stitch by stitch unfurling of faithfulness.” Decades of a job I didn’t love (but learned to accept and to serve through) paved the way for me to retire early to write, look after my parents, and babysit my new grandson.
I’m so incredibly grateful.
Thank you for capturing in words God’s great faithfulness and encouraging others by sharing!
Lisa, I love your testimony of God’s faithfulness too. What a sweet season you are in. Rejoicing with you!
Becky, this gave me chills. You’ve captured a feeling, an emotion, a big picture description of how God has moved for you and your relationships and shared it in a way that is very moving. I shared this with my group of ‘immeasurably more’ and let them know that they are this for me. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and Godly gift of writing.
Christine ♥
God’s timing is not our own. We want things now & that isn’t how God works. We pray, pray pray for something to happen. Discouragement sets in because we don’t see results. Just remember God is always working on your behalf. Our stories aren’t finished till we reach Heaven.
My hubby & job are my immeasurably more. I waited four years for Jesus to send me someone to love. That was 20 years ago. God saw fit to give me a good job in a hospital unit run by ICU management. Absolutely enjoy helping my patients & sharing God’s love with them. It took lot of work changes to get here, but in the end the wait was worth it.
Blessings 🙂