Are you looking for the perfect gift for a cowboy in your life, or are you a cowboy at heart yourself? We have just the devotional for you: Come and See: Cowboy Devotions to Strengthen Your Ride with Christ by Kevin Weatherby. Kevin is also the author of The Simplified Cowboy Version Bible Paraphrase, which is written in the words of the Old West and is designed as a Bible study tool that will make you feel like you’re “saddled up with Jesus and riding for his brand.”
In Come & See, Kevin walks readers through the gospels in a way that’s easy to understand and inspiring. Here, take a peek at an excerpt to see what we mean:
Gatherin’ Mavericks
When Jesus left there, He saw a guy named Matthew sitting at the Tax Collector’s shack.
“Come on,” He told him and Matthew left everything right there and went with Him.
Jesus went to Matthew’s house and supped with him. A lot of Matthew’s friends, mostly outlaws and politicians that were crooked, came and ate with them and Jesus’s hands. When the Religious-Know-It-Alls (Pharisees) seen this, they asked Jesus’s cowboys, “Why does your trail boss eat with outlaws and no-accounts?”
Jesus heard ’em and said, “The healthy cattle don’t need a Vet, the sick ones do. You need to head off and ponder what this means: ‘I want mercy, not sacrifice.’ Because I haven’t come to round up the gentle cattle, but I have come to gather the mavericks.”
Matthew 9:9–13
Anyone who can sit on a horse without falling off can gather cattle. All you do is take several people, get on the other side of the cattle, and push them toward the pen. But there always seems to be that one cow, or one calf (or both), that refuses to cooperate. They’ll jump fences, and many times we end up roping them. That’s something 99 percent of the world cannot do.
When first-time cowboys are asked how many cattle they gathered, they usually stick their chests out and say, “We gathered ninety-nine.”
Then, when the old hands are asked the same question, they smile and say, “Just one.”
Jesus is an old hand. Better yet, He’s the Top Hand. He didn’t come down here to trail-ride behind a bunch of compliant cattle. He came to rope and doctor the ornery ones that needed saving, not the ones headed to the gate already.
This devotional is for the ornery ones. It’s for the ones who are brushed up, and most of the time, bad-hurt by something and someone. It’s for you — the wild cowboys and cowgirls who are jumping fences or for those willing to work and care for the fence jumpers.
Either one you happen to be, I’m glad we found you.
Cowboy Call
When’s the last time you did something crazy for God? When was the last time you bucked the system and followed Jesus no matter the cost? How long will you wait before you do it again?
Come & See: Cowboy Devotions to Strengthen Your Ride with Christ is a devotional for cowboys and country folk who want to go deeper into the truth of God’s Word.
Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of Scripture, wrapped in the authenticity and passion of the cowboy way. Drawing on his own experiences as a seasoned cowboy and devout follower of Christ, author Kevin Weatherby shares powerful insights and relatable stories that will resonate with cowboys and cowgirls of all ages. From the dusty trail to the campfires glow, this devotional will be your trusted companion, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of God’s grace, His purpose for your life, and the profound peace that comes from surrendering yourself to the Almighty.
In Come & See: Cowboy Devotions to Strengthen Your Ride with Christ, Kevin Weatherby walks readers through the gospels, translating the truth into common language for cowboys to understand and reckon with. His straightforward style and honest approach will resonate with ranchers and country folk seeking to relate to God better, dig deeper into His truth, and walk with Christ day in and day out.
Thank you for the chance to win this book. It will be perfect for several of my family and friends..Cowboys have their own unique perspective on life, and usually are more honest with God than many others. Working close to the land and God’s wonderful creation gives opportunity to experience the wonderful glory and grace of our Savior!
What a “wild read” this devotion will be. Good luck Kevin!
Yeah Kevin,
Keeping it real for our cowboys! Straight forward and honest.
How refreshing.
I have a houseful of cowboys who could enjoy this book!
Thanks Kevin
I would love a chance to win a copy of this devotional! My husband grew up setting an extra place at the table for Gene Autry. This devotional would be perfect for him!
Kevin is fantastic! Finally something for the “old” cowboys
I’m a 72 yr old cowboy at heart who lives in Az and have been a devoted cowboy ever since Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, The Rifleman, the Cartwrights, Matt Dillon and Festus and on and on. I’d love to read this devotional book. Thanks for this devotional site too. I get one every day in my email. There are a lot of well written and insightful articles from the ladies who write them.
We are all Cowboy’s at heart. If the truth be known. We can just imagine ourselves sitting down at camp fire telling stories round that camp fire of what Jesus has done for us in our lives and how his word the Bible speaks to us. So others can learn from us what Jesus has done for us. As it good to hear what Jesus has done for others as well as us through our stories and their stories. Like cowboys do love telling their stories of what as happened in their lives. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
How cute! I love this idea especially the term “ornery” cowboy.
What a unique way to write a devotional! How fun is that? I’d like to win one for my father in love (and borrow it when he’s done).
I’m one of the ornery ones. I’ve been brushed up and most of the time, bad-hurt by something and someone. Hurt so badly, you just need one small kind gesture, anything to spark that hope again. You’re always mending fences, yet come out bruised and beat down. Sounds like I need a lesson from the cowboy way of life. I’m no cowboy, my granddaddy taught me to live off the land and I have so many fond memories. Hard work, but the most rewarding.
I’m convinced, even though I have no reason to be, God is taking me to a place of peace and what I crave…Nature… land! Land used to be a blessing to others.
Thank you for this simple lesson. I will always be the one that stays in the background, where I’m most comfortable! Humbled!
In Courage,
I am a wanna be cowgirl. Love the aspect of farmhouse, barn, horses & other animals. Just you, God & nature. This sounds like something I need to order.
Blessings 🙂
Yippee!!! Thanks for a peek of this Cowboys inspiring devotional book, “Come & See” by Kevin Weatherby, sounds amazing…the tip of my cowboys hat goes off to this exciting and interesting way of life by sharing his own experiences with us. It’s great that this is an easy to understand devotional for all ages. God Bless!